April 23 - For the Coffee

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
Good Morning All!
Happy Tuesday and join me with a mug of black water!
Today's is Black Rifle, "Blackbeard's Delight" - expensive, but worth it.
Toasted in the barrels of Black Rifles, the beans take on an eloquent, yet subtle flavor, sure to satisfy.

A cool day yesterday and cool one today thus far.
Little Bahama has a frost warning - What?!
Ah! Life on the Piedmont is wild and crazy.

Yesterday I visited a friend in the construction business and had some seat time in some of his excavators!
Wow! Amazing toys. I want one! Now I understand why guys use them all day building roads and buildings - they are a lot of fun!

Hmmm, I wonder what today will bring?

Y'all have a wonduhfill day!

The hyperbole channel refers to an AP article below - so all youse in Europe please immediately stop all cars, power plants and anything to do with life in general.
Kindly remain at home, inside and do nothing. AP are only doing their part to save humanity.
Ta me duck.....yes we are warming. We've gone from 36 to 44 today. Pffffffftttttt.
Perhaps the ice cap has melted and the remains are parked in the North Sea. Pffffffftttttt.
We're just back from Berwick-upon-the-Tweed, Er'Indoors and er buddy did Jumpy Up and Down stuff, I didn't.
ST.Nicholas never mentioned food, I'll put some bacon on. It's good.
Or did he? I'll put it on anyway. Pffffffftttttt.
The guessers said dry, it isn't. Tossers.
After bacon, who knows where the ride will take us?
Av a gud un and remember, it's definitely warming.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the Black Rifle, Nick. Keep it hot- it's only 35°F here in Hillsborough NC. I'm going to wait a while before setting off on today's ride, to let it get light and warm up to a decent temperature. It'll be just a short ride today, so I can spare the time.

Once it does warm up, it should be a decent sunny day, with a high around 71. Yesterday it only got to 60 or so: warm enough but I still appreciated my extra layer while riding.

For the tractor lovers among us.

I never knew they were a crop. Always thought they were factory made.


Do not pet the fuzzy cows...

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, all. Thanks for the coffee, Nick.

Yep, still winter. 36 to start the day. Sunny and breezy for the remainder of the day, reaching a guessed high of 72.

The truck reminded me yesterday that the oil needs changing, so there’s that on the schedule. More T-6, I reckon. Bikes probably need oil changes, too. Might not hurt to change oil in the car and SUV, based on time, instead of mileage. Can you get Rotella in 30 gallon drums?

@Upt' North Is the bacon ready, yet. Asking for a friend, who’s being a good boy.

Thx for the coffee Nick, and for the bacon Ray!

The fastest warming continent…pffffft….speed it up, pleeeeease!
7˚c/45f, 40mph wind, sun and clouds, dry.

Some bikenursing later.
Leftovers for dinner.

Have a warmer one!

Style is essential (Bryan Ferry). From yesterdays playtime
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Nick.

It was a long 3 days and all I have to show is an empty wallet and a nasty cold.

Weather is -5C headed to +10. I was supposed to ride STella to work this morning but Mrs. Obo pointed out it was -5 and not the +2 that was predicted, so based on the frost in the yard she told me to take her car. (We're now down to 1 car having given 2 of them to both of the Things.)

Today's random sentence: I've never seen a more beautiful brandy glass filled with wine.

And lastly, something I saw while away that made me think of @Sadlsor


Hope everyone has an excellent Tuesday.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Nick.

It's sunny and 32 in MA this morning, rising to 62, later.
It'll cloud up this evening, and there's a chance of shower, tonight.

Yesterday, I did a walkabout, and then was off to my Opthamologist.
We made it to the range, when Brenda arrived home.

Today, it'll be gym time, and then I'll remove the mower belt and order the OEM Craftsman one.
I've also got to find all of the items I'll need in my corner marshal bag, since I'll start needing it on Friday.
Brenda's summer candlepin bowling league hasn't started yet, so we'll figure out dinner.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning all, and thanks for the "gunpowder" coffee, Nick, and fishy bacon, Ray!

We have a mainly sunny morning, a mix of sun and clouds this afternoon and more rain showers this evening. Temps will go from decidedly cool to more springlike this afternoon: 5°C/41°F with a feels-like of 2°C/36°F now, 18°C/64°F later.

@ibike2havefun: An M & M farm, eh? Well, I'll be.
@Obo: Hope you feel better quickly!

