Smart Brake Module Install ST1100

May 24, 2014
North Bay, ON
2007 ST 1300
Hi Folks,
I installed The ST2 Smart Brake Module today on my ‘94 ST1100
it uses an accelerometer to sense deceleration and when installed, it will put the brake lights on before you activate the front or rear brake lever/pedal. It was simple to install but if your electrical knowledge is poor like me, you must make sure you have a wiring diagram of your model ST1100 in order to identify the correct wires. Mine is an “R” and my Haynes Manual has 7 different wiring diagrams. Though all similar, make sure that you have the proper diagram for your bike.
The enclosed instructions are clear, the hardware is good, and it’s a fairly simple install once you find the proper wires.
The Unit has to be installed so that it is level. You can decide where to mount it. I selected the area behind the seat, and behind where the tool kit and Owners manual is located:
To access the area behind the plastic in the compartment, you have to pry the two sides inwards and fold them together. The back plastic will then tilt forward:FB72C5AA-3ED0-4DF8-8028-EEE15D1DDAD1.jpeg
With access to this compartment, you can find the proper wires and use the ingenious wire connectors that are supplied with the kit. Some people will probably want to make solder connections, but the supplied connectors seem to make solid connections.
My choice for mounting location of the Module was the underside of the steel frame cross member at the top of the compartment. I used heavy duty outdoor double sided tape to mount it and further secured it with the supplied nylon “zip” ties.

I had to “notch” out the corner of the plastic panel to close it, seal everything up, and put it back together.

And voilá, job complete. A quick test ride on the street with my wife watching and she confirmed that it works as advertised.
In my opinion, this will enhance enhance safety for me and is worth every penny. Check it out at
They make a “Smart Turn System“ self-cancelling module as well. I bought one and I will be installing it on my ST1100 and will post another thread on it’s installation as well. Furthermore, I will be installing each of these units on my ‘07 ST1300 when I get home.
Safe riding everyone.
They make a “Smart Turn System“ self-cancelling module as well. I bought one and I will be installing it on my ST1100 and will post another thread on it’s installation as well. Furthermore, I will be installing each of these units on my ‘07 ST1300 when I get home.
Several members have the Smart Turn System installed. There's a problem with the ST1300 where the 4-way hazard flashers don't work when following the supplied instructions. One of the members has contacted safer-turn to figure out how to fix the situation. Unless they've updated the installation instructions you may want to ask about the fix when you're ready to install.

If you could post a video of the Smart Brake Module in action near dusk/dark it would be greatly appreciated. Their website videos need work.
Yes, I’ve been watching some of the comments and that’s good advice - I will contact them before the install.
I’ll try to get a video this evening.
Thanks for posting your install of the Smart Brake Module. I was unaware of them. The lack of an obvious visual indicator of deceleration on motorcycles has always been my main fear riding, I often will slightly drag my rear brake slightly when downshifting in traffic as an alert. How long have these been available. I know some segments of petroleum trucking have recently began using a deceleration brake light. It's not unusual for many to have the same solution to a common problem, I was probably way late in the thinking I don't know, but about 10 yrs ago I approached an industrial electrician friend ( non biker ) about developing just such a system and he showed very little interest. This is a tremendous aid to safety, and I can't understand why manufacturers haven't made this standard on production motorcycles. Again, thanks for posting.
This is actually an old idea that came out a long time ago in the automobile aftermarket industry but it never caught on with any ubiquity.

My concern is that if this becomes widely used there will be brake lights flashing in your face all the time. Even if they use dedicated lights that are different than the brake lights there will always be lights flashing in your face every time some one takes their foot off of the accelerator. I would hope that there is logic involved that prevents this and only allows light activation beyond a certain deceleration threshold- something the older versions did not have as the electronics of the day were not up to it. Otherwise people will eventually learn to ignore the constant barage of lights- cry wolf to many times!
This is actually an old idea that came out a long time ago in the automobile aftermarket industry but it never caught on with any ubiquity.

My concern is that if this becomes widely used there will be brake lights flashing in your face all the time. Even if they use dedicated lights that are different than the brake lights there will always be lights flashing in your face every time some one takes their foot off of the accelerator. I would hope that there is logic involved that prevents this and only allows light activation beyond a certain deceleration threshold- something the older versions did not have as the electronics of the day were not up to it. Otherwise people will eventually learn to ignore the constant barage of lights- cry wolf to many times!
I thought about that, but it wont be a problem, just me and Bill will have them.
Walleye said:
How long have these been available.
The STS Smart Brake module had been around for about 2-3 years maybe a touch more. There is at least one other company making a similar product but I don't know how long they've been a round.

In the early '70s I had a Voevodsky Cyberlight on my car and GL1000. It was a deceleration warning light as defined by the CVC. It flashed when braking but unlike almost any brake light today it indicated a rate of deceleration by the speed of the flashing lights. It was a pair of separate amber (not red) lights that flashed at one of seven rates – slow for very slow deceleration or stopped and very fast for hard braking. It was brilliant engineering.

The STS system's accelerometer only indicates a change in speed is occurring but not that rate of change. Even so I think it's a solid idea. I'd be tempted to wire it to two separate amber lights. It might generate a *****? from some people but who cares? It will help anybody who sees it avoid a rear end collision in any configuration.

[This is usually the point at which some genius pipes up to say yeah but if they don't see you it won't do any good. :rofl1: And no I'm not serious about 'genius'.]

Anyway I think the SBM is a worthwhile addition. It's sensitivity to activation can be adjusted by tilting along the fore-aft axis. I think raising the front makes it slower to kick in and raising the back makes it quicker.
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