Got Lucky and Bike is OK !!


Wingin It
Jul 19, 2009
Arkansas City, KS
2010 Wing
Well, Saturday before last my Legion had our 4th Annual "Freeze Your ??? Off" Poker Run. We had a nice day being the middle of January and was "Freeze" in name only. I was looking forward to the ride...been about a month since my last ride.

First, the most important thing is I still have a motorcycle that is not tip over protection works damage

My left leg and ankle not so lucky...

Took my car into Legion early because I had a bunch of supplys for the poker run and after I had all the riders off on the poker run I headed back to my house to pick up the Wing.

Pulled out of my driveway...made it to the corner and turned left...just hit about 25 MPH and was just about to hit 2nd gear and I see a car that I had just glanced at a second ago before looking at the high school parking lot exit coming up on my right where a wrestling match was just letting out ...screaching tires made me look left againg and heading straight for me from a side street on my left side was that car I had just glanced at a second ago. The car had blown the stop sign and was about to hit me broadside. My gut told me if I braked hard he might pass in front of me. I went into full pucker factor braking while I guess I was also trying to create space because the bike stopped in about 15 feet and was leaning to far to the right when it stopped for me to keep it upright. I put my right leg down but realized I could not catch it and decided to bail out.

Tried to hop off to the left, all was well except my left toe did not come out from under the shifter. I fell to the left and my foot stayed with the bike. Felt what I thought was some relatively light popping in my ankle as I fell away. Managed to free my foot and then began looking to see what was developing around me.

The car that blew the stop sign stopped about 5 feet from killing me. He was accross the middle line of the road and 90 degrees to it. He was now appologizing 100 MPH.The kid thru his phone in car hard and admitted to have been texting at that moment. The dip at the stop sign brought him back to reality just in a nick of time.

I felt some pain in the ankle and decided it was probably just a sprain. Other motorists stopped and helped me up and put the Wing back on its stand. I limped around a couple minutes and began to then let my anger vent at this kid who I thought was about to kill me a couple minutes before. Other drivers helped clear the street and after I calmed down and had taught this 16 year old a few new words, I decided to get back to my poker run.

Soooo ankle was not feeling to bad so I took the bike back to the house. Figured I would maybe go inside and calm down a few more minutes. Parked in the driveway and stood up on the pegs and attempted to swing my right leg off the bike. I will blame it on probably still being in shock...but my right heel caught the backrest and I was laying on my back for the second time in less than a hour. Rolled over and put my left toe to the pavement and attempted to stand up and a melody of VERY BAD sounding pops came from my left leg and extreme pain shot thru my leg. Did a nose dive back into the pavement and decided I would stay there a minute and assess things a little more...:think1:Yep, that sounds like broken bones....:think1:Yep, that's tears running down my face...:think1:CRAP this SUCKS.

Neighbor decides that I might need some help after he stopes laughing at my little lack of grace display. He parks the Wing in my garage and helps me to my car. I start the drive to the hospital 14 miles away in the next town...halfway there I realized my new insurance card is on my desk at work...I stop at my job which is halfway to the hospital and my boss runs out the card to wallet is on the Wing. Drive back to the house and honk a few times....crap...neighbor gone. Hop into garage and retrieve wallet and back on my journey to the hospital.

A couple miles before the hospital I get a phone call and one of the stops on my poker run is not opened up yet. I drive down to the Legion and just park in front and volunteers for the poker run start gathering around the car not knowing I had just had a accident. Started calling post directors trying to find somebody home...took about 20 minutes to get it settled...then I had to answer some other questions...finally somebody called somebody and they called somebody and the next thing I know...I have a very angry female friend of mine tell me to get the hell to the hospital.

Checked into the emergency room...they screwed up a perfectly good pair of riding boots and damn near cut my riding pants too before I pointed out the zipper on the side. The damage was scary looking. Middle of foot about 3 times the normal size...big toe pointing straight left over the top of the other toes. Foot kind of a nice blue color though...but thats probably not a good thing either. Words like "weak pulse" and "Wow" were being spoken by frigin emergency room doctors and nurses. Here comes the wheel chair and off to X-ray...

X-ray tech manhandles leg like nothing wrong with ankle...thats OK...damn near ready to pass out by now...he was nice enough to give me a lead blanket to cover the "Boys" though ...then back to the ER bed.

