Transforming IGOFARs ST1300 . . . to Shuey's!


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Jul 3, 2007
Niceville, FL
FJR1300 ES, 2018
In mid-December, 2023, IGOFAR (who needs no introduction here :WCP1:) posted up that his personal 2007 ST1300 was for sale. 16 year old bike with over 102k miles for $4,500 . . . insanity! I was having difficulty not buying it as I started my touring adventures on a 2007 ST1300. No immediate takers, so he lowered the price to $4,000. Dang you Larry . . . I bought it! The one sale condition was that I wouldn't fly out to pick it up until the end of Januay'24. No problems.

So, what follows is my journey in transforming MY bike to meet minimum long distance needs. Note that even after I picked up the bike in Tucson, rode it back to Niceville, FL, to reside in my garage, it was only until very recently that Larry finally stopped referring to it as HIS bike! It's a treasure that's been well cared for.

I expect this thread will be lengthy and grow over time as upgrades/adjustments are made. I've relied on the sage advice of this forum's members and the wealthy of knowledge on the site and not been disappointed. Thanks to all.

So, to start, here's what arrived in my garage 29Jan24.
ST1300 front.jpg

ST1300 left side w:decals.jpg

ST1300 rear.jpg

ST1300 right side w:decals.jpg

Before I flew out to spend a few days with Larry and Christy (Sadie, Piper and unnamed security guards) we're texting and talking on the phone almost daily. I wasn't looking forward to a possibly cold and wet ride back to Florida so discussed adding a PowerLet Port so I could use my heated gear since the bike was pretty much STock; no heated grips or seat. Larry's emphatic immediate answer was that he doesn't do electrical! A couple of days later he noted he had two PowerLet ports in his garage and a few days after that, with some outside advice, he proudly sent pictures of the installed port noting it killed him to drill a hole in his beautiful bike.

PowerLet Port, left side.jpg

Another day, Larry texted that he found a set of Rear Reflective Side Bag Decals, thought I might need them and . . . put them on. They look great!

ST1300 rear bag reflector decals.jpg

Over the years Larry has maintained a rather large fleet of ST1300Ps for a local company that provides escorts for funerals. We're talking one day and he notes the company owner was getting rid of some of his overstock of parts and Larry picked up a pair of police model over-the-mirror light brackets. Did I want them? For sure!

Above mirror police aux light brackets.jpg

A couple of days before flying out, Larry calls and asked if I want to buy a Sergeant seat set that he bought from SupraSabre? Absolutely! I already have a Sergeant set on my FJR and really like it.

Sargeant seat.jpg

I flew out to Tucson on Sunday, 21Jan24 with my riding gear and some accessories to add for the trip.
On arrival, Larry picked me up and we went to his house to look at the bike and drop off my riding gear and accessories.
The first two additions I'd install the next day were RAM mounts for my Garmin XT GPS and my iPhone. Nothing powered as I'd just run them on their own battery power an recharge them at night. Additional I'd swap out the OEM foot pegs for GW pegs which are wider and more comfortable.

I had a good rest at the hotel and Larry picked me up in the morning and we headed to his garage.
Larry explained he couldn't sleep, so . . . he installed the reservoir RAM mounts and the GL foot pegs!

Resevoir RAM mounts.jpg GL Foot Peg.jpg

If you go back to the beginning and look at the bike photos you'll see the "Wolf" logs displayed on the sides. Just to be clear . . . I PUT THOSE ON MYSELF!

Finally, before I could depart his garage, Larry gave me a tool set complete with a Slime air compressor and a new tire plugging kit. He insisted I take it as he and Chisty didn't want me and "his" bike being stranded along the side of the road for something I could fix!

My sincere thanks to both Larry and his wife Christy for treating me like royalty.

So, that's the prelude. Updates, at a slow pace continue . . .

Saturday, 17Feb24
Spent some time examining and re-familiarizing myself with the ST1300 I got tired of constantly using the ignition key to open things up. Easy solution . . . make some short keys using some Radio Shack knobs I've had on the shelf for over 10 years.
Larry had provided several extra non-OEM keys which were perfect for this job. I sacrificed two of them developing what I needed, then fabricated two finished ones. Using my Dremel (really like this thing) I cut the heads off and trimmed a small amount from the both sides of the top of the key so it would fit in the knob's mounting hole. I used the set screw to snug in the inserted key shaft and epoxeyed them in. They work great. They're not for permanent placement, just for use while garaged or short term use at destinations or when I want to access something while the bike is parked and running.

ST1300 aux keys.jpg

Glove box aux key.jpg Side bag aux key.jpg

Sunday, 18Feb24
With a lot of advice here on st-owners I managed to replace the OEM Turn Signal Relay with one suitable for the future transition to LED bulbs through the bike.
Special thanks to willsmotorcycle, Hound, dduelin and STRider . . . pictures ARE worth a thousand words.

One of the guidance photos provided.
Turn signal relay 1.png

OEM relay on the left, replacement relay on the right.

Signal Relay front.jpg

Signal Relay back.jpg

Note the rubber sleeve on the OEM Relay. I was unsure if I needed to cut off the mounting tap on the new Relay, but decided to try transferring the rubber sleeve first. Tight, but with a little stretch, it fit.

