Thursday April 25th Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Thursday? Can't be? Best have some French Roast.
Woolerumnal is the norm and they've mentioned the sn.. word. Pffffffftttttt. For now it's dry, breezy and chilly.
We'll be off to Alnwick upon the Aln shortly, dental check up and shoppin. Oh joy!
Yesterday was good enough in the afternoon to wash Er'Indoors motor and other bits and bobs outside. But only with plenty of layers. Used a new to me product, a wet wax. Once the car is washed but not dried pour a bucket of this wax mix over the car then chamois dry. Seems OK. I didn't buy it, someone gave it to me.
Would I buy any more, meh, but I'm cheap.
Av a gud un and remember, students can be rude.
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

Sunny but -3C, headed upward to a predicted 8C.

Took the day off to see if I can shake this head cold that I caught from Mrs. Obo. Somehow in the process it mutated in severity into a man-cold.

A siesta or two are in the books to make up for last night's prowling around.

Today's random sentence: I always dreamed about being stranded on a desert island until it actually happened.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Good Morning All!
Happy Thursday and such to y'all and thanks for a lovely cuppa, Ray.
Nuttin' like a hot cuppa to begin the Beguine, so to speak.
@Obo hopefully that miserable cold will end soon!

Mr Fun @ibike2havefun made it to BNB-on-the-lake last evening and rinsed off a few more miles from his trip.
Mr Tractor shed a tear or two (or was that oil?) as they got pretty attached.

Life here on the farm will continue with rock moving and dirt shifting - it looks like a pretty darn good weather-future.
Not sure about the weekend though - could be just some fun (imagine?!)

Y'all have a winderfill day!

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Ray. You didn't accidentally spill any car wax into it, I hope.

It's 53°F in Clarksville VA, where I spent a restless night after a lovely afternoon and evening yesterday. Got rained on a bit at about the halfway mark but nothing dramatic. The high is supposed be 67 or so, with sun most of the day.

I think I've left the piedmont: the roads yesterday were notably flatter than on previous days.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Thx Ray!
Woolerumnal over here too…..8˚/46f, 15 mph wind, no rain…it’s like someone I know; looks nice, but isn’t..

Been for a walk, still snot and tears being up in the hills.
Met a girl on a horse, it reminded me of something…

Now to bicycle for groceries, and then cook something.

Have a good one, and remember, don’t use a bad word if you can use a good one instead……pffffft!

Tundra and powerlines
Good morning and thanks for the coffee, Ray.

Sunny and 31 in MA this morning, rising to 56, later.
Yesterday's weather wasn't as bad as predicted, and we only got a little rain.

Yesterday's activities included a haircut, some housework, and lawn mowing,
My tracking app says that I got 2 miles of exercise, mowing with my walk behind mower.
One of the solar light cap on my deck post keeps coming loose, so now they're all screwed to the post, instead of using glue.
We did a bit of shopping, after dinner to further prepare for our trip north tomorrow.

Today, I'll visit my friend's restaurant with my backpack blower, maybe walk, and pack for my trip to the track, tomorrow.
In other news, I did the electronic on boarding for the track in Thompson, CT.

Have a great day,
Good coffee Ray, if you bring some for the dentist he may go easy on you today. Unless it makes him jittery. Might be best to ask first, or tell him not to drink it until he goes home.

I had forgotten I'm committed to driving Roz and a girlfriend to see Black Jacket Symphony tomorrow night, the band will be covering one of the Beatles albums. (Her girlfriend, not mine, lest some of you twisted freaks think of me wrongly.) I suppose I may even drive them home after the show is over. What to do in the meanwhile?

Forecast is changed with less rain, I stayed home yesterday because Roz had two doctor visits as she's been diagnosed with bronchopneumonia. Coughing has been persistent for 3 weeks, even after her first Rx. We thought it was contagious, but they cleared her yesterday since she's had no fever. So I hope Obo's cold clears soon.

Perhaps I had best triple- check my post for errors, still on my first cup. Guess it looks OK.

Y'all have a good dog.
Mornin’ y’all. Thanks for the coffee, Ray.

Ouch, it’s back down to 42 this morning. The AM temperatures can’t make up their mind. Partly cloudy high of 76 is predicted, so I won’t complain.

I had forgotten I'm committed to driving Roz and a girlfriend to see Black Jacket Symphony tomorrow night

Which one gets to ride in the trailer?

