After 30 years of motorcycles, I just rode my first Harley....

Jul 9, 2009
Duluth, MN
ST1300A 2006
Well, I wasn't impressed, but I guess it is just not my "style" of riding. Spent about a half-day on a Sportster 1200. Loud, lots of vibration (smoothed out at speed, but ridiculous at stop signs...don't know if this is normal?). Every time I left a stop I had to search for the foot pegs...and I didn't like leading with my feet and genitals...not my favorite position while hurtling down the road at 75 mph (although I can understand between that, and the vibrations, Harley owners feel like manly men, including the women!).

To each his/her own....I'm making some fun of the bike, but it was sound, had a low center of gravity, I can see it being much easier for beginners to learn on, and for around town riding I think it would be kinda fun...sort of...well, for someone.

I have the bike because a friend's brother died (in a car accident) and they want to sell the 07 Sportster.... I live on a main drag with lots of traffic (such as it is in Duluth, MN) so I offered to park it in front of the house in my driveway, put up some signs, and talk to perspective Pirates. It really is SHINNY and full of CHROME, great paint job and colors. However, I like the understated look of the ST. I took the ST1300 out for a dinner ride after I got back, and WOW, what a difference in every aspect.

I guess most of us only know, what we know....Duh! But I think many Harley riders (and Cruisers) would be converted if they ever rode some other styles. BUT...there is no accounting for taste...especially mine!

Glad I got to experience the Harley, and it only makes me more sure about the touring bike I have! Cheers, happy on my Honda in Duluth Brad:)
I guess most of us only know, what we know....Duh!

How do ya know if ya don't know. Maybe ya do know and ya don't know it. :rofl1:

Good idea to take a ride on a Harley, if only to emphasize why ya have an ST. :D

I used borrow a Kaw 650 twin about once a year (Triumph copy) for the same reason. Vibration? Why, yes, since ya asked. :D
Now you know ! LOL . Some times you just got to see to believe or in this case ride to realise the truth ,well your truth anyway . Funny stuff but the truth ! Thank goodness for bikes like the ST and others like them !

Apples and oranges. Comparing a Sportster to an ST would be like me comparing my KLR to a Goldwing. There is no comparison because the two are completely different styles of riding. About 5 years ago, I was solidly in the anti-Harley, "leave the hog on the farm" camp. But having the opportunity to have ridden quite a variety of new Harleys and deal with them (and Ma Harley) on a daily basis, I have reversed my opinion. The bikes can be a lot of fun, when you keep in mind what type of riding they are designed for. Some of the common complaints I see would be the same if an F-16 fighter pilot hoped in a Cessna expecting it to perform like his jet. Who really is more insulted when making that complaint? I'll be the first to admit that Harley's have their shortcomings. But within the past 5-6 years, Harley has been doing some impressive reinventing of the brand. There is a big focus on quality and customer satisfaction right now, to the levels that we can only wish some of the metrics would do. There is also some really cool stuff coming down the pipeline (Accessories and bikes) that hints that Harley is starting to embrace some of the technology found on other brands and they're even pushing the envelope in some areas. That tells me that Harley is no longer content with just sticking with the tried and true but looking into some new avenues. Too little too late? I don't think so. To be in the Harley industry let's you see that the customer base has changed to the point that is now giving HD the opportunity to start doing new things. They couldn't do it with the old customer base. Remember the outcry regarding the V-Rod? Harley needed to embrace the "loud pipes" stuff, well, because that's what the customer base was doing. I can't fault Harley for embracing what their customer's want. Smart business.
I've got a little more than 30 years riding,,, and haven't ridden a Harley yet.
Not really any desire to either.
Don't judge them all by riding a Sportster. I suggest you ride a big twin.
I bought a new '06 Sportster XL1200R in late '05 ... first brand spanking new vehicle I had purchased since 1986. I liked the bike OK, but had more problems than anyone should ever have with any motor vehicle. Big twin? I had an Ultra-Glide loaner while the Sporty was being wrenched upon under warranty (BTW, the dealer never could fix the bike). OMG! Dadburn "big twin" couldn't get out of its own way compared to the Sporty ... which is still light-years behind the ST.

Apples and oranges. Comparing a Sportster to an ST would be like me comparing my KLR to a Goldwing. There is no comparison because the two are completely different styles of riding.
This is funny because I sold my KLR650 to buy a Harley. I'm still kickin' my own hind-parts. I want another KLR!

OK, I'll give it to H-D for listening to the customers' wants and desires ... but the execution is underwhelming IMHO.

You are welcome to praise any manufacturer you wish, and may God bless you!
Maggie has owned a bunch of Harleys over the years and I've ridden them all. None of them rocked my boat, but boy does she sure love them. And if they are good enough for her, they're good enough for me (to look at).

