CA-Central: Tag


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Oct 15, 2014
Bonney Lake WA
2012 ST1300a
What I really would like to know is, how did Jeff come across that airplane??? All there is around there are miles and miles of straight roads and vineyards!!! The SR 71 is my very favoritest airplane and if a hint is needed, I have a picture of the sign for the air museum it is located. the place was closed when I was there so I couldn't wander around inside the fence.
I know this one too, dang it one more day work, if no one gets it, I'll pick it up By Saturday
Got it, will post next tag in a few hours off to the location


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:06biker: This was fun! Careful you might get wet on this RYDE! Hint


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What I really would like to know is, how did Jeff come across that airplane??? All there is around there are miles and miles of straight roads and vineyards!!! The SR 71 is my very favoritest airplane and if a hint is needed, I have a picture of the sign for the air museum it is located. the place was closed when I was there so I couldn't wander around inside the fence.
IT was open today! Mikes find..... I once got stuck in traffic on 99, and a trucker,(being a clever guy) said "if I had my druthers, I'd take this road to Cruthers, to get around the blocked traffic. That's when I came upon that station with the nose dived position. Your right nothin but open straight roads.
IT was open today! Mikes find..... I once got stuck in traffic on 99, and a trucker,(being a clever guy) said "if I had my druthers, I'd take this road to Cruthers, to get around the blocked traffic. That's when I came upon that station with the nose dived position. Your right nothin but open straight roads.
sorry, I thought it was Jeff's tag.
Mac, although I do think it's an excellent tag for you to get, I was also giving a hint.
Okay, I'm new to this... but,

Gizdich Ranch.jpg

I wasn't out on the ST today, but I was out riding with my son on my F6B and he was on his GSXR.
We were headed out for lunch at The Whole Enchilada in Moss Landing and I remembered that the Tag was nearby... so I snagged it.
So... now I have to put it somewhere, right? Any kind of time limit? (This is my first Tag attempt).


Yep, you're gonna want to add the new tag asap....cuz technically the tag hasn't been moved until the new tag gets your ST buddies can still swoop in aaaannnd steal it :))).

Okay, I'm new to this... but,

I wasn't out on the ST today, but I was out riding with my son on my F6B and he was on his GSXR.
We were headed out for lunch at The Whole Enchilada in Moss Landing and I remembered that the Tag was nearby... so I snagged it.

So... now I have to put it somewhere, right? Any kind of time limit? (This is my first Tag attempt).

Okay, I'm new to this... but,

Gizdich Ranch.jpg

I wasn't out on the ST today, but I was out riding with my son on my F6B and he was on his GSXR.
We were headed out for lunch at The Whole Enchilada in Moss Landing and I remembered that the Tag was nearby... so I snagged it.
So... now I have to put it somewhere, right? Any kind of time limit? (This is my first Tag attempt).


I hope you got some Pie! not just a Tag
Sorry, haven't had much time of my own for a while.
My wife is 7 years into a 5 year cancer diagnosis... that kind of trumps personal pleasures.

If the weather here is nice for a bit longer, I'll try to make a run somewhere. It's clear today... but cold out there.

Perhaps I was a bit over excited about picking up this tag, and shouldn't have mentioned it until I had the chance to drop it somewhere.
If I post the same picture twice in the same post... can I just say I put it back? So I don't hold anything up?

I have some thoughts in mind, but my time is not mine right now.

Don't worry about it, Family first! And Good luck to you both.

The Tag can be picked up by anyone (except the previous Tagger) until you post a new one so you aren't holding anything up.
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