Friday Mar 29 - Do you know where the coffee is?

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
It's HERE! The hot caffeine is in the pot and ready for imbibation!
Grab a mug, sit and ratchetjaw for awhile.
I think there are Friday donuts too.

Guess what - the sun came out yesterday - thanks @Nashcat for sending him over.
The lovely NC clay I purchased to live on has been a sticky mess these last couple of days.
Hopefully it will dry up soon so I can get back to work on the outside projects.
I am still trying to tame the water runoff here on the plantation.

What a mess in Baltimore eh? Watching the ship collide with the bridge was like a horror movie.
If any of you have ever been up close to a container vessel, you know it's like standing next to a country.
So many questions.

Goodluck and congratulations @Peppermint now that you're in the new place.
Happy Anniversary @ToddC - All the best!

As for the rest of you rascals, Y'all have a wonderfall day!

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Nick.

It's 36 and still raining here in MA, but that's predicted to end by noon.
It'll be cloudy and windy afterward, while the temperature rises to 49.

Yesterday's MRI went okay, I guess. They'll analyze it and get back to me. I've had hearing loss in my left ear, and the Dr wanted to eliminate anything internal that might have caused it. I'll be fitted for hearing aids in the near future.

Today, I'll be off to the gym in a bit, and come home to housework.
Today's also the day that Brenda tells her work that she's retiring in July. We'll go out to dinner when she comes home.

@Peppermint, I hope you're settling into your new digs.
@Mellow, Happy Birthday.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning all!
Thank you for the bodacious start Mr Nick!
Glad to be here this morning!

It’s also nice to see @peterz dropping in!

It’s a cool morning here in Woodstock, presently 28F heading to 43, apparently going to be a breezy day (WNW 14-32 MPH) with lots of sunshine! Pfffft! I have lots of work to do, but the sun definitely will be better than rain or snow!

That bin won’t fill itself I need to get moving!

Did I mention my brother & his Mrs. are coming here from Kitchener today, (he offered to help fill the bin) apparently he didn’t believe my explanation of how much stuff had been hoarded into this property, I did a pan of the yard while on a video call and he went silent!! No, I will not post a picture!
Enjoy your Friday, even if it’s a good one!
Thanks for the coffee Nick, and for the doughnuts, which I'll leave for the rest... I can do some real doughnut damage if I were to get started. (It's happened before.)

Y'all can rest easy, I poured a cup before I sat down to post this morning. So I have no excuse, if I run off the rails.

Gonna get warm here today, pushing toward 80 even though it's chilly at the moment. Rain again on Tuesday, so they say.

Just a quiet, uneventful Friday here I suspect, with only a customer call / online meeting this morning, which I think I'll stay home for.

But if I watch the ST goings on, someone will provide or create some drama or other excitement in all likelihood. Could be some tractor antics, or cabinet making, or oh I don't know... maybe even a Mellow Birthday, who knows?

Although I am a little disappointed that Patty didn't leave her old apartment owner with some prank we could all enjoy. Maybe Canadian laws are written and enforced so that the blowback would erase all the fun of reminding what a classic jerk he is, I dunno.

Anyway, let's not be a jerk like him.
When there is no hope, it is incumbent on us to invent it.
Albert Camus
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Nick.

Guess what - the sun came out yesterday

What gender did it pick?

I am still trying to tame the water runoff here on the plantation.

At least the plantation isn't currently a "flotation."

As for coffee, I vote we move it over here to here, in honor of the site CEO's birthday.


Weather here continues to rain, only lightly at present and at 6C. There's still heavy rainfall warnings for another 50mm and flood risk warnings as the ground is full. A couple hours away could see snow, but here we're supposed to stay at 6C.

Thing 2 & 2b arrive home today. Thing 1 & 1a arrived late Wed night so the house will be full this weekend. Somehow I didn't get any vote in the plans. It might almost be time to move with no forwarding address. :rofl1:

Here's hoping everyone has an excellent Good Friday.

good morning all and thank you Nick for the coffee and donuts. 54F on the dog walk with clouds and moon. the stars didn't show. still a good walk. yesterday's home health care visit went well. she asked lots of questions and gave a lot of info and answered my questions. was here almost 2 hours. I was impressed. today I will miss my gym time as a roofer is to show up and correct a roof issue in one of the valleys. so I'll kill time somehow around the house. the high should see 82F but might get rain this weekend. enjoy the day.

stay safe
G’morning all and thanks for the coffee Nick…

55/85 and sunny here in Houston today. On call again today and one last trip in Houston tomorrow (Round trip home to Colorado Springs…lol). Pulling out of the KOA tomorrow night or Sunday morning enroute to my sisters house in Dallas for Easter.

Happy Birthday Mellow!
Thx Mr Nick!
Cake for breakfast……now anything can happen!

8˚c/46f, rain, breeze 30mph.
A beachwalk with me missus.
Duckbreast and stuff later.
Only four of us today :).

I’ve removed the blanket from the iron horse, it’s ready to run!
(Weather must be slightly better first.)

@Mellow Happy birthday!
@Peppermint Enjoy your new home! So happy for you!

Have a good one!

Mrs Stu trying to vade….water at 4˚c/39f
good morning all and thank you Nick for the coffee and donuts. 54F on the dog walk with clouds and moon. the stars didn't show. still a good walk. yesterday's home health care visit went well. she asked lots of questions and gave a lot of info and answered my questions. was here almost 2 hours. I was impressed. today I will miss my gym time as a roofer is to show up and correct a roof issue in one of the valleys. so I'll kill time somehow around the house. the high should see 82F but might get rain this weekend. enjoy the day.

stay safe
Hopefully a new roof isn’t required!
Happy Birthday @Mellow !
Enjoy all of it!
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Early morning all........
Thanks sir Nick for the start up.
Thanks for all the congrats..... They should be directed to my better half for tolerating me for all these years.

