April Fool's coffee and weather

Morning all....

Thanks for the foolishness and start up.

Sunny and bright here today. Looks like spring is here for sure. And skiing is done.
Peach trees should pop open this week.

Today is wash the truck, and vacuum all the winter from the inside.

Hope no one gets fooled today.
Morning Keith & All from overcast Southern Utah!

Currently it is 34F, heading for all of 47F, with rain threatening us later. No breeze right now, but later we can expect the winds from the N @ 14 to 23mph.

Yesterday was a down day, besides church, we just stayed in the house, away from the weather. Today's weather won't be much better, but I was hoping to get Chris's Highlander washed, but it will depend if it's raining or not, when I get around to it!

Other than that, not much is expected. :think1:

Chris made us some Cinnamon Roll French Toast. They were pretty good! :bannana: OJ to wash it down. Pepsi to come later!

Anyone :bk13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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