Got some paperwork to attend to before starting work today, so I'd better get moving. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Great choice of Vitamin C, Nick... this is the coffee which began my affinity for Black Rifle Coffee. Let's keep that sugar, creamer and spoons away from my mug.

And keep them away from my coffee cup, too.

Had I seen that mug @Obo shared with us, I'da bought it. But do remember, I don't post any quotes, or anything else, before I have coffee, I've learned my lesson the hard way.

And speaking of Vitamin C, and Obo, on those rare (very rare) occasions that I catch a cold, Vitamin Coffee is my go-to. It always works for me. Every single time. Now it may take a while, but the cold always goes away after I drink coffee. Hope it works for you too, Obo. Try it, and if you still have the cold, drink more.

Well lookie here, it's time to get going for work. I meant to take a picture of the card I got for David yesterday. It will be odd going into his office and not seeing Charlie in his tiny bed, his vet appointment was 4:30 yesterday. Hearing David tell us of the questions his 6yo daughter was asking about death and where Charlie would go, was touching.

So as I leave y'all temporarily, I found this by the creator of our friend Winnie the Poo...

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
A.A. Milne
Morning Ray & All from a it's still too dark to tell, Southern Utah!

Currently, before the Sun comes up, it is 52F, heading for a high of 78F! No breeze right now, but later we'll see it coming from the SW @ 17 to 29mph. They are telling us another storm will hit us late Thursday and last until Saturday. We'll see if we get anything from it.

Yesterday was busy putting everything back from my son's visit/motorcycle ride. Unloading the 2004 from the trailer, and parking the bike, on the lift. I then had to put the trailer back, and to do that, I find using the tractor with a hitch attached to the bucket, makes it so much easier. :) I also had to put the Suzuki Samurai back into it's spot, since I had it out on Saturday evening. I still have the gear Justin used to be put away, but that's about it. I also used some glass cleaner to wash off the bugs from the front of the bikes, since if you don't get them when they are fresh, they are buggers to get off later! :think1:

I also moved what plants made it thru the Winter, to a location where I can get some water to them. And I'm thinking of going a getting a 7 to 8 foot Blue Spruce Pine tree for the front yard.


Chris's birthday is coming up and I've been promising her a tree now for the last few years. I'm at the point where I know where I want it planted. and that would be a nice surprise for her! ;)

I'm up early and too early to eat/drink, but I'll probably just do the Lazyman's breakfast, plus I have one leftover-ripened banana to take care of. ;) Pepsi, of course will come later! :thumb:

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
good morning all. thanks Keith and Ray for coffee and bacon. 58F on the dog walk with bright full moon and some stars to view as I walked with the flashlight on looking for, you guessed it snakes. yesterday wife came running into the house yelling something about get the dogs inside there is a snake in the back yard. it's been hot the last few days so the snakes have started to move. this one was 100% rattle snake and he was not happy. wife went to call Fire Dept. I kept an eye on the snake. F.D. is just around the corner from us and in a few minutes they showed up. put Mr. snake in a box and left. they saved that snakes life as I had Mr. 22cal pistol ready if they couldn't make it. snake was about 2 1/2 ft long. nothing planed today so will see what pops up. the high today should hit 93F. enjoy the day.

stay safe
Oh happy morning all.......

Thanks for the start up. A Little slow getting up this morning.
Sunny with a little overcast going to mid 60s today.

No snakes here today. Plenty of quail and deer.....both edible.....instead of trying to eat me.

Yesterday's big city trip was the least expensive we have had in the last few weeks. Got the remaining fence parts, so today is more work, oh yay.
But it will be real nice when done. We will be able to plant stuff in the backyard.

Hope all you snake fighters and tree planters and tractor lovers and recent movers and gun toting race track workers and lawyers and everyone else has a satisfying Satuesday.
this one was 100% rattle snake and he was not happy. wife went to call Fire Dept. I kept an eye on the snake. F.D. is just around the corner from us and in a few minutes they showed up. put Mr. snake in a box and left. they saved that snakes life as I had Mr. 22cal pistol ready if they couldn't make it.
How far is @Igofar from you?
Larry could have come right over and added it to his mouse-free garage and workshop area.
Good morning all!
Thanks for the long barrel start Nick!
I’ll have some goodies Ray if’in there’s any left!
Mr Ed, we deal with rattlesnakes on a semi regular basis on the peninsula. We have the Massissauga variety.
We’re on our way back home from delivering the new (to me) trailer last night.
Cool & wet here!
Enjoy your day, gotta run!
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