Fursday Caff, May 2nd.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Good morning and welcome to the Wooler Coffee Emporium where only the finest French Roast is served, and for your delectation today freshly baked Croissants will also be available. Help ya'selves. Now......shut up!
Nice start to the day, warm, still and sunny. We might see 55.
Today will see us meander over to Alnwick upon the Aln for a shopping trip, my hands can't stand another day in the garage. Although the brake fluid was changed front and rear yesterday, the worst part was accessing the rear reservoir. It's well tucked away, but it basically changed itself with the help of gravity and a 8 mm spanner.
There's still more to do but I have no desire to rush things, a rainy day will be along sometime soon and it's ready to ride anyway.
Av a gud un out there and remember, if you can't dance to it, it's not your revolution.
Good morning and welcome to the Wooler Coffee Emporium where only the finest French Roast is served, and for your delectation today freshly baked Croissants will also be available. Help ya'selves. Now......shut up!
Nice start to the day, warm, still and sunny. We might see 55.
Today will see us meander over to Alnwick upon the Aln for a shopping trip, my hands can't stand another day in the garage. Although the brake fluid was changed front and rear yesterday, the worst part was accessing the rear reservoir. It's well tucked away, but it basically changed itself with the help of gravity and a 8 mm spanner.
There's still more to do but I have no desire to rush things, a rainy day will be along sometime soon and it's ready to ride anyway.
Av a gud un out there and remember, if you can't dance to it, it's not your revolution.

Number 9, Number 9...
Completion, attainment, and fulfillment. People who have a life path number 9 are said to be compassionate, generous, and selfless. They are also believed to have a strong spiritual connection and are often drawn to helping others.
Who're you talking about.......
I forgot to say.....if y'all av got time could you please package up food and drinks and send them to your local revolting students.....it's basic human aid.....they're starving out there!
Ah Ray! Thank you kind sir for the hot pot and finest pastries in all of Wooler!
*Sluuuurp* and another Ah!
I am ever grateful.

It's planning to be a rather nice day here on the Piedmont.
I understand we are planning to topple the charts today in the 80 F's.
Hmmm, combine that with temps overnight and you get the 150 rule: https://turfgator.com/150-rule/
I'd better get cracking..
Lawn fungus can take out a lawn in a matter of a day here in Paradise.

About them drills. You've definitely picked a winner. HSS is good, Titanium a bit better, but the Cobalt makes them so much better.
I find these to be very nice to use. https://a.co/d/iQjgTL7
As I'm sure many know, you can spend a fortune on drill bits. All work better when used with a soluble oil or similar.
And remember - no chattering!

My Number 9 was a reference to the Beatles "Revolution Number 9" - I hadn't heard about what you reference! Back to the encyclopaedia!

Y'all have a winderfilled day!


Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast and French butter pastries Ray. Yummy. The coffee's got work to do, though: it was the first poker night at my house since March 2020 last night and between two of us half a bottle of scotch (Glenlivet 15 y.o. French Oak, if you must know) seems to have gone missing.

The weather gizmo must be in error: it says it's clear out but I'm seeing very foggy conditions. And that ant on the window ad better stop stomping all six legs on the glass or it's going to get what for, real soon like. Anyhow... sunny and 87°F is the prognostication. It's currently 58 and sunny foggy.

I started back on the path to recovery with those broken screws yesterday: the 1/4" i.d. plug cotter dug them all out cleanly. I've got the 3/8" i.d. cutter chucked up in the drill press now, so it's a matter of turning out a dozen or so plugs and fitting them to the holes, then I'm on my way.

Number 9, Number 9...
People who have a life path number 9 are said to be compassionate, generous, and selfless.

Don't forget Love Potion Number Nine.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
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Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

The best part about the task of changing your brake fluid is when you get to stop.

3C and sunny for the ride in. I think I need some warmer gloves though. My Winter gloves are far too rigid (Held Freezer gloves) and the Summer gloves cold on the new scoot. The grips are mighty warm on 5, but far too hot on the palms while the backs of the fingers are numb. First world problems for sure.

We should see another 12C's added to top us out around 15 later in the day. Might mean taking the long way home from work.

Hope everyone has an excellent pre-Friday.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Ray.

It's foggy/cloudy and 47 in MA this morning, becoming more sunny, while the temperature reaches 75, later.

I did the gym thing, yesterday, chucked my friend's cut-up pallets, and did a 3 mile walk, with my neighbor's golden retriever.
She always barks at the back fence, for a brief pet, and the ladies who own her said to take her any time, since the other dog is too old to give her a proper workout, since he tires easily.
So yesterday, I walked across our yards, and asked " Can Maddie come out and play?".
I took her down to the "Outback" trail system, where it was a nicer walk than on the road.

Today, I've got a meeting for a hearing aid consult, and a meeting with a kitchen designer. Brenda has the day off, and has promised some home cooking...

Enjoy the day,
Didn't know they were a thing.
Did you?
I did. Sometimes I have to drill holes through stainless steel countertops and walls and poles in burger joints, to mount computer pieces.
It's very hard.
I don't like it.
I break cobalt bits and every other kind.

I forgot to say.....if y'all av got time could you please package up food and drinks and send them to your local revolting students.....
Absolutely not!
I won't feed them for the same reason I don't feed wild bears... it only encourages them to keep coming back.

My Number 9 was a reference to the Beatles "Revolution Number 9" -
You didn't need to tell *ME* that.
I married a Beatles fanatic.

