Summer Riding & How to Manage Heat

The HD guys don't care, they just blast down the emergency lane. I don't do that...too scared to be hit by the HD guys!
I no longer ride the breakdown lane, either.
Sliced a 4in slit in a brand-new $250 rear tire once, rim to rim and unrepairable. Ran over something I didn't see on the shoulder, even spent 15 minutes looking for it after I cut it. Mystery.
And I was only riding at 10mph to get off the road to the next exit.
I'd be less worried about being rear-ended, than some careless OR aggressive driver coming over to try the same.
Even had an 18-wheeler move to the shoulder, trying to block me once. I just moved back into his lane he had just cleared for me, and went around as he stood on that air horn.
So I just sit and sweat now, if I'm so unfortunate as to be stuck in a freeway traffic jam.
There are times when its just too much. I don't leave the harbor to go sailing if there is a small craft advisory and its blowing 35kts. I don't fly in those conditions either. The convertible top stays up with the AC on if I'm sitting in traffic in 90+*F heat. So to I've learned to just park the bike when its too hot or too cold, or wet. There are limits now, at least for me. If I can stay relatively comfortable, then I'm all for it. But arriving frozen solid, or drenched with sweat and bordering on heat stroke, well, its just not enjoyable. And that is the point, is it not?
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