My Mom passed away last night

Very sorry Steve. Thoughts and prayers to your and your family.
I am sorry for your loss Steve. I know how you feel, I lost my mother in December 2010. She was 89 and had a good full life.

My condolences also Steve. My Mom passed about a year and a half ago, she was also 88. It's not easy to deal with, even though you know it's coming...
Very sorry to read this. My condolences to you and your family.

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Prayers and condolences winging their way to you, Steve, from The CattHouse. Deba just lost her mother last month at 85 after a prolonged illness. Always hard to lose loved ones.

My mom is still kicking, tho not very high. She'll be 92 in March.
So sorry, Steve. My Mum will be 89 in March and suffers from Dementia. Watching her decline is tough...losing her will also be tough. BIG hugs from'll get them in person when I see ya.

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