My bro had a Sportster... wasn't an overwhelming keeper to him and he sold it after ~ 2 summers. I bought a 2004 Kawi Vulcan Mean Streak 1500 and enjoyed it for what it was... I still kinda miss it for the hour or two rides. V-Twins have their place, but there's such a range of features and shape (body positioning) on V-twins that a person must find one that suits them.
My bro had a Sportster... wasn't an overwhelming keeper to him and he sold it after ~ 2 summers. I bought a 2004 Kawi Vulcan Mean Streak 1500 and enjoyed it for what it was... I still kinda miss it for the hour or two rides. V-Twins have their place, but there's such a range of features and shape (body positioning) on V-twins that a person must find one that suits them.

Agreed...there are LOTS of options in Cruisers....and all bikes (and you can always create your own unique configuration if you choose). I have a friend who built a custom chopper that was not only difficult to ride, noisy, ugly, and dangerous, it was also undependable and expensive to build....and of course he LOVES each his own. I understand that a Sportster to an ST1300 is like comparing Sardines and Ice Cream, but I have always been curious about the mystic around these machines/brand, and quite frankly still don't get it. I decided I better go out for another ride this morning, so I fired up the Harley and headed up the shore of Lake Superior. I was certainly more comfortable on my "second ride" but cruising along at 6:30AM I felt a little self-conscious making enough noise to drown out a 15 member Masonic Synchronized Law Mowing Team. When I got back to the house, after about 30 minutes, I jumped on the ST and had to laugh at how quite it is in comparison to the Harley....and the power difference for only 100 cc's more...amazing. I'm thinking the ST might be a Best Kept Secret...which is too bad. Maybe it didn't catch fire because it sounds like a sewing machine on steroids.

NOTE: One very good thing came out of all this....I waved at EVERYONE on my ride yesterday evening (not many out this morning at 6:30), so I did my part to bolster the reputation of Harley riders for being friendly....I was even thinking about dressing like a Pirate and blowing kisses to bikers as I flew by....well, maybe that's over the top (but anything to help their street cred!). By the way EVERY Harley waived at me when I was on the Sportster (it's a Harley wouldn't understand unless you already understand;).

So, as I mentioned I am trying to help a friend sell the 1200 Sportster....$5,600 takes it....anyone interested? Perfect condition, good tires, LOUD, SHINNY, what more could you want? 218-525-2043 Clearly I'm not much of a salesman!

There are many configurations of bikes, many design strategies, and many varying esthetics that drive motorcycle production. I just don't seem to get it when it comes to Harleys? But I'm happy for those riders that are out on them having the time of their lives!
I rode a Road Glide last year, and I have to say it was comfortable on the road. But, as others have said, too much vibes at idle. It would be a good bike for touring, probably as good as my old GL1100.
Right before we moved a friends Uncle insisted I try his Road Glide when he found out I rode a mear Honda 1300. I bet he thought VT1300 not ST1300. He never saw my bike. Screaming Eagle "performance" parts and all I expected some more b's. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting but no ST13, that's for sure. I don't think I could stand the noise but a ST without mufflers would be loud as well. Shake at low speed would be tiring, I think. I only rode it for a bit but wasn't convinced to trade! My wife like the pillion and the bike seamed well fit and finished. I would have tuned down the pipes. I don't like Two-Bro's on the ST so I'm an exhausted wimp.
I rode a Harley from a dealer to a friends house after I gave him a ride to there on my 82 Nighthawk, got there and he didn't what to ride it home ?? So he ask me to do it, I hated it, oil light was coming on at every stop, was not a fun ride. Vibration was the worse. I agree that most would change their thiking if they tried something other than a Harley.
Much to Harley's credit, they experience more brand loyalty than any other product in the world. I owned one for a couple years and still don't understand why.
It would be a very dull world if we all liked the exact same things. What if we all liked naked women and homemade ice cream? Wait, that may not be a good example. What about ....dang it all, I can't stop thinking about homemade ice cream!!
I understand that a Sportster to an ST1300 is like comparing Sardines and Ice Cream, s!

lol I want ice cream! (I'm trying not to think about Coop's analogy) :p:

I went on a benefit ride yesterday and rode with all kinds of bikes. Thank God there are so many to choose from in life! It was kind of a nice feeling to "rumble" through small towns with some loud bikes. I liked the attention lol. Just me personally, I like the quiet smooth feeling of blending in with nature most of the time, especially in the mountains/ anywhere scenic.

And after seeing one of the Harleys that we rode with on the side of the road with 2 others stopped to help , I'm glad I ride an ST (and a beemer for that matter). But I still would have stopped to help if others hadn't. (Just as I like to wave to all bikers)

Also, I got a chance to ask how his bike was at the end of the ride, and he said "it's a Harley Panhead" :eek:illeak1: Well, if that's expected on his particular bike, I opt for more reliable options...
And after seeing one of the Harleys that we rode with on the side of the road with 2 others stopped to help , I'm glad I ride an ST (and a beemer for that matter). But I still would have stopped to help if others hadn't. (Just as I like to wave to all bikers)

Also, I got a chance to ask how his bike was at the end of the ride, and he said "it's a Harley Panhead" :eek:illeak1: Well, if that's expected on his particular bike, I opt for more reliable options...

The panhead was the motor for 1948-1968. Not surprising that it would have issues.
I think some of the Japanese bike riders are as informed about the Harley's as the Harley riders are about the Japanese bikes.
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