Coffee's here! Saturday day fun! (March 30)

IGarden rototiller will be me and my shovel and 15 bags of steer manure.
Are you sure?
Are you really, really sure?
I mean, how do you know there's no cow manure mixed in those 15 bags of steer manure?
Is there a guarantee?
And is steer manure any better than just cow manure? I think not.
Question everything.
Mistakes are part of the game. It's how well you recover from them, that's the mark of a great player

I heard Wayne Henderson play live once, in a very intimate venue: small church assembly hall, seven people attending. After one number he said to us "You may think you heard mistakes in that last tune. I promise you you didn't. It was just a poor choice of notes."

Some Grand Master in the world of chess once quipped of the game's opening position "The mistakes are all there, just waiting to be made."

Another chess related quote that fits the theme: "The winner is usually the one who makes the next to last mistake."
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