50,000 Gruuvy Miles


Stay-at-Home Astronaut
Apr 23, 2008
Fairfield, IA
Well it's gonna happen on the way home. I will pass the 50,000 mile mark. I live farther than the countdown to hit the magic number.

When I bought my '05 it had 697 miles on it. It was not even broken in.

I bought the bike last May (2008) and have ridden that thing ever since. I sold my truck shortly after I bought it so I have no other option but to ride.

That bike, this site and the in-person get-togethers have really made this a great decision on my part.

Here's to another fun 50k and the Gold Wing at the end of the tunnel.

Whoo-Hoo !
Congratulations on 50,000 Miles. I hope you enjoy many,many more!:hotpepper:dr13::headbang:
Get with Mellow for that Cool 50k Ribbon for your Signature... ;o) :headbang:

He's got to wait just like everyone else 'cuz they have to be *his* miles!
Some number less than 697 more miles by the time he get home!!!

Ride Capt'n ride upon that silver ship...
Congrats Gruuvy! That's a lot of tires, oil filters, gas, etc. in a year. Cool, dude... having fun and helping end this recession. :D
Ride On! :headbang:
Here is photo evidence for any would be Mileage Czars out there.

Almost 7pm and still over 100* ..... this is riding weather.
Judging by your average fuel reading I'd say that you tend to ride a little on the fast side...;)

Nice milestone Gruuv!
Good on you Gruuvy.
You are turning your bike to junk faSTer than most folks!
Get it to 200k you get a new bike.
Low fuel milage must be because of the heat. ;)
Goldwing? I didn't think you were that old? :)
50,000 miles and still no contact from the mothership.

Keep riding. They'll call at 100,000, I'm sure.
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