Dinkie's Mom has moved on.

Great poem Jeff. Your Mom was part of a special generation I believe. One we could all emulate for a better world.
My deepest condolences for your loss...I know what you and your family is going thru...I am glad your family had the time to take care of her in her final days...keep your head up and tell us if you need any help...
When I read your message my heart sank, knowing the loss you must feel. Please know that those of us who know you, through this group, are there with you.

Jeff, just read the post. My deepest regrets. Your words very clearly expound her wonderfulness and how important she was to you, your sister and I suspect everyone who was blessed to know her. As others have recounted, I also lost both parent, the last being my mom...I truly understand and appreciate your so thoughtful words and rememberences.

Heaven now has another wonderful ST Parent and loved one looking down on us....maybe they're all sharing their wonderful stories about their kids, cheering us on as we so vigoursly pursue our love of riding, keeping a watchful eye on all of us....and hoping that, even with their loss, we all live each day with them in our hearts and prayers...and that our memories of them bathe our faces with a constant smile, and fill our hearts with an everlasting love and appreciation for all they've done for us... my truest regrets my friend.

Doug / AG5I
I just saw this...sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers go with you.
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