Up and atom for a day of skiing today. Ya freaking who..........!!! Hill says they have enough snow for a couple more weeks.

And a happy and consolations to Mr. Joe @Mellow , now officially a member of the old guys club.
Like Joe said recently....60 is the new 80..... No really he said it....... :shrug2: :eek::rofl1:

@Peppermint , hope that move went well, and you know , it's not real unless posted with pics......

Gotta go, snow is a melting.
Morning all! 6C with rain on the way. They say maybe 11C and some sun later this afternoon but we'll reserve judgment for now.

Happy birthday Joe! Happy new digs Patty! Happy belated anniversary Todd!

Today will be a rest day. I did a lot of walking on the new knee yesterday so it let me know last night that it was not a satisfactory state of affairs. I'll give it a break today, catch a couple naps and that should sort things out.

I also got an email yesterday from the new job giving me some info and general bumpf about the new gig. One of the highlights is secure bicycle parking and showers on site which means I can bicycle commute a couple days a week if I so choose. It's about 26 km/16 miles each way. That should help with trying to fit into my old suits ;).

Right, dogs to be fed, naps to be had. Hope everyone has a great day!
I also got an email yesterday from the new job giving me some info and general bumpf about the new gig. One of the highlights is secure bicycle parking and showers on site which means I can bicycle commute a couple days a week if I so choose. It's about 26 km/16 miles each way. That should help with trying to fit into my old suits ;).
That is freaking awesome!
Doesn't it make you wonder why more companies, particularly mid- to larger-sized businesses, don't offer this fairly simple amenity to employees?
Better health for their staff, more incentive to leave the car at home, saving money on gas, the positives just go on and on.
Seems rather easy in the long run, doesn't it?
Especially here in the south, there's no way I could ride in on a pedal bike and then work for several hours... I couldn't stand to smell myself, and have mercy on my poor co-workers.
Sounds like you'll enjoy your new gig.
?? (posting was acting up, so let's try this again...)
Thanks for clearing that up, Obo.
Before you edited, all I saw was "??" and wondered aloud, "What did I say...?" to elicit that response. And since my posts are usually all over the English-speaking word salad map, so to speak, it could have been anything in my brief soliloquy this morning.
Thanks for clearing that up, Obo.
Before you edited, all I saw was "??" and wondered aloud, "What did I say...?" to elicit that response. And since my posts are usually all over the English-speaking word salad map, so to speak, it could have been anything in my brief soliloquy this morning.

I actually think your posting was what messed it up. (not intentionally though.)
I went to insert a quote, it popped up on screen there were new messages posted and then when I hit insert or quote it saved and posted my incomplete message. It then wouldn't let me edit it and insert any quotes, so I changed it to ?? and reposted a new one.
That is freaking awesome!
Doesn't it make you wonder why more companies, particularly mid- to larger-sized businesses, don't offer this fairly simple amenity to employees?
Better health for their staff, more incentive to leave the car at home, saving money on gas, the positives just go on and on.
Seems rather easy in the long run, doesn't it?
Especially here in the south, there's no way I could ride in on a pedal bike and then work for several hours... I couldn't stand to smell myself, and have mercy on my poor co-workers.
Sounds like you'll enjoy your new gig.
Totally agree. At a previous job, they had showers and I rode my bicycle everyday, including in the winter down to -30C (it's actually not that bad, you dress properly and the exercise keeps you nice and toasty). It would wake me up on the ride into work and let me get rid of any stress of the day on the ride home. Cheaper (if one ignores the inevitable gadgetitis) and healthier, what's not to love?
Good late afternoon everyone

Thanks for the coffee Nick though by now at 12/5+ hours old I believe I'll pass. Plus, coffee after about 10 in the morning is a bad idea for me.

Happy Birthday @Mellow!

I woke up around 0200 and was up when the coffee was still fresh but wasn't on the computer so I missed it. Went back to bed around 0500 and up again at 0730, so as to be on time for my scheduled round of golf . It went extraordinarily well (by my very low standards)- better than ever before, in fact. It was coolish for much of the round and got breezier and breezier as play progressed, but still fun.

On arriving home I was absolutely thrashed at the dominoes table by Mrs. Fun.

We'll have a delayed / deferred / belated Valentines Day dinner this evening (I was on my SCUBA trip on the actual day) but other than that we're pretty well done with the day's agenda.

Oh yeah, the weather here: bright and sunny all day, growing breezier throughout much of it. It was around 38 when I got up (the second time) and is currently 58 and windy.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Totally agree. At a previous job, they had showers and I rode my bicycle everyday, including in the winter down to -30C (it's actually not that bad, you dress properly and the exercise keeps you nice and toasty). It would wake me up on the ride into work and let me get rid of any stress of the day on the ride home. Cheaper (if one ignores the inevitable gadgetitis) and healthier, what's not to love?
In a former life, my best friend and I rented a trailer in CT while stationed aboard a nuke boat in Groton, just so we could live off base.
Most days, in all seasons, we would bicycle into work, and thus bike "home" at the end of the day.

With a minimum of nearly 60 miles a day, we got to be in decent physical condition. Baffles me why I ever quit. But I've been hit by a car on public roads twice in my life, and that may have had an influence in my move to motorized 2-wheelers as my preferential go-to transportation.

Big, powerful motorized 2-wheelers, to be specific.
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