Broken Bones & The Delorme InReach

Having options is alway good. When traveling alone or even with someone it is nice to be able to call for help especially when there is no cell coverage. This reminded me to double check my PLB that I carry; good thing I did as it's supposed to have the battery replaced this month.
I also carry an InReach. Have not needed it to help me out of a jam but feel comfortable knowing it is there. I often go quite away out into the wilderness alone with my KLR and also my jeep and use it often to stay in touch with my wife. I used to have a SPOT but having the ability to communicate back and forth via satellite to me is worth the extra cost of the InReach.
What costs are involved after buying the unit. For use only a few times a year for emergencies. I didn't get a clear idea from the website.
There are monthly costs involved, however you can get a plan where you can suspend service and then reactivate it when you need it. You only pay for the months you activate it. Mine is currently suspended and I'll reactivate it if I go anywhere without cell service/remote, particularly if I'm on my own.
I just looked up my statements. I had the Freedom Recreation Plan 34.95/month (about 37/month after taxes/fees). There was also a Freedom Plan Annual Program Fee of 24.95/yr. You can suspect and reactivate without additional fees. Must reactivate for at least one month if I recall correctly. Not cheap but there you go.
That is one of the reasons I like carrying a PLB. They are monitored by NOAA but there is no subscription or monthly fees. I know I cannot communicate with responders but I know this and only plan on activating it in a life or death instance. I think the important thing is to at least have a plan in the event of an emergency because without a plan your chances of survival will be reduced.
Another advantage of the Delorme plans is the included insurance that will cover any costs associated with an emergency search and rescue such as helicopter/ airfare etc. even out of the country. I believe it covers up to $300K in related expenses.
Another advantage of the Delorme plans is the included insurance that will cover any costs associated with an emergency search and rescue such as helicopter/ airfare etc. even out of the country. I believe it covers up to $300K in related expenses.

The Geos SAR insurance is what covers your Search And Rescue (SAR) expenses. That is an extra $17.95 a year. My subscription is about $24/month. That includes 40 texts, unlimited tracking with 10 minute intervals, unlimited SOS, and unlimited transmissions of 3 pre formatted messages (#1 I'm OK here's where I am #2 same message but to Facebook and #3 I'm running late). This plan can not be put on hold but is $10/month less than the plan where you can put it on hold. I use it most months and never go more than a couple months without using it so that plan works for me.
Yes that is right the Geos SAR is quite inexpensive at 17.95 per year - cheap insurance. I use the same plan and never go over the 40 text limit.
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