Good morning all, and thanks for zee French roasting of zee graines de café. Délicieux!

We'll see glorious sunshine all day today, but's it's still a little nippy out there: -2°C/28°F now and 9°C/48°F this afternoon, with a breeze cooling things down by a few degrees in both cases. The skies did finally clear yesterday, but not before evening...and not before it snowed. :mad: And it wasn't just a stray flake or two, or a half-hour snow shower, oh, nooooo. It snowed big, wet flakes for at least a couple of hours. Thankfully, none of it stuck and it's gone now. It's nearly May, for Pete's sake. Just stop it. Sigh.

And on that note, I must dash - big stuff on the docket today and need to get a head start. Everyone have a good one, stay safe, go safely.

good morning all. thanks Ray for the FR. 63F on the dog walk. what a morning walk under a big bright full moon. so bright it kind of washed out the stars. and not a cloud in the sky. got the dust off the ST and rode it to my gym and back. so I got about 40 miles and filled the tank with fuel. I believe I told my wife I would dust today. so I have something to do to keep me busy for a few hours. the high should see 78F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Ray!

We got started on the garage yesterday, it sure takes a long time to sort! The 14 yd bin is only a wee bit full!

We’re leaving town today, my hair is in need of a trim, my hairdresser from up north, works in a second shop near here, so I travel to get a haircut I like! (She doesn’t have a lot to work with!)

I’m also picking up 6 of the 2”X 27’ ratchet straps that are on sale at Princess Auto. (Canuck version of Harbour Freight) There may be a few other items find their way into my shopping cart as well!

Remember - no one gets out alive!
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Ray!

We got started on the garage yesterday, it sure takes a long time to sort! The 14 yd bin is only a wee bit full!

We’re leaving town today, my hair is in need of a trim, my hairdresser from up north, works in a second shop near here, so I travel to get a haircut I like! (She doesn’t have a lot to work with!)

I’m also picking up 6 of the 2”X 27’ ratchet straps that are on sale at Princess Auto. (Canuck version of Harbour Freight) There may be a few other items find their way into my shopping cart as well!

Remember - no one gets out alive!
Morning Ray & All from a not to sunny, Southern Utah!

Currently the temp is 43F, heading for a high of 66F with threats of some wet stuff and maybe a thunder boomer or two, later this afternoon. The winds were pretty strong last night, they blew over a couple of things in the back yard. Now they are calm, but later we'll see them out of the WSW @ 15 to 20mph.

It was a busy day, yesterday, with the wind blowing like crazy and I was trying to put down the landscaping cloth. At least, living here, I have learned how to do it. Each block weighs about 24 pounds, so they hold the landscaping cloth down pretty good! At least until I can get some gravel on it.


And here's the front yard, with the block I've put down so far. I'll be having to buy some more, but it can wait for a month or so. I need the trees planted first.


And then there was last night! I had to put the trash out and I locked the garage door behind, thinking I would go check the landscaping cloth on the other side of the house, "knowing" that I can get in by the kitchen, since it has a combo lock on it. That was until I tried the door knob (that isn't supposed to be locked) and it was. I had locked myself out of the house. Remember, Chris is out of town this week. o_O

BUT, then I remembered that Chris had placed a "lock out key" someplace near the back door in a pot. We have about a dozen pots by the back door, I just had to figure out which one. It took me a couple of minutes, but I did find it. And no, I did not have my phone with me! :rolleyes:

More gravel moving for me today. I'll try to get it done before we get any rain. That's if we get any rain!

Eggs, bacon, toast and OJ. Pepsi to come later.

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Morning all! Wet, wet and more wet here and it will apparently stay that way for the next week or so. Guess it's payback for the gorgeous weather we had the last week or so. This whole yin yang balance thing is all well and good but not with respect to the weather. It's 8C with 11C to come.

The In-laws are in town and staying with us. Great folks but they're driving my wife nuts already. I actually had a functioning brain cell activate and refrained from mentioning how happy I was to be back working in an office and not at home. It's intermittent but god bless the filter when it decides to work.....

I have an appointment later today to join a study looking at the link between concussions (explains a lot doesn't it) and the development of dementia later in life. Pretty sure I'll be in the control group, i.e., here's an example of a definite link, let's see how the normals compare to him.

Hope everyone has a great day and if you're knocking about, don't knock yer head!
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