4-Way stops (shouldn't be that hard)

I, for one, was totally unaware of that. I thought if you were making a left turn across from someone going straight, they had the right of way.
Maybe it varies by state?

There are differences from state to state. In some the largest, fastest vehicles have right of way at any intersection. Seriously.....I re-read the driver's test manual occasionally to keep up with changes and as a reminder. Also, if we're going to spend significant time/distance in another state, I read theirs also.....they're on line.
The problem with roundabouts, at least here in Texas is, so many cars come from one direction they tie up the intersection and the other side never get to go, 4 way stops are way faster here. And they are putting roundabouts at highway off ramps, so traffic backs up on the highway much more than it did
Michigan also recently adopted the first come, first togo method for when a traffic signal is out. Previous traffic law was that the street with less traffic would yield to the street with heavier traffic, but then what if both streets were busy? (which happens) I guess, even the MSP finally decided that it wasn't a good idea.

The problem with roundabouts, at least here in Texas is, so many cars come from one direction they tie up the intersection and the other side never get to go
That does happen here, but it's pretty rare that one traffic holds up another side for very long.
We have them off of highways as well in some areas, but locally I do not see backups.

I think the hardest thing for people to grasp on roundabouts is just timing your entry. I see lots of people stop when if they just kept moving they could just flow right in. AND semis tip over on them sometimes.:oops:
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