Here comes the Doc back into the room with news about what was wrong... Broke the fibula clean through in 3 places plus a single clean break to the Tibia...dislocate the big toe..

Now me tell you when a Doctor says this might "Pinch" a like hell!! The part where they have other people hold you to the bed is a also a good sign that whats about to come is not going to be good. Some quick jerks on the leg and issuing death threats to all involved...and me probably needing a new pair of skivvies as well the hell is over...

A few more death threats from me to the people in the room later and my toe is now straight and the ankle is better I guess because the color is coming back...still scarry looking.

Well, doctors made me stay in splint for 3 days and then with more X-rays they said I was "lucky" that all the bones were lined up perfect and they would just cast it...They made me take a week off and was bed ridden for all of it with cast elevated per Doc's orders...Went back to work this week...just eliminated all dought of my co-workers that I am a workaholic!! Nurses think I'm nuts as well...

Well, since I'm a diabetic...14 weeks in a cast...recast every 2 weeks as swelling reduces and to make sure it is healing properly...going to barely make it out of a cast in time for CampSTOC...Whew...

It is at this point I can tell you how much I like Lortab 7.5...

Holy s..crap Daren! Glad you're not worse! Be smart and heal up properly.... I was hoping to ride with you again this year...;)
Wow bud... that sux. I'm glad you got it taken care of finally.

Heal fast and try to do what the doctors say.
Holy H E double hockey sticks! What a story. Rest up, heal well, back on the horse again soon.
Lucky man... well except for the bone thing!

Can I say "At least it is winter"?

Heal well!
*&^%$ people texting! How many times does this type of event play out in a day?!?

Good to hear you're on the mend. Do as the Dr.s and PT says and you'll be back in the saddle by Summer!

Thoughts and prayers headed your way.
You should be ashamed of yourself for cursing at that poor kid. It was probably an important text. Now he's scarred for life.

This story further serves to remind me not to follow you on any rides. You may have forgotten your wallet and I'll get hung for the bill.

Darin, a horrible story with a skosh of humor and I'm dang glad you're on the mend.

ps May I recommend a wife? :rofl1:
Sorry to hear of your 'lucky' day. Had me chucklin' in a few spots tho - sorry.

Hope you heal quickly and without the ability to predict the weather with that leg. What a story!
What the heck! Glad you came out some what OK! Now for that poor kid you scared for yelling at him will need physiaric care for the rest of his life and you will be responsible for his recovery! :D

Get yourself healed up soon and get back on the road.
Good griefles...... that sounds like a very close run thing...... and an abject lesson in adrenalin masking injuries.... DAMHIK......

Hope you got the drivers details for the damages claim.....

In a sense, a good result as technically you walked away from that one..... heal quick, do your physio and get back to riding as soon as safe to do so....

Holy cow! The gremlins sure went to town on you that day! Glad it's over, glad you're OK and on the mend and glad the bike's OK.
Heal up well and quickly!

Wow. That sux. Heal well and completely.
When you get the bills, redact your personal info and send a copy to the kid and his parents for each one along with a note saying how lucky he was. It's the cheapest bill he's ever gonna get for a $.10 text message. Next time it's jail and a lawsuit that'll burry him before he even starts to have a life when he really damages or kills someone.

*&^%$ people texting! How many times does this type of event play out in a day?!?

I'd expect that below is wildly inaccurate without out looking at the system of collecting the information and it's statistical analysis (involved vs. contributed to vs. caused, and how it's determnined etc.) but ROM numbers...

Note: NSC updated its annual attributable risk estimate in 2011 using new data from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The updated assessment estimates that at least 23 percent of all traffic crashes - or at least 1.3 million crashes - involve cell phone use per year. An estimated 1.2 million crashes each year involve drivers using cell phones for conversations and at least 100,000 additional crashes can be related to drivers who are texting. Cell phone conversations are involved in 12 times as many crashes as texting.
Gosh, what a horrific event ! Can't tell you how many times I said "that's so me..." throughout the story, especially the insurance card/wallet snafu ! Glad that you are going to be ok and so is the bike. Hopefully, the kid learned a valuable lesson. It would've been hard for me to refrain...the end result would've been the kid having surgery to remove the phone from his colon.
Heal fast and try to do what the doctors say, lortab 7.5 will get you hooked fast so take it with a shot of Lord so the booze will take the edge off.
PS.. You should call that kid up and have him come over to do chores for ya. Better than a Wife
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