Wednesday April 3rd Cafetiere plunge.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Yes, it's French Roast and Apfel Strudel time. There's Greek Yoghurt to slather it with too you bunch of losers. Not you Patty, you're lovely.
Good luck with the IT Pattster, I never trust the stuff to work. Crackers I know, but it's out there. I blame it on growing up with 95, 98 and 98SE where you knew you would spend more time fiddling it back to life than actually doing anything useful. Pffffffftttttt.
The's wet, mild and still. Still.
What will today bring.....dunno, but more coffee will be needed. Another cafetiere please Ethel. I know where it is apparently. Pffffffftttttt.
Av a gud un and remember, if y'all are in Oregon, smoke it now.
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Thx Ray, it’s always nice to know my place in this world.
As to the IT, you‘re NOT good at it until you’ve made a fix for my red F1 light, just telling…

5˚c/41f, grey and windy, and getting colder….snow they say…will last for three days they say…

Yesterday was something else, like 13˚c/55f, calm and sunny.
I started the bike for the first time in like five months, and took it for little three hour ride….man that was NICE!
(Except for the red F1 light, but there’s always something…)

Have a good one, and if you fix the red light, I’ll fix you a Nobel prize! Or a beer, if you prefer.

From yesterdays ride…….Isvik
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Thx Ray, it’s always nice to know my place in this world.
As to the IT, you‘re NOT good at it until you’ve made a fix for my red F1 light, just telling…

5˚c/41f, grey and windy, and getting colder….snow they say…will last for three days they say…

Yesterday was something else, like 13˚c/55f, calm and sunny.
I started the bike for the first time in like five months, and took it for little three hour ride….man that was NICE!
(Except for the red F1 light, but there’s always something…)

Have a good one, and if you fix the red light, I’ll fix you a Noble prize! Or a beer, if you prefer.

From yesterdays ride…….Isvik
Ahhhhh, the old Red F1 headache inducing dilemma.
Go back out before it snows, hold the throttle fully open in top gear for a long time and return to base. It won't have gone out but you'll feel better about it.
Where's Igofar when you need him, probably sleeping, with a snake, but that's enough of that. Be careful, Joe's up. Schhhhhhh.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast, strudel, and yogurt Ray. Good way to start the day.

It's a gray, dreary, wet day once again here in Rockville. Our three-day soaking will continue again today, all the way to midnight with an encore possible tomorrow afternoon and evening. Today's forecast high of 57°F will be the warmest we get until at least Sunday but by this time next week we could be pushing 70 once again.

Yesterday I enjoyed lunch with three former colleagues, and today I'll do it again with one more. Before that I'll probably glue up at least one of the sewing cabinet drawers, and then after I return I'll move the clamps to another one.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good Wednesday Morn All!
Happy 1st-day-of-new-job to @Peppermint and @Weaselinsuit ! I hope it went well!
Thank you for the coffitation and slather, Ray.
Oregon's U-turn probably means they'll drive another crooked road.

Rain appeared on the ranch today. But heck, I thought the hyperbole channel changed the schedule - guess not.
Breezy, humid and delaying Mr Tractor's work, I see.
Eh well, it'll water in those bushes I had to move.
I'm glad I completed a drain project - take THAT, rain!

I think I'll refill the mug now and enjoy watching the rain.
Shortly I'll be meeting a friend for some grub,

Y'all have a wonduhfill day!

Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee and yumminess, Ray!

I'm just enjoying a refill before diving into the IT rabbit hole. Everything will get hooked up and functioning...eventually! It's all the security/safety measures that are annoying - in this kind of job, you have to turn around 3 times, face Mecca, stand on your head, recite the entire periodic table twice and sign in blood. Ah, well, c'est la vie.

Storm's a-comin'. It's already solidly overcast and gloomy out there, and the temperature will meander its way up to 8°C/46°F before dropping drastically. The nasty weather will begin as rain this afternoon, then turn to wet, very heavy snow. Looks like we'll have upwards of 8 inches on the ground by tomorrow evening. Things turn sunny again and start warming up as of Saturday, though, so most of the white stuff should be gone by the following weekend.

Right. Deep breath, and off I go into my new career. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Ray.

It's cloudy and 37 here in MA this morning, but the wet deck says that we've gotten rain overnight.
We'll rise to 41 and see occasional rain with some wind gusts.
Tonight will see wind and rain, and maybe some snow. We're far enough south of the main event that we don't expect more than a dusting.

Yesterday involved a walk, gym visit, and First Tuesday gathering.
One of our former co-workers had recently retired, and it was good to see him there. Everyone took a few trips down memory lane, in addition on catching up on things.

Today, I'll make another visit to the gym, and hang out inside.
It's amazing how much kitty litter the cat can track around the house.
Brenda took chicken out of the freezer, so I guess this is her day to cook!

@Peppermint Patty, I hope you have a smooth start for your new career.
@Weaselinsuit, I hope your new job started out well, and is a keeper.
@STooRay, nice pics of yesterday's ride. I was venting yesterday, and forgot to mention that the VFR got some use on Monday. 'Twas nice to get out.

Enjoy the day,
Good start Ray, with my thanks. Our local rain has moved out, but left us a chilly 53 with blustery winds and heavy cloudcast, barely warming to 63. Maybe the sun will show up later.

Well, lookie there... seems all i had to do was type that, and there's a bright sunny spot just appeared down the street! Nice.

Reckon I'll get to heading to work, I will want to gather up the Warm and Safe for a snuggly comfie rideto the office.

