WoodSToc Aug 17-20, 2023 - Woodstock, NB

Circumstances made it easy for Uncle Phil to get in some WoodSToc time prior to the advertised date. I was happy to include a bit of extra touring for him. So a couple of the views in those pics were a bonus!
In 2024, there'll be a way for attendees to stretch out the time frame. That option means you can see and experience an extra day or two of riding, sightseeing, and socializing. Since I'm retired, I can do this. Of course, work gets in the way for some poor peasants!
Btw, the complaint department is now officially closed. I consider the event to have been a super success, especially for a first effort. Must mention though, couldn't have done it without the able assistance of the illustrious OBO! As well, Ken's Saturday route was awesome and appreciated!
The only complaints were - having to get up before breakfast, and being tossed to and fro by a few bumps in the road.
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