The grips are mighty warm on 5, but far too hot on the palms while the backs of the fingers are numb. First world problems for sure.
Which is why I was never excited about the heated grips -- electric gloves is the ticket.
Think of skiing on a cold winter day, all bundled up from your waist to your head,... and forgetting to wear your pants and ski pants to cover your legs.

Anyhow, thanks for the coffee Ray.
Another warm day, I'm digging it. Except for I'm indoors working instead of being out riding in it.

This weekend should include changing the oil in 2 bikes and a car, as well as cutting the grass and painting a wall. Can't promise it will all get done before Monday.

And I need to walk my animal this morning, as I'm now picking up all of Joseph's repair work orders, and will have to get used to longer days and nights again.

It will be OK, until it isn't.

Right now, I could use another cuppa, and get a shower to begin this Fursday. Which reminds me, I got your fur right here. If you need more fur, get a German Shepherd, and you'll never run out.

So remember -- don't feed the wild bears.

Unless it comes down to you or your hiking buddy.
Ye gods, is it five to eight already?! I was a little tardy getting up and at 'em this morning. Ooh, there's still coffee in the pot, thanks, Ray! And some kind soul has left me a croissant, bless 'em.

Last night's get-together was a success, it was great to see everyone and catch up, and the pizza was a-MA-zing. In the typical fashion of a Montreal neighbourhood restaurant, the venue isn't very big, but it's well-known throughout the city and is always very busy, so it's a bit on the noisy side. But hey, it's Little Italy...everything is noisy in Little Italy! Wake up and smell the espresso!

We got more thunderstorms in the wee hours (why can't they send them at...I dunno...8 pm or something, when we're not all trying to sleep?!) and we have grey conditions and rain again this morning, with more thunderstorms possibly coming this afternoon. 10°C/50°F right now (but feels like 7°C/45°F), going to a high of 14°C/57°F later.

Ray, that reminds me...I must go forage for a new set of drill bits over the weekend. I had a really excellent (and rather expensive) set of them, but they seem to have gone missing. I suspect one of the movers might have pinched them. :(

OK, better get my carcass moving! Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

good morning all. thanks for the coffee Ray. 58F on the dog walk with a repeat of the last few days. bright moon, stars and a clear sky. yesterday went to the gym and did some things at the house. all was well until our friend texted and told us he's 1 year old puppy found a rattle snake in this back yard. yes it bit her, right on the nose. so off to the E vets with her. she is to spend the night and today at the vets. last report was she's doing well. we will see how she is this afternoon. got some running around to do this morning to pick up things here and there. high should see 89F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Morning all! 6C and clear with 15C to come.

Won't get to enjoy it however, meetings, meetings and more....you get the idea. Death by a thousand cuts. The contractor will arrive at some point with some samples to look at. Not sure what of mind you. I'm hoping for cake but we'll see.

Not sure about all this German being thrown around here this morning but if someone tries to force you to tell them what number comes after 8 just say nein.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Did I mention these. Why haven't you lot of wasters told me about drills that drill? Well the secrets out, when the job gets tough break out the HSS CO. Apparently.
Didn't know they were a thing.
Did you?
Sure did, have been using them for years but only when needed and only with a hand drill if I have absolutely no other choice. As a caution, generally speaking Cobalt drill bits should be used in a drill press if at all possible. True Cobalt drill bits are much more brittle than HSS bits and as a result there is a much greater chance of breaking them when using a hand drill. This is because it is almost impossible to keep a hand drill perfectly straight through out the drilling process. Not much of an issue in thin material but in thicker material the slightest lateral movement can snap them because they are so brittle. Sometimes you don't have a choice however, so slow and steady wins the race.
Morning Ray & All from sunny Southern Utah!

Currently it is 43F, up from the morning low of 30F, and heading to a high of 69F. No breeze yet, but later we'll see the winds coming from the W @15 to 21mph.

I got most of the gravel pile moved to it's new location. The new location could only take so much, so I threw down some more landscaping cloth and added the left over gravel to it. Today, I need to move some more dirt to the front to bring up the level, then spread the gypsum in with it. That should help with this soil that we have. Later I'll get a few inches of topsoil over it, before putting down the grass.

Boiled eggs, bacon, toast & OJ. Pepsi to follow later.

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Ray.

I’ve been busy sorting & pitching, (out in the 4 car garage) What a mess to deal with! We are now down to the last corner. Once we are finished this we need to figure out what to do with the hoards of items that are deemed good enough to not go in the garbage bin. (the 14 yard bin Is now 3/4 full)
Enjoy your day!
Morning All, thanks for the French roast Ray. Hopefully have finished all medical exams to figure out why I have lost weight , looking like a P.O.W. from WW2 at one point was down to 142 lbs , normally i weigh 180 to 190 lbs at 6ft 1inch. Get the results next week on the 7th and 8th.
Worst part not strong enough to ride ,and we have had some excellent weather here. Curses foiled again!
Well yall have a good day
Morning All, thanks for the French roast Ray. Hopefully have finished all medical exams to figure out why I have lost weight , looking like a P.O.W. from WW2 at one point was down to 142 lbs , normally i weigh 180 to 190 lbs at 6ft 1inch. Get the results next week on the 7th and 8th.
Worst part not strong enough to ride ,and we have had some excellent weather here. Curses foiled again!
Well yall have a good day
Good luck with the results fella, hoping there's a simple fix. You know like :pie1:.
Let's hope you're riding sooner rather than later.
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