Signal Relay rubber moved.jpg

Plugged the new Relay in.
Signal Relay plugged in.jpg

With a little effort, some patience, and a flat blade screwdriver for nudging, the new Relay was seated in place and again nearly hidden from view by the other taller relays mounted in front of it.
Signal Relay tucked back in.jpg

Turned on the bike and . . . turn signals still work, just fine. Hopefully, none of the other relays I disturbed were disabled! Time will tell.

Awaiting more parts. Stay tuned for what comes next.



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Thanks for clarifying the wolf decals.
Firstly, I never noticed them when I saw this bike at Larry's last November. Because they weren't there.
Secondly, the identical wolf decal is clearly seen on your blue Feejer in the background of one of your photos at home.
Thirdly, an early photo showed the "dummy" key knob in your 3rd and 5th photo on the locking glove box, and while you mentioned the Powerlet he installed (I had the same fear and trepidation when I cut mine, but on the opposite side), above it I thought you'd mounted a Heat-Troller control knob. But then I thought, "why wouldn't Shuey have used the Dual Heat-Troller instead of a single?"
The Dummy key is on my To-Do list, for the same reasons you describe. No timeframe for now, I don't have spare keys OR suitable knobs.
Now maybe sometime in the distant future, you'll share the back story on the wolf logo.
Will you ultimately use the Quartet Harness to power your XT and Powerlet? I went this way, for the time being.
Lastly... nice work on the turn signal relay!
I and most here will follow the upgrades, and we'll remind Larry that he needs to relax as you continue to modify the bike he loved for so long. It's YOUR bike now. :cool:
Oh, and fourthly (to be inserted before my last "lastly"), another one-of-these-days projects is to install GoldWing footrests, also for the reason you mention.
Am I understanding correctly, that one footpeg will end up marginally lower than the other?
I admit I don't understand why that would be.
I've heard/read several times that the GW footpegs are both wider and lower. They are wider, but only marginally lower. They're a one-for-one replacement, same location and much more comfortable.

It's been a few years, but the two times I swapped out the pegs on previous STs, I was able to get them virtually free from local Honda MC dealers back in the maintenance department. At the time they were considered trash after new GW owners bought footboards and didn't want the pegs. Mechanics just threw them somewhere out of the way. The first pair I acquired was free, I seem to recall giving the mechanic a $20 donation for the second pair a year or two later. The current ones I just bought direct from Ayers.

Might be worth checking out.


( :doh1: Edited to correct "GL" to "GW". Thanks Willsmotorcycle!)
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I've heard/read several times that the GL footpegs are both wider and lower. They are wider, but NOT lower. They're a one-for-one replacement, same location and much more comfortable.
Do you mean the GW? I measured mine on the center stand to the floor, switched pegs measured again, there was an inch difference.
It’s seen in the bracket here.
Do you mean the GW? I measured mine on the center stand to the floor, switched pegs measured again, there was an inch difference.
It’s seen in the bracket here.

:doh1: You're exactly right . . . of course. Mine are Gold Wing (GW) pegs.

Now, the race is on to see how fast I can correct my errors! Thanks.

I have the GW pegs on my 2012 & 2010. They do sit about an inch lower. And they are more comfortable.
I had a great conversation with Will and inquiring minds want to know. So, time to measure, remount and measure again. What's the difference in height above ground between the ST rider peg and a replacement GW rider peg. The answer is . . . the GW peg will give a rider 1/2" of extra leg room! :rimshot1:

ST Footpeg = 1 foot, 1 inch above ground.
ST Footpeg.jpg

GW Footpeg = 1 foot, 1/2 inch above ground
GW Footpeg.jpg

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It's been several years since I sold my ST, but I too swapped the OEM foot pegs for Gold Wing pegs. I thought they were an exact replacement (position) and did not notice any difference in seating or leg comfort. They are easier on the feet if you stand up on the pegs, but otherwise, the soles of my boots found not much difference in comfort.

Edit. Thanks to Shuey, I bow to empirical data. However, it did not make a discernible difference in my comfort.
In Shuey's pictures, with the aid of a tape measure, I can clearly see the Wing-peg is lower, and more in line with the peg pivot.
The ST-peg seems to have more of a "shoulder", and boosts the foot peg a little higher than that same footpeg pivot.
Once again, proving the old adage... "Measure twice..."
Good work, Shuey!
So which year(s) GW pegs are you guys using? (I'm guessing it matters...)

They're all the same. I didn't order a specific year . . . just Googled up "Honda Goldwing Front Footrests" and there's a number of choices that all look identical differing only in price. "New" was stated in the item description. I don't recall what my source was, but I paid $21.39.

Just checked on Ayers and a pair of the pegs (minus the parts you'll reuse) is about $71. Same part numbers for 2007, 2010, 2015, 2020 . . . they're all identical.

Shuey, me o'd mucka. It looks a treat, I would think Larry only sold it to you because he knew you'd shower it with affection. Larry was obviously and expectedly the man he is. You're a good fella Larry. Yes you are.
The pannier keys look completely stock, well done there.
Enjoy it, we know you will.
Upt and slightly envious.
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