CA-Southern: Tag


Old tag.

New tag. I was really surprised there was one of these in the area!!!

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I really thought that Todd would be the one to get the statue tag. I guess he is either to lazy or can't remember.

I really thought that Todd would be the one to get the statue tag. I guess he is either to lazy or can't remember.


Where was that tag? I had some dental problems and was going to get the tag this Friday. Mac must have had some inside information in order to find the KISS.
Wow, we went from the fastest moving tag to the most stagnant!!! You don't have to go in the Glock Store and buy a gun, and they won't shoot you if you park out front and take a picture!!!
Most of us in SoCal aren't retired (can't afford it) we don't get away for riding often....:eek:4:
Stop working on those bikes and start riding them somewhere other than work! :D

Sheesh, I wished I had the time to work on them...It has taken me almost a year just to get this last project bike on the street! :eek:4:

That is Bob's fun riding, back and forth to work! :D

Oh yes, I just don't know what I would do if it wasn't for that! :eek:4:
Wow, after over a year, a guy from CT moves the SoCal tag!!! Way to go Fred!!! Maybe the Chula crowd will venture out and grab it before I get back!!!

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