Wednesday Wooler Café 04/17.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Ay up, the French Roast is ready, help ya'selves. Oh you did. Pffffffftttttt.
The butter pastries will be along presently.
35 to 51, 34 mph blowing from the West and it should stay dry'ish. In short, Woolerumnal.
More gardening got done yesterday, enough to say pffffffftttttt to it today. So "Pffffffftttttt". We'll do some'at else. Anything that doesn't involve bending would be good.
Av a gud un and remember, it rains in the desert.
Well, Good Morning All!
Thank you Ray for a fabulous beginning!
"Anything that doesn't involve bending would be good." Ugh, I know what you mean.
I hauled a million buckets of gravel for a yard drain yesterday - Mr Tractor was just too big.
More coffee, puh-lease!

It was also hot yesterday. I ain't used to that neither. What? It's almost May for heaven's sake.
How did that happen?
Today is a hiking day with my friend. His choice as to the route - but I'm sure it will be sparktacular.
The ibuprofen looks like it'll be the first step...

I better get to finding something for lunch!
Y'all have a winderfull day!

For when just 1800 cc and 6 cylinders is for girls. Or anybody identifying as a girl. Yes a flat eight of around 2000 cc coming from? Of course China! From GWM apparently. Looks just about production ready I would say.


Oh no! I wonder what that would be like?
Kookier than jamming a Chevy short block in a motorcycle!

I think I found the article.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee and croissants Ray. Yes I know you said "butter pastries" but I've broken your elaborate code and know what that really means.

It's 56°F and cloudy in Rockville but that hasn't in any way muted the pre-dawn chorus of bird song. My window's open and I'm enjoying the symphony of chirps, warbles, and peeps.

We'll see a high around 71 and partly sunny skies. Should be a good day to make a test ride down to Union Station in DC to check how long it takes; I need to know so that I can decide whether riding to the train is an option on Friday morning or if I'll need to take Metro down. While I'm down there I'll take the opportunity to see how the check-in and boarding process works.

A minor setback on the sewing center. I assembled the top yesterday, using zinc screws for the hinges rather than the brass screws that will get used in final assembly. Three or four of the zinc jobbies sheared in two as I was driving them... damn I hate cheap stuff. Anyhow, now I have to drill out and remove the broken-off stumps to make room for the brass screws when the time comes. As a consequence, I may also be forced to either step up from #6 screws to #8 or plug the drilled holes with dowels and re-drill new pilot holes, as I anticipate that the process of removing the broken screws might also enlarge the screw holes to the point where the brass screws I have on hand may not have adequate bite. Argh.

But, the positive news is that I got a nice round-over all around the periphery of the top, with some coves added at the ends of the flippable sections to make it easy to reach under and grab them for deployment. Now, apart from the screw extraction, all that's left to do is a bit of light final sanding, stain, and a zillion coats of clearcoat.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray. I'm taking "butter pastries" as being shortbread cookies, and not croissants.

4C and cloudy, headed to 11C later on. It's Spring? Meh.

Not much else of interest you'd all care to know about, so perhaps just the random sentence generator of the day then?

"I really want to go to work, but I am too sick to drive. "

Now, why didn't I think of that this morning?

Hope you all have a most excellent day.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Ray.

It's sunny and 41, going to 67, later.

Yesterday, I finished replacing tubes in my friend's restaurant kitchen, and found that the plastic panels needed trimming.
I took them home later in the evening, and trimmed them to the proper dimentions.
I'll install them, Thursday or Friday.

Arm day at the gym went okay, but the walk didn't happen.
I tried to go light on the arms, since both arm muscles were painful, but maybe I'll just forego the gym for a bit. We'll see.

