Yet another Secret... sort of a secret... well, maybe an anouncment coming...

Carl, is it true?!


[BMW C1 spy photo]
Got a break from work and went to take some down and dirty photos, since they are in the garage which is getting a major reshuffle with shelving etc. to make room (so it looks like a place from tornado alley). I didn't have time to get it outside for better shots, sorry for the ambiance and visual confusion.

Keep it up Bones and the poor bike will end up getting the permanent nickname "The Segway." Steve and Bones already knew. Karen your just scaring me now with your guess. Since I'm not fond of excess weight in a two wheel mount, I hope and pray I never buy one of those Honda Civics on two wheels (no offense meant to any wing owners, they are outstandingly good bikes I know, just not for me). Rod and Ray got the logical guess unless you take into consideration my dislike for poundage over 570-580lb.

John (BakerBoy) I don't know how you got that spy photo of me riding it home? I didn't see your hidden camera setup anywhere during the ride. I'd have popped a wheelie for you if I had.

Actually the most sacrilegious part of all... I trailered it home, even though it has a temporary NH plate on it. My only excuse is there were no copilots available to run me up there before the nasty snowstorms hit the area so I was solo up and back (except for the West Highland Terrier Pup Mikey riding my wing in the car). Then again I'll be a pain to one and all, and trailer anywhere anytime it makes sense due to the wife, or whatever else the reason may be. I balance that out by being willing to ride anywhere too. Speaking of Mikey, my Son's 3 1/2 mo. old pup, we'll have to introduce Mikey to the back seat this spring. Also do the same for Chloe and Max the Bichon and the Chihuahua.

Dennis, I got your number my friend... you went and asked STeve, Bones, John or... :p: But, however you did it, you got it right. Bingo!

2007 R1200RT, Elcrtc. Windshield -Heated Grips -Heated Seat -Cylinder Head Protection -PIAA Driving Lights -Upgraded Foot Pegs -Aftermarket Seat (Seats suck terribly though, will be replaced)- Additional mirrors- Powerlet front and rear ( I hope they work with heated vests, or I'll be adding a fuse box and additional ones, probably will anyway for the battery tender I have). I'll be getting most likely Russell Day long seats F and R., along with a top box.

I only got to ride it about 10 mi. at the dealership. The engine sure as heck aint no GT engine that's for sure, a bit anemic as far as pure HP goes. However it steers so freaking cool, so I can easily forget that. Awesome power I don't need, need, but great steering and good handling puts a permanent grin on this old face and heart. It feels as light and responsive as the SV at first blush. I like twins of all sorts, they have a song and a feel I appreciate. I can tell this bike and I will gel together beautifully.

Here are some photos. I washed out the distracting garage background in one to see if it showed up better, wasn't worth doing to the others. I suppose in the end and RT looks like an RT ;)


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Nice, Carl! And you made the wise choice to get the fastest color, too.

Those extra mirrors are great. Some of my local Beemer buddies have those. BMW was kind enough to include threaded holes in the bars so you just screw them in.
It wasn't cheap Carl, but after some dark ally way deals, I eventually got the information I needed...

Great bike! Will you not ride it for most of the season due to salt and snow? That would be sad.
Our scribe is a little confused, of course the fastest color used to be blue and currently is red, but silver suits this bike just fine, thankyouverymuch.
That is one sweet looking ride Carl. I guess you answered my question. If it handles as well as I've been told or as well as my old airheads, then you have the bike you've been searching for. Does Dawn know you have a thing for talented twins??:think1::rofl1::rofl1:

Cue the dancing fruits and vegetables:

ps - thought for sure you were going for the big power!
Tempting as heck Rod, but in the end fnmag has it right about power. "more than adequate to take you anywhere." Truth be told, my all time favorite road bike has been a 2003 650SVn. 72HP but 357lbs. dry. It's so light that it is ultra responsive and nimble in the corners (with some suspension tweaks). It never fails to deliver a full blown delight anytime I take it out. I never feel short changed from riding it... ever. The engine has a perfect cadence for road riding, and it's just cool to ride briskly on. I'd guess if it had double the power it would be a hoot in a completely different, but less rhythmic and organic sort of way.

I'm hoping the RT delivers some portion of that sort of lighter, nimbler bike experience (compared to the current crop of GT type bikes, the ST1300 included).

Also the ultimate $ spent factors into the equation for me as well.

Thanks Joe. Hey you look a tad like Robert DeNiro in that avatar, cool. :D You'll get to see the RT at CampSTOC.

I'm so tempted to paint the silver in ripped graphics with scenes from the movie Avatar showing through the torn portions. I think Dawn might kill me for it though, she likes the straight silver, so it probably won't happen. Would have to be next year anyway- time wise. Ever since I've seen the movie I wanted to get time to paint a bike up with some of those visuals.
I KNEW you had an inside track Dennis :D Like anything, I'll be antsy to get it salty at first, but that can't last too long. Gotta get the Russell and Top Box on before I get real serious about taking it down the Road much. At least that's the intellectual side's "plan." Those have been known to disintegrate quickly in the face of emotional pressures.

Thanks Bry
John... PLEASE don't mention anything about talented twins to Dawn. I want to live to ride the darn thing.
Bob, I sure look forward to it :)

Now I have to sell off the others to get rid of the financing.
Congratulations, Carl. You will enjoy that machine, even with the "lesser" horsepower. So what if it's not the fastest (Bones is a bit colourblind ya know...), I keep hearing everybody that has one loves it. Hope to see you out on the roads this year!
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