New Buell street bike

Glad to see he's back to making bikes. I picked up a 1125R and think it's great. With regard to the 1190RS I'll bet it is not going to have the magnesium wheels of the race bikes because I don't believe they are DOT approved. There will also be other cost saving pieces that the street bike will wear because they either aren't needed for the street, like slipper clutch, and other similar items. They'll bring the price down below the race bike even with emission equipment.

Good for him!
It would be nice to see this man succeed and and end up being in control of Harley. Maybe we would see something different.
Glad he's hanging in there, but $45,000 WOW! Very cool bike but... wow! Hey, maybe there are still enough heavily flush riders that want something different with a good and quirky cool factor, but, I don't know. Guess we'll see. I sure hope he finds some way to make it all hang in there long enough to get some more normally priced models going, and see the factory on it's feet.
Just read today ATK is trying to get Harley to take on their 650 cruiser as a starter bike for the Harley brand. That certainly makes more sense than a bike built around their own legacy. <sarcasm intended>
They probably won't want to be associated with ATK as they also put out a sporty looking 250, and they just finally got rid of Buell for messing around with those crazy crotch rocket looking thingies, which only managed to tarnish the image with the faithful. Can't have anyone thinking there might be some HP, light weight, or nimble handling within the family, to infect the current model lines.
They probably won't want to be associated with ATK as they also put out a sporty looking 250, and they just finally got rid of Buell for messing around with those crazy crotch rocket looking thingies, which only managed to tarnish the image with the faithful. Can't have anyone thinking there might be some HP, light weight, or nimble handling within the family, to infect the current model lines.

Harley wanted Buell to bring younger riders to the brand, a Buell sportbike wasn't going to do it. Eric sold his soul to the devil to get to produce Buells. When the devil didn't see any benefit from the partnership he cut the strings.
Long, but pretty interesting interview. If you're interested in new Buell street bikes, fast forward to about 42:30. No time frame though :(

Great vid, glad to see Erik staying with it. He's our own John Britten.

If I had one of these, I'd never let it out'a my sight.
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