Powerlet Dual Temperature Controller Mounting


John Wayden
Jul 4, 2007
El Paso, TX
2007 ST1300A
NEED IDEAS! Powerlet Dual Temperature Controller Mounting

:shrug1: Has anyone out there installed the new Powerlet Performance? Dual Temperature Controller? If so, where did you mount it? I've got one, and don't want to velcro it to the clutch reservior. I'm thinking of putting it in the right glove box; but that will require running all 3 wires through the bottom of the box.. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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I just got mine and am using the case it came with to clip it to my ridding pants pocket. Will be watching this thread to see what other people do.
I was thinking of maybe taking it out of the the case and mounting it below the left fairing pocket.
:hat1: Thanks for your input guys! Both are good ideas. But this inquiry isn't getting near as many comments as I'd hoped...
I think I'll edit the title of the thread to see if that will help. <-- That didn't work!
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I'm with Gonzo. Hang it on my jacket belt, works great. When it rains, I put my rain jacket on and loop it above the controller so I still have access to the knobs.
:bow1: Thanks for the input guys!! Since I don't run with a tank bag (yet), I think either attaching the controller to my jacket belt, or clipping it to my pants will be the easiest and most practical method. I'll be wired for heat!! :hotpepper
I hang mine off the left side of my jacket as well. With a Powerlet outlet under the left fairing cover, this arrangement works out pretty darn sweet.

Well, I had a perfect opportunity this morning to test my new Powerlet setup... it was a brisk 28 degrees when I left El Paso and headed for Old Mesillia (near Las Cruces). :eek:4: Per your sage advice, I used the hook on the controller cover to attach it to my jacket belt. Used one control for the jacket liner and the other for the gloves. The setup works fine (and like Jim, I stuffed the excess wires into the pocket under the belt). I found myself turning the power up more and more as the cold began to sink in, but stayed reasonably comfortable. I also cranked the windshield up to help block that arctic wind!

My only wish was that I had something as effective for my poor frozen legs!!

Fortunately, it had warmed to 41 degrees for the trip home!

:bow1: Thanks to all for the great advice!!
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