I'll check in later to see what's happening with the latesters (pronounced lāt-stŭrz).
good morning all. thanks Ray for the coffee. 46F on the dog walk with stars a moon and some clouds to see with a touch of a breeze but not bad. yesterday did the Wal mart trip and some other stores. then had to wait till the wind died to spay weed killer on some spots around the yard. that was the high mark of my day today is gym day and after that who knows. the high should hit 76F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

All this IT talk is giving me more headaches. Last night our internet provider at work did a security cleanup... it involved deleting all MAC addresses that had system access. For most of their staff that meant just signing back in with work credentials to re-register. Our staff was supposed to be exempt from that as we all have to submit the MAC addresses to be manually added.
As expected, that didn't happen and that list suffered some "incident." As a result all of our users had to be migrated to wireless and we have to resubmit the MAC addresses for every computer and docking station for manual re-entry. Weeeee.

Weather wise it's clear and +2, headed to +6. The storm warnings are a nice red color on all the weather apps. Might be a blizzard or just a tropical storm. Who knows?

Hope everyone has a great day. I'm off to play with MACs

Good morning all!
Even the cranky one, who managed to get the start in.
Cloudy & wet @ 42F here in Woodstock, apparently we will get snow later. Today’s blow is a southern 17 - 27.
I’ll need another cup!

@STooRay, hopefully you can find another computer.

Enjoy your Wednesday.
Morning all! 4C and cloudy now, some rain and then sun with 8C later.

I'm not sure how the new job is; I still don't know exactly what they want me to do. I spent a chunk of yesterday onboarding myself. I have further training this morning so hopefully all will be come clearer. However, it does appear that there will be a learning curve. Guess I'll find out if this old dog can learn new tricks. It's actually kind of exciting.

Good luck with your start Patty, hope all goes well on the IT front. And for you as well Obo, that sounds like a PITA.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Our staff was supposed to be exempt from that as we all have to submit the MAC addresses to be manually added.
As expected, that didn't happen and that list suffered some "incident.

I absolutely hate avoidable errors like that. When they happen it means either (a) someone was careless, (b) someone failed to communicate some key piece of information (a manifestation of point (a) ), (c) someone didn't understand the information provided, or (d) all of the preceding. If more people in the IT world would simply BE CAREFUL and PAY ATTENTION to the implications of what they're about to do there would be far fewer screw-ups. But there are too many screw-ups out there, so we have lots of screw-ups. (Parse that last statement carefully... :) )

I'm not sure how the new job is; I still don't know exactly what they want me to do. I spent a chunk of yesterday onboarding myself. I have further training this morning so hopefully all will be come clearer. However, it does appear that there will be a learning curve. Guess I'll find out if this old dog can learn new tricks. It's actually kind of exciting.

Apart from the fact that I could comfortably do it financially, one of the motivations for retiring when I did was that the contract I was on came to an end. At age 59 years, 10 months, and 29 days I simply wasn't willing to start over, being the junior member of an existing program and having six to eighteen months of learning to do before I felt like I could make contributions in line with my salary level. Changing companies also wasn't appealing: not only would I have the same learning curve, it would be in an environment with which I'd have been completely unfamiliar, dealing with people I didn't know, and as a new hire I'd likely have been at the bottom of the paid leave ladder. Reverting to a situation where I'd get two weeks of PTO annually after 20+ years of having five weeks wasn't going to happen.

Good luck on your own journey!
However, it does appear that there will be a learning curve. Guess I'll find out if this old dog can learn new tricks. It's actually kind of exciting.
I believe that every day we learn something new, is a day that we don't grow older.
And of course, I can't prove any of that... and I still learn every day.
I absolutely hate avoidable errors like that. When they happen it means either (a) someone was careless, (b) someone failed to communicate some key piece of information (a manifestation of point (a) ), (c) someone didn't understand the information provided, or (d) all of the preceding. If more people in the IT world would simply BE CAREFUL and PAY ATTENTION to the implications of what they're about to do there would be far fewer screw-ups. But there are too many screw-ups out there, so we have lots of screw-ups. (Parse that last statement carefully... :) )

Apart from the fact that I could comfortably do it financially, one of the motivations for retiring when I did was that the contract I was on came to an end. At age 59 years, 10 months, and 29 days I simply wasn't willing to start over, being the junior member of an existing program and having six to eighteen months of learning to do before I felt like I could make contributions in line with my salary level. Changing companies also wasn't appealing: not only would I have the same learning curve, it would be in an environment with which I'd have been completely unfamiliar, dealing with people I didn't know, and as a new hire I'd likely have been at the bottom of the paid leave ladder. Reverting to a situation where I'd get two weeks of PTO annually after 20+ years of having five weeks wasn't going to happen.

Good luck on your own journey!
OK if you won't say it I will...
:shout1: It was Obo!
Yawn..... stretch.....
Yep it's morning alright.

Thanks is for the start up, always nice.
Yesterday was fantastic. 74 degrees and sunny, today it is overcast and 15 degrees cooler. And windy.

All this talk of new jobs......oh so glad those days are over. @ibike2havefun I completely understand. I think you made the best choice.

Now, the rest of you......go have a hump day.
Morning Ray & All, from a sunny (& going to be "warm"), Southern Utah!

Currently it is 39F, heading for a whopping 67F! I remember in SoCal, 67F was "Cool", right next to COLD! We have a slight breeze, but later we'll see the winds from the WSW @ 10 to 13mph.

Yesterday, after breakfast, I wasn't feeling too good. I did manage to wash Chris's car, but that was about it. Today, I hope to get some more block laid down. We'll see.

Boiled eggs, bacon, toast and OJ, to start the morning with. Pepsi will be on the menu, later, for lunch.

Anyone :dr13: (Lucky @STooRay), have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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