Buell ULY

There have been numerous problems forthe '08 and up Buells.
I traded in my '05 Buell for an '08 XT and have regretted it ever since!
I've had fueling issues, surging, pinging, excessive heat from the right side of frame, hard shifting.
The bike is a dream as are most Buells in the tight stuff, but load it down and try the same curves and it's a nightmare.
I bought an '05 ST1300 in July to replace my ULY and can't believe I waited this long to get a Honda.
Stick with the ST and wave at the ULY riders waiting at their stealerships for parts or repairs...
I've got an 07 X that's about to reach 20K miles. Knock on wood, but the only issue I've had so far (besides self inflicted wounds :eek::) is a leaky fork seal. I've had it loaded down and 2 up in the twisties and it handled fine. It certainly wasn't a nightmare. The 2010 models have a number of new features to help with right side heat that can be retrofitted back to the older models. I'd buy another one in a heartbeat (if they don't come out with an 1125ST first :D).
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