Invoking Rule 8


Dec 1, 2004
2024 Miles
"8 - New Rule - TAG RESET - After 1 months, the tag can be moved by anyone without tagging the previous location."

The Tag Reset rule has been in place since mid-2017... the purpose is to keep the game moving along.

Sometimes tags sit and since the same person can't tag their own tag it was causing the game to stall in areas where only a few of the same riders were participating.

So, a 6 month one month limit was placed on the game... after that time period, anyone including the previous tagger can move the tag and they don't need to go to the previous tag first, essentially resetting the game for this specific region. Another example might be an area that is snowed in and inaccessible but other area in that region are. If that happens to also be past the 1 month limit then the tag can be reset.

Hope this clarifies things. Again, the purpose is to keep the game moving as much as possible but still keep the 'tag' theme as well.
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a 6 month limit was placed on the game... after that time period, anyone including the previous tagger can move the tag and they don't need to go to the previous tag first

And there's the clarification I was looking for. Thanks, Boss.
So, if I understand correctly, the idea is to take a picture of my bike at the same place as the second picture of the previous entrant, then ride to another place and take a second pic, and post both pics. Then the next entrant rides to the place in my second pic, takes his first pic there, rides to another place, takes his second pic, and posts them. And so on and so on.

Where are these game threads?
The tag games are the individual states. Some are divided into more than one game per state. Don't expect the pictures to always be in the correct order in the post with both pictures. The posts should have the "old tag" and the "new tag".

Don't make the tag pictures hard. You don't even need to make them a mystery, no problem telling all where the exact location of the picture was made. The hard thing is getting anyone to ride and take the picture and move the tag. That's why the rule 8 came about, nobody moves the tag.

Enjoy the ride to a location, not the computer research looking for an "internet un-findable wall mural picture".

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Now I get it! I'm in the southern/eastern region of Va. The last post was almost three years ago. So, to play, I need to ride there, take a pic of my bike with the same background, then ride to a second notable location, take another pic, and post them.

Then, if I'm correct, the next player should ride to my second location, take their first pic, ride to their new location, take their second pic, post them, the next player rides to that location, takes their first pic, lather, rinse, repeat. Have I got it right?
Now I get it! I'm in the southern/eastern region of Va. The last post was almost three years ago. So, to play, I need to ride there, take a pic of my bike with the same background, then ride to a second notable location, take another pic, and post them.

Then, if I'm correct, the next player should ride to my second location, take their first pic, ride to their new location, take their second pic, post them, the next player rides to that location, takes their first pic, lather, rinse, repeat. Have I got it right?

That's a big 10-4 !!
Now I get it! I'm in the southern/eastern region of Va. The last post was almost three years ago. So, to play, I need to ride there, take a pic of my bike with the same background, then ride to a second notable location, take another pic, and post them.

Then, if I'm correct, the next player should ride to my second location, take their first pic, ride to their new location, take their second pic, post them, the next player rides to that location, takes their first pic, lather, rinse, repeat. Have I got it right?

Yup. And I'd like to add one more thing. I try to make the tag "interesting" and so have others that have posted tags that I've sought. By "interesting", I mean a location with an interesting history or back story or maybe a road worthy of riding.

I just moved one of my own NJ tags that sat idle for almost a year. I thought maybe no one pursued it because it wasn't interesting. The new tag I posted requires riding on some slightly challenging roads in a more rural part of NJ so I'm hoping the game gets going again.
The last post was almost three years ago. So, to play, I need to ride there, take a pic of my bike with the same background, then ride to a second notable location, take another pic, and post them.
In this case the six months has been exceeded so rule # 8 is in place meaning that you don't have to go to the last location for a picture if you don't want to. However, if there is no good reason for you not to go to the last location I think that you should.
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Since the tag has sat undisturbed for 6 months, you can skip the part where you ride to the old location, and simply choose a new spot as a do-over / restart. That's Rule 8 in a nutshell.

As @ddemair noted, generally the best tags are places in areas people like to ride in, which means not cities or congested suburbs more often than not.

Obvious choices are good but not required. Making people hunt for a really obscure blade of grass may make you feel clever but nobody will want to play. It's Tag, not Hide and Seek. A mild amount of obscuring is perfectly fine.
Good info from all, thank you. I know well the landmark in the last tag in my region, but it will be a challenge for me to find the actual spot. Since this is a for-the-fun-of-it venture, I will be waiting for a warm day. I already have a couple of B-destinations in mind.
"8 - New Rule - TAG RESET - After 6 months, the tag can be moved by anyone without tagging the previous location."

The Tag Reset rule has been in place since mid-2017... the purpose is to keep the game moving along.

Sometimes tags sit and since the same person can't tag their own tag it was causing the game to stall in areas where only a few of the same riders were participating.

So, a 6 month limit was placed on the game... after that time period, anyone including the previous tagger can move the tag and they don't need to go to the previous tag first, essentially resetting the game for this specific region. Another example might be an area that is snowed in and inaccessible but other area in that region are. If that happens to also be past the 6 month limit then the tag can be reset.

Hope this clarifies things. Again, the purpose is to keep the game moving as much as possible but still keep the 'tag' theme as well.
Thanks Mellow.
This couldn't come at a better time. Going to move the ON North Tag. It's been sitting for awhile in the north north.
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