Wednesday March 13th Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
March 13th, wow, let's av us some French Roast.
It's windy, it's dry'ish, it's mild'ish. It'll do.
I think Nick walked straight outside to see Mr.Tractor and forgot the coffee. It happens.
It might have to be a food shop here today, the fridges are empty and I need my sustenance. Strangely the whisky cupboard is full, but man can't live on whisky and love alone.
It'll be another coffee before shopping procrastination begins.
Av a gud un and remember, plan a little.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Ray.

It's a quiet, mild 46°F in Rockville as we wait for Mr. Sun to rise. I can see a faint lightening in the western sky so I assume the sky to the east, behind me, is beginning to get the first glimmering of rosy dawn even though actual sunup isn't until 0722 hours EDT. We'll top out around 71 (my money's on 75) degrees with sun all day and even less wind than yesterday.

It'll be another morning in the shop, afternoon on the human-powered two wheeler today I think. Yesterday's excursion went very nicely, which is encouraging.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Ray.

It's 32 in MA this morning, rising to a sunny 59, later.

We flew all day, yesterday, and finally arrived home a little after midnight.
We stayed up for a while and finally went to bed around 2:00am.
Brenda is still upstairs sleeping, but I needed to get up. I'll probably nap, later, though.

So, today's plan is to do laundry, pick up our cat from the boarder, retrieve our mail, and do some grocery shopping.

Enjoy the day,
Morning all and thanks for the git going Ray.

I was up from about 2-8am, but in no condition to put on the coffee pot.

The weekend's bug wasn't quite finished with me yet, so another day at home I guess. <shrug>

It's 2C and cloudy, headed to 6C.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Thx Ray!
That whisky and love thing…..have you actually tried? Asking for a friend…

It’s 5˚c/41f, wet and windy, 40mph.

I’ve escaped to my daughters’ cabin, a two hour travel from home. Ferry trip was bumpy.
Will stay in solitude till friday.
Since the upcoming weekend is cancelled, I’m taking a few saturdays right now.
Wine from Lebanon(!?), pizza, smoked salmon, what could go wrong?

Fire department ordered me to buy new fire extiguishers, the old one are older than five years….pfffft, other than that the inspection this morning went well.

Have a good one!

Just got the fire starting……nice!
Good Morning All!
Thanks for getting out the caffination, Ray!
Oh, me aching back! I'll have a cuppa with a helping of Ibuprofen please.

Yesterday, although I did manage to remain rather clean, was exhausting putting the bucket on Mr Tractor.
Years of abuse tweaked the loader a little so I needed some finesse, adult language and some time-outs to get the job done.
I finished up though, and all that's undone is the self-leveler.
Whew! I'd guess the bucket at 400-500 pounds so not something I can easily toss around - even with multiple coffees!

@Peppermint Patty, Look what I found! I hope you get some renters soon.
@ibike2havefun Keith, those are great pics of the cherry!

My bikes called out to me for some attention yesterday, but again I had to tell them Uncle Tractor needed me.
"Sigh", was the response. I'm sorry.

Y'all have a wondaufull day!

Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the hot coffee, Ray.

40 and clear, this morning. High of 73. Headed to town to pick up dog food at Tractor Supply and I probably need to grab fertilizer and grub killer while I’m there. Then, it’s a stop at Wal-upon-the-Mart to pick up my grocery order. Then back home for another day, working on the garage project. Whew…..That’s a busy day, for an old man.

Morning all! It's dark and early here, 5C with 10C forecast and some sun later.

Went to a dance recital last night. With our daughter having given up competitive dance, I had thought we were done with those but she has been teaching dance so we went to watch her students and the dances she had choreographed. I developed a migraine towards the end, no cause and effect I am sure, so then headed home and to bed. I managed to kill it by sleeping but of course disrupted the usual sleep pattern and am now wide awake much earlier than I should be. No matter, there's always time for a nap later.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Thanks Ray, get your coffee done first, then the whiskey if it's called for. Add groceries after that, and if you need love -- get a dog.

Sure, you'll have to feed a dog, but they don't ask many questions and they don't talk back.

50 going to 75 today -- YESSS!! -- and 80 tomorrow! We're getting there, after all. But rain tomorrow night. Boo.

I didn't have to return last night to the network switch issue, as they decided the "new guy" needed the experience, and I agree. I strongly dislike trying to sort out their crummy old wiring tracks, the newer ones are better organized.

Yesterday I took two yowling cat crates to the vet, with one cat in each, to have their claws trimmed. They pitch a screaming, spitting hissy fit when we try it at home. I'm convinced we could do it, but Roz is not firm enough and gives up. Meanwhile, Kaiser will sit and offer his feet one at a time for me to cut his toenails, the way he's supposed to. So that leaves one more cat or four more paws to shorten, but he's a tad bit more accepting of it than the younger two heathens.

@Obo, I'm glad your Thing wasn't injured in the motor vehicle incident, I can only imagine the worry a parent goes through, mostly from the stupid sh!t I did as a youngster. I never gave much thought about how my folks might feel at the time, maybe most kids don't, but I know I made them stronger, with my antics.

Patty, wait until your landlord releases you from your contract before you throttle the idiot, and know that we have lots of good hiding places down here for people, I mean, things you don't want to be found. Just let me know.

Well, if I can pour just one more cup for now, I'll get my Wednesday started in a little while.
good morning all. thanks Ray for the coffee. 47F on the dog walk. saw the moon was out at 8pm last night when I took the trash out but gone by 4am when I started walking the dogs. sky was cloudy and had some stars out for a nice mix. made for a nice walk. got the gym this morning then some house work. we didn't make the movies yesterday so we will see about tomorrow. should see 73F this afternoon. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning, all, and thanks for the black elixir, Ray!

It's a partly cloudy morning, with "cloudy" being the operative word. We'll have rain this afternoon, then "cloudy with clear breaks" this evening. Some of the snow we got a couple of days ago is still on the ground, but is gradually going away. This afternoon's and tomorrow's mild temps should do the trick. 0°C/32°F to 6°C/43°F are today's magic numbers, with windchills ranging from -4°C/25°F to 3°C/37°F.

Jeez, @Obo, that bug really got you! Hope you're set to rights again soon! And I just now read about your son's accident - yikes! Glad he's OK.

Must get a wiggle on and begin the slog through the day...maybe one more refill first. And bacon. Yes, bacon sounds good. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Good afternoon all!
Thanks for the start, you drunken ole love lord! :rofl1:
I zipped over to Kitchener first thing and spent most of the morning getting my new passport ordered.
Hopefully I’ll need to do that only a few more times….
I stopped for substance & off to my next appointment shortly.
It’s a beautiful afternoon here.
Enjoy your Wednesday!
Morning Ray & All, from mostly sunny, SoCal!

Currently it is 54°, heading for 70°. Winds later @8 to 12mph.

We made it here last night. Hit winds up to 35mph, for much of tge way thru SoCal.

Our normal route has been washed out, and we didn't find out until we had already on it. So we went about 75 miles out of our way.

Oh well.

Hotel garage for breakfast....yuk!

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Yesterday I took two yowling cat crates to the vet, with one cat in each, to have their claws trimmed. They pitch a screaming, spitting hissy fit when we try it at home. I'm convinced we could do it, but Roz is not firm enough and gives up.

Plus, it's far better to let the cats be mad at your vet than at you.
I post because I know all of you are waiting.....and wondering...with baited breath........

It was another killer day on the ski hill. Today was the closer, but lower elevation ski area, just an hour and 15 minutes away. 49 Degrees North ski area.



And just look how long the lift lines were.............
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