Mother of all tip overs!

Wow hope you feel better soon. I have ALMOST tipped this big fat bike over. foot traction. Guess my time will come eventually. Heal fast!
Heal fast. My granpappy used to say :when things start to go downhill, the hill is usually pretty steep" I guess this fits your tipover....
I dropped mine backing it out of the shed the other day. I really need a concrete pad out there.....
I'm getting better. The pain, still acute, has localized to just the broken bones area. And I'm managing to reduce my pain meds. I figure about 3 more weeks of pain and then 5 or so months of limited duty--no lifting with the right arm.

Good news is that the doctor found arthritis in my rotator and neck. So cortisone shots will eventually make me feel better.
Don't feel bad I've had my share of stupid tip-overs. The only major injury I suffered was a broken rib from the handle bar stabbing me in the side. I had just filled up with gas and had ridden about 800 miles in the scorching heat. Anyway, it bucked me off and threw me about 20 yards. Gas was pouring all over me and I was laying on the asphalt praying that someone would come around the corner and run me over! The worse part was we still had another 1000+ miles left to ride to get home. It's amazing how much you use your side to ride a motorcycle. My second worse tip-over was when I put my foot down and found nothing but air over an irrigation ditch. The ST actually went inverted into the ditch. Luckily it was dry. And no injuries resulted. This too was due from exhaustion after a 400 mile long ride that I literally did not put my foot down for right at 8 hours.
Tip-over advise ....When you realize you are at the point of no return hold tight on the high side grip and stand up on the high side peg.

It is easy to say. The hard part is remembering to do it. If you tip over more often you get to practice. ;)

Heal quickly and get back out there.
I managed to ride the ST1100 to a Dr. appt. on Friday. About 10 miles round trip in traffic. Tucson is one of those places where you can't get anywhere without hitting at least 15 red lights. Felt good to be out on the bike in the cool of the morning. I didn't tip over, all my healthcare providers, my sister, and my mom are relieved that I didn't die. So I guess that's progress.

My pain level is mostly tolerable, to the point where the pain only gets acute if I aggravate by overdoing. Which I tend to do. Been doing wiring on the Harley lately. Lots of sitting on a foam pad on the carport floor. Wheels coming off today for a trip to the independent dealer/shop for a new set of tires and balancing. Wish I could afford to have the wheels powdercoated. On my table, I'm doing prep work to put a set of 1200 pistons and cylinders on the Harley (currently an 883.) I love having a project bike!

Happy Memorial Day to Vets and families of Vets. Those who keep the home fires (as opposed to house fires!) burning also sacrifice and serve our country. And despite what one cuckoo Presidential candidate says, it is a great country! As an owner of a 118,000 mile ST1100, I realize that even great things need love and care!
Well, if we had an award for the worst tip-over, YOU sir would get it.
Uh, I don't know... I think I ought to get it.

In the photo below, you see what happens when you pull over at the side of the road to check the map, put your right foot out to steady the bike, and then discover that there is no ground under your right foot...


Uh, I don't know... I think I ought to get it.

In the photo below, you see what happens when you pull over at the side of the road to check the map, put your right foot out to steady the bike, and then discover that there is no ground under your right foot...


I might have to agree.

Did it land on you? Did you have to call a tow truck to get it back out and up?
No, it didn't land on me... as soon as I realized it was going over, I jumped off to the left, onto the roadway.

This happened in France, and every driver that came by stopped to help. Once we had about 10 guys, we all manhandled it upright and then out of the ditch. I was very impressed with the kindness and courtesy of the people who stopped.

The windshield and right side mirror were busted, and the front sub-frame (around the headlight) was damaged. But, I was able to ride it back to my dealer in Zurich to get it fixed. It sure sent out a huge cloud of smoke when I started it up, this a result of the engine oil draining up into the airbox.

Our fearless leader always gives the best advice:

"But, since you weren't riding, it's not about that... I would say..... my advise ... is to Quit Falling!

Hmmm.. wait, you were at a stop sign.... okay.. Quit Stopping.."

Heal well and stop stopping [emoji38]
.....did you still get to go by the Chateau d'Yvoire, half a mile down the road?
No, I turned around and headed back to Geneva. I used to work there, and have a lot of friends in that town, one of whom who had a ST and helped me out that day.


Sorry to here about your fall. Been there. Came to a stop on a hillside and tipped over downhill. I sprung off the bike to keep from getting trapped under the bike. Broke my arm when I landed. Bike lost a mirror and a saddlebag.

Trying to get on the drop board, huh? Proudly add to the ticker on your profile.
Heal up soon so you can have some safe fun. Sorry for the slowdown.
I'm not exactly completely healed, but the pain is down to an ache with an occasional twinge. And I've been out on the ST1100 some. Gettin' so hot here, riding past about 10 am is not desireable.

Feel pretty good, most of the time!
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