Basecamp for Macs anyone?

Sep 4, 2013
2010 ST1300
Anyone here an experienced user of Basecamp on an Apple platform? I'm using it on my Mac desktop and have a bunch of questions. If you don't mind, I'd like to exchange emails or PM's with you about BC on Apple computers.
I have been running Basecamp on a MacBook Pro for 2 years plus. Not sure if I can help but I will send a PM with contact info.
I have used Basecamp on an Intel based MacBook Pro for ten years and recently upgraded to an M1 based MacBook Pro. I also use Basecamp on a PC.

I manage routes on Basecamp for use on Garmin Zumo XT, Garmin/BMW Navigator V, Garmin Montana and Garmin GPS Map 62s.

Happy to answer any questions if you PM me.
Like Andy, have used Basecamp on an Intel Macbook, and now on an M1 Macbook, with Garmin XT, GPSmap 62stc, Inreach Mini. No issues.
I've been using Basecamp on my Mac Mini since about 2011. The user manual was terrible and I figured out most of it myself. I load GPX files from my Garmin 60CSx, from GPS Logger on my phone and occasionally from my Garmin Forerunner or from Strava. More rarely, I'll send GPX tracks or routes to the 60CSx.
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