A few months ago, i met a rep for the VA at an outdoor and RV show.
He gave me paperwork to apply for VA benefits, and I returned it last week.
I had a follow-up, yesterday, and I have VA health benefits!
I've got a first meeting with my VA primary physician this morning.
I need to know how the VA health meshes with my regular coverage, and whether to sign up for the other Medicare parts, once Brenda retires.
Also, I'm a bit nervous about how my hearing, cancer, and arthritis issues will be addressed and by who.
I'd hate to leave my current physicians behind.
I'll find out in a few hours...

After that, I'll scoot down into CT to try to meet with the track rep, to apply to work there...
Maybe a walk, in lieu of Leg day.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning, all. Thanks for the coffee, Ray. A pastry, by any other name, would taste as sweet.

68, with rain in the area. And the area seems to be my house. I’m glad I got finished with the mowing, yesterday. Today, there’s nothing on the schedule except for moving some ferns from the woods to the yard. And naps. Can’t forget the naps.

@ibike2havefun Keith, be sure to video the removal of the screws. I try to learn woodworking from watching others and I’m not sure that I’m using the right adjectives.

@ibike2havefun Keith, be sure to video the removal of the screws. I try to learn woodworking from watching others and I’m not sure that I’m using the right adjectives.

There's no video sharing site on the planet where I could post and share such a video, at least not if the audio portion were to go unedited... The Dead Sea isn't as salty as the language I'm apt to deploy.
Keith, be sure to video the removal of the screws. I try to learn woodworking from watching others and I’m not sure that I’m using the right adjectives.

Watching someone else's screw ups removal is always a great way to learn vs doing it first hand yourself.

Wonder how many bleeps he'll need to put in the video?

Good morning, all, and thanks for the caffeine and French, fancy, flaky, fattening foodfest, my fine fellow!

It's a lovely, sunny day in lovely Montréal, but it's a cold morning. We're just about at the freezing mark right now, and we'll see a high of 12°C/54°F later on.
During a break on a very busy workday (yesterday), I took a quick stroll over to the duck pond to see if there was any quackery going on, but alas...there were no ducks to be found. I know they're around, they just weren't there when I was. Perhaps they were napping.

'Nother busy one on tap, including a "meet-and-greet" with the company's executive management (including the CEO) this afternoon. Better put on my false eyelashes.
Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely. And remember, be kind to our web-footed friends, for a duck maybe somebody's mooooother.

Good coffee, Ray, I'll leave the breadstuffs for the others, a liquid breakfast is my norm.

The sheetrock is installed in the kitchen, next is mud and sanding and then I'll see if a friend of ours, an artist, can wallpaper as good as she says.

With a 60% chance of rain, looks like Kaiser will take the car with me to work today. High near 80, and I've heard of these April showers, and seen them too, might even be some thunderstorm action.

For the sewing cabinet, I envision enlarging the holes (zinc screws should be a pain in the butt to remove but easier than other steels), and cutting stained dowels to cover the holes. You know, like "I meant to do that." If I'm imagining this correctly, the steel baseplate will cover the "whole" locations anyway so only you (and the entire st-owners ☕️ coffee crew) will ever know.

I know you can recover from this miscue.

Speaking of artists, some weird painter guy is said to have remarked,

"Success is sometimes the outcome of a whole string of failures."
-- Vincent van Gogh
good morning all. thank you Ray for the coffee and eats. 53F on the dog walk with just stars everywhere you looked. Lowes didn't have the hinge I needed so my wife looked up the auto close door hinge on Home Depot and they will be here today. we will see when they get here which will tell when they get installed. I have gym today so that kills the morning. so will need to see what else there is to do this afternoon as the high should see 88F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning all!
Thanks for another start Ray!

Currently 43F with rain & a high of 49.

I made a deal on a trailer last night, I pick it up Monday night (if my truck is repaired)
It’s a 2019 with 7,000 pound axles, the deck is 8.5’ X 20’ It only made a few trips north and a bit of machine hauling. Under 8,000 miles on it.


I’m mostly hauling side X side’s, but there is a possibility of the occasional tractor going for a ride on it!
Enjoy your Wednesday!
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