LED headlight

The problem might be the led bulbs not your wiring.
Try swapping the led bulbs left to right and see if the problem follows the bulb.
The internal led control might work differently with power to both low and hi at the same time via the PA switch.
yes, I put the halogen back, and work..
right side don't work with led..
Back to this then;
First check to be sure that the high is actually working on that side with the pass button. Then switch the two plugs of the headlamps from side-to-side. Switch just the plugs, not the bulbs.
Easier to switch the plugs than the bulbs for a quick test.
I always bench-test bulbs before installing them on bike. Had plenty of bulbs be defective right out of box. Heck, I test all electronics before using since there's so much crap out there. Use factory OEM whenever possible.
I use silver novsight from amazon the ones with the fans cutoff is razor sharp and output blows away the best glass bulbs and i used the best glass. A set is around £30 i think
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