MD: Tag

Dale set the tag at the Concord Point Lighthouse in Havre de Grace, about a month ago:


And I put it here, today:


The name on the sign notwithstanding, I found the trip to be far from Boring.
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Of all days for you to reply, it had to be this one! Sorry to say, I'm headed to Antietam Park to meet some OH friends that are riding down.
Boy, I sure do wish I could have met up with you. Another time, for sure!

Sorry we missed each other. Another time it must be. Having crossed through Carroll, Cecil, and Harford counties to get to HdG twice this summer, my eyes are open to new roads and riding opportunities.
Old: Boring post office

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New: River & Trail Outfitters

I was trying to get a picture of the farm where John Brown has his headquarters, but apparently the road is gone. . .at least in enough spots to shut it down. This Outfitter is on the Maryland side of the bridge where Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia meet. . .
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I know right where it is. Steve used their sign as the tag in late 2015, I think it was. Good choice!
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I know right where it is. Steve used their sign as the tag in late 2015, I think it was. Goid choice!
I just moved the WV tag too. . Didn't realize that it had been sitting since 2016. . . I would've gotten something more interesting. If you want it, it's just down the road from the outfitters in the MD tag. . Just head toward Harper's Ferry and you can't miss it.

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Oh, and I'm glad I was being very conservative once I turned off of RT 30 and onto Old Hanover Rd. . . Much faster and I think I would've jumped the railroad tracks. . . Lol!

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Oh, and I'm glad I was being very conservative once I turned off of RT 30 and onto Old Hanover Rd. . . Much faster and I think I would've jumped the railroad tracks. . . Lol!

Yeah catching air might not be the strongest aspect of the ST Experience.
Old: River & Trail Outfitters on Valley Rd # US 340:


New: Monocacy Aqueduct on the C&O Canal

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Heading out tomorrow to move the tag.
Probably shouldn't announce it, but I'm hoping someone else will join me for part of the ride...
Any takers out there?
That's a long ride from Florida!!

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Heading out tomorrow to move the tag.
Probably shouldn't announce it, but I'm hoping someone else will join me for part of the ride...
Any takers out there?

Would love to, but cannot on a work day. OTOH if you happen to be near Rockville around lunchtime I might be able to do that much.
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