Are these the right rubber carb holders? insulators?


'95 ST1100ALS and '98 Standard ST1100W
Oct 31, 2007
Topeka, Kansas, USA
1995 ST1100A
I am looking to buy four new insulators, or rubber carburetor holders, for my ST1100A.

Are the ones shown in the attachment too simple to do the job?

Thanks for looking,


Can you suggest an alternate source?

EDIT: This photo is not right for any ST1100. But see the revised photo in my last post below.


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Those won't hold the upper clamp in place. The correct ones have an protrusion where the wire-like part of the clamp fits into to hold the clamp in the right spot to be able to tighten or unloosen it. Otherwise the clamp will just spin around when you push on the clamp screw.

I bought a set off e-bay for a project bike I sold. They weren't quite as pliable as the OEM boots but they worked great.
I don't know if they will physically do the job. As said above they will not hold the clamping bands in the correct spot. That is critical. I would find Honda parts. Expensive, but needed in this case.
I don't know if they will physically do the job. As said above they will not hold the clamping bands in the correct spot. That is critical. I would find Honda parts. Expensive, but needed in this case.

+1, get the correct boots. And change out the clamp screws to a SHCS (socket head cap screw) so you can use an allen key instead of a Phillips/JIS to tighten them. Here's a link to Adam's excellent write-up on removal/rebuild/reinstall of ST1100 carbs.
The seller of the carb boots shown (in the first post) says that that photo is inaccurate.
As far as I can tell, the OEM boots are always marked with product code "MT3" - unless they are knock offs.
The seller sent more photos of the "actual" parts, and those showed the marking MT3.

So I ordered a set of four carb boots from him; they came in a box labelled:

Tour Max 11-4677
and: CHH-11 Carb Holder Kit;
and: made in Japan.

They are indeed marked MT3 and look ok so far, but I have not tried them yet.

Thanks, to all who posted here.
(I hope the numbers in this post might be of use to others needing ST1100 replacement carb boots.)
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They're about $9/each, not expensive at all


+1 ( Again) for the same reason as ST11Nut. I believe in saving some money where possible ( like on brake pads ) , but not a few bucks for the isolators. Stick with the OEM parts in this case. You want the best possible seal as possible. I wouldn't trust knock-offs for that.

Spread a little film of silicon dielectric grease around the upper ID when installing the carbs. They will then snap in place easily.
... I believe in saving some money where possible ( like on brake pads ) , but not a few bucks for the isolators. Stick with the OEM parts in this case. You want the best possible seal as possible. I wouldn't trust knock-offs for that....
Jim and all, I think these are OEM. I have not posted a photo of them yet even though the seller of them sent me corrected photos before I bought.

Speaking of buying, I paid US $2.50 per insulator, including shipping. (The Tour Master part numbers are listed above.)

And speaking of OEM, which Honda parts dealer is currently offering the best mail-order prices in the USA?
K&L makes insulator replacements for the St1100. I bought a set and when comparing them to the OEM originals I could not tell the difference. One difference that I can tell you about them now that I've been running them for a few years - they do not shrink as much as the Honda OEM originals and the clamps stay tighter. It is pretty well known that the OEM originals shrink over time and the clamps cannot be tightened enough to provide good seals. In this case the K&L replacements are cheaper and last longer than the OEM Honda parts.

... I ordered a set of four carb boots from him; they came in a box labelled:

Tour Max 11-4677
and: CHH-11 Carb Holder Kit;
and: made in Japan.
The attached photo looks like what I bought.

Note that this photo is different than the original photo in my first post above. (I bought two kits and paid $20.)

(I do not see the words Tour Max in this photo though. And this seller wants $27.)


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I just noticed another set of four boots offered as K&L number 11-4677, made in Japan.

That's the same part number as I quoted above for the Tour Max brand.

(Apparently, there is at least one middle man involved in the sale of some of these boots.)
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