ST1300 - Laminar Lip - WIND NOISE

STill STylin

Red is ALWAYS faSTer
Mar 10, 2005
Pasadena, CA
2005 ST1300A
I'm looking to reduce wind-noise and wondering if inSTalling a Laminar Lip is the way to go. Fortunately I'm not bothered by buffeting.

Guidance from present ST1300 Laminar Lip'ers would be much appreciated.

At $75.98USD best price found at California Sport Touring (thanks, Kim) thought I'd make the inquiry prior to the purchase.

Thank you.
I have one on mine. I dont think it helps a lot in reducing the wind noise, ear plugs are the best thing for that, from my experience. The lip does help to smooth the air over the top of the shield, reducing buffeting somewhat. I think it's worth the $$.
that funny i think it does reduce the windnoise. I bought the lips for both the 1300 i have owned so I obviously think they work. I have had aftermarket shields also and i perfer the lip on a stock shield. works great for me. i stopped using the velcro dots they give you and went to some high strength 6 inch strips of velcro
It does raise the airflow but negligible effect on noise. I'm 6'2 and w/the windshield at the lowest setting, airflow is still hitting the helmet. Raising it increases buffeting just like I experience w/out the lip. I take it off in the summer 'cuz I like to feel more of the wind.

They're tricky to install (at least for me). I like Bryan's idea of using velcro strips. I want to adjust mine and the strips would make it easier. Worth the $ just to experiment with it.

Bryan, where'd you get the strips?

I think it helps with noise some, but greg is right: Other than a barn door windshield, the only way to get noise down to safe (for your ears) levels is with ear plugs. Good, soft foam ear plugs are easy to use, comfortable, and will save your hearing.

Check out WBW for a lot of good info:

I personally use the Howard Leight Laser Lite ear plugs, which work very well in my smaller than average ear canals:
i get the velcro From or maybe its no s on the end. When you get catfish just tell him bryan sent you and you need some of that velcro i have. Its sold by the foot. I found the lip works best when its positioned about an inch higher the the stock shield and the stock shield should be on the high mounting spot. I use ear plugs but i still had to much wind noise for my taste. Ear plugs plus the lip does the trick for me.
I noticed an immediate reduction in wind noise after putting on the Laminar Lip. I wear a Shoei RF1000 and earplugs or ear buds.. Once in a while I'll take it off to wash it and don't put it on and I can tell a difference. Now, that could simply be I'm used to the shield at a certain height w/lip and without it I try to ride w/same height and that ends up forcing more air on my helmet causing the noise.
I have one on mine. I dont think it helps a lot in reducing the wind noise, ear plugs are the best thing for that, from my experience. The lip does help to smooth the air over the top of the shield, reducing buffeting somewhat. I think it's worth the $$.

My thoughts too.
The following is my personal opinion. What works for me may or may not work for you. I am an individual, just like everybody else.

Having tried the OE shield, the OE + Laminar Lip, the Clearview and the Calsci (all about the same height) I find it about even with the 'Lip and the Calsci. The 'Lip does cut down on noise and buffeting, can be easily removed (good thing cuz it's hard to clean in back), and is the bargain of this group.
I've got mine attached with the 3M Loc fasteners, three dots on each side.

Got my Laminar Lip a few months ago, just got back from a round trip of 1225 miles to Jackson, Wyoming on Monday. I'm very tall, 6'11", and this made all the difference in cleaning up the airflow to my head.

I run the stock screen in the low mounted position, this gives me good air on hot days with the screen in lowest position, and with the screen unfurled, I ride with my visor up and it works well for the long runs on the interstate. I wear ear plugs, so noise isn't the main issue, but how much or how little my head gets batted around. Still a little head pop here and there in the high postion, but for the 212 miles from Rock Springs to Laramie coming back with temps in the lower 70's, it was nigh on perfect. Kudos to the Lip.

Then when it was a monsoon from Laramie south to Palmer Lake (south of Denver) I left it all the way up and noticed that airflow didn't clean the visor too well (cause there wasn't any air hitting my visor) so I'd lower it a tad every so often and the airflow would pull the rain DOWN my visor, but created a good bit more wind noise, obviosly. This set up for me really has two postions for most riding, all up or all down. Anything in between gives more noise or more head popping.

I've put on MCL's seat riser and peg lowering kit. Feels like I'm sitting in a chair relative to anything else I've ridden.

For what it's worth, the backpressure seems to be a eliminated with the screen+ lip all the way up when I'm running with a Cortech sport tail bag on the passenger seat while riding solo.
++1 on the 'lip. Had it on my 1100, and now the 1300. Always ride with the windshield in the lowest position. Very comfortable, no buffeting.

To really feel the effects of the 'lip - ride with a shorty (cop-style) helmet. You'll really feel and sense the differences then.
I ride with a Rifle windshield and wear a Shoei RF1000 helmet. I use ear plugs but still get a lot of buffeting and noise. More than I every had with my Wing with the Tulsa windshield.

I would like to get closer to the noise levels I had with the Wing if it is possible. Will the Laminar Lip reduce these unpleasant effects?

Will the Laminar Lip fit the Rifle or should I return to the stock shield?

Thanks. Dave Wilson
I put a Lip on my Clearview. It helps with the noise some what but I still must use ear plugs.
Good luck.
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