Monday April 29th Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Shut up! No, not you wasters, the song thrush that's been singing non stop since Friday. He'll be blowing his blummin beak off.
I think we can safely say Woolerumnal has entered it's spring period. 39 to 60, rain and some brightness. Bit blowy too. Maybe, maybe not.
I was just catching up on your wittering in yesterdays coffee emporium. Interesting that Obo me o'd Canadian mucka. Many here have posted that the GW is the new ST1800. I have usually replied with suitable disparaging comments. You know, like, are you f'in nuts! The bike is very clearly not a ST13 and it is very clearly not the old GW. It is simply a new bike designed to carry two and their luggage in comfort. Or as comfortable as a motorsiccle gets. This is interesting because I've never heard anyone say a 1600 Beemer is the new RT? Maybe because it isn't, and maybe because BMW still produce the most long lived range of tourers on the planet and will continue to do so. That's their history, they evolve, infact it's a very Germanic thing, look at the 911 or the 3 Series, or the C Class. This is not what the Japanese tend to do, they give someone a fresh pencil and notepad and tell them to design some'at new and sexy. Unfortunately they normally fail.
But not so with the new GW it is indeed a beaut in it's own right.
Enjoy my little Canadian upstart.
Today will be spent doing some'at, maybe teaching that thrush how to sing in tune. Pffffffftttttt.
Av a gud un and remember, if you get red feet on Prince Edward Island, it's OK.
Good morning everyone

Since Ray didn't mention having coffee ready I assume the pot's dry. I'll make do with whatever I can scrounge here at the hotel or on a short ramble through the commercial wasteland around me. It's designed for cars, cars, and more cars though, not foot traffic, so I'll be risking life and limb if I venture out.

It's 62°F and fair in Fredericksburg VA, going to 90 or so. I'll want to be off the road early, if possible, which means getting on the road early too. Thing is, I need to not arrive at my friend's place too early. I hope there's an ice cream shop next to his house.

Went to Spotsylvania Battlefield National Historic Park yesterday. Difficult to get oriented at first but very sobering. And it settled nothing, except to kill or maim over 17,000 men.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Thx for the wakeup Ray, but we might need a drop of black….
I’ve only got cod liver oil to spare, it’s supposed to be good for you.

10˚c/50f, windy, overcast.

A bicycle run (Fun inspired..) to get some groceries for dinner.
Choir practice. I woke up with soar throat, but I’m the pianist, so there’s that.

Have a good one!

From this Saturdays walk……….view from Skammanes
Good morning, all. Thanks for the ???, Ray.

Rain’s a coming. The change in the weather woke me up around 2:00 AM, with my knee and my hands aching. Took a while, but I managed to get a couple of hours more sleep.

63/76 with the aforementioned rain on the way, around midday. Maybe some yard work today….Maybe not.

Morning all and thanks for the coffee err cod liver oil.... well OK how about I put on a pot of French Roast. At least you know it's there.

@STooRay I've sung in a choir before too, and have often been referred to as a pianist!

8C and foggy/damp for the ride into work. Should be 13C for the ride home.

Lots on the docket today including training. My manager scheduled it for over my lunch. As he's giving the training I should really attend....

Hope everyone has a great day and remember there's not an S or a T in a GL. There are 500ish more double C's.

Good morning all, and thanks for the mini rant, Ray. Where the hell's the coffee?! Oh, thanks, Obo! :biggrin:

We're supposed to have a mainly sunny morning, but it just looks grey and drizzly to me. Cloudy again this afternoon (or should I say "still?") and rain tomorrow. It's windier and chillier than it was yesterday; 6°C/42°F with a windchill of3°C/37°F this morning, 15°C/59°F this afternoon. None of it will make much diff to me - I'll be buried in work. We've got a big project to finish and deliver today.

@ibike2havefun: In a former job, I used to attend a couple of conferences a year in the US - they could take place anywhere in the country. A few of them were held in the South and on those occasions, I got to slip away for a bit and visit a few Civil War sites. I love history, so it was fascinating, but I agree with your description. "Sobering" is a good word for it. It's hard to get one's head around the sheer carnage that took place throughout that war.

And on that note, hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go. Everyone have a good one, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning, and thanks for the wake-up, Ray, and the coffee, Obo.

It's 60 and partly cloudy, rising to 70, later.
We'll have some more rain, tonight into tomorrow.

I never got a chance to stop by for coffee, yesterday, but I did check out yesterday's thread, and saw that Obo and Mrs. Obo got out on the new Wing.
We had a decent weekend, at the track, after a pretty severe crash in Saturday's practice..
One of the riders, for some reason, left the track at full speed, and crashed into the Nascar steel barrier in the Nascar turn 4. To do that, he had to cross the grass field, the Nascar track, and hit the barrier. We found out that he broke his hip, femur, and knee. He's 17, and will probably miss his SR prom.

Once we got going again, things went better, the racing was good, and crashing, minimal.
They put me at the 3-10 split, which had us overseeing those two corners. We had a total of 3 visitors all weekend.
We're working alongside another corner marshal group from Watkins Glenn, NY, and from what I can see, we'll have a good fit. Our corner marshall leader had us in the same turn, both days, but moved the other crew around to have them experience the differences between corners.
I had to explain some of our radio jargon, since it's specific to our group.
From timing and scoring... "Rider xxx, underpants". ??? They're not reading his transponder. It's a long story...
From the pit-in person after practice... "Rider xxx was commando". ... He had no transponder on the bike.

Today, I plan on enjoying the warm weather on MY Wing. My usual loop is around the Wachusett Reservoir, but I may head South into CT, or some variation.
I may get out for a walk, but that'll be a bonus.

Enjoy the day,
Actually, the Wing is the bonus.
Thanks for the coffee, @Obo and @Ray. At least one of you has learned how touchy some people can be if there's no mention, or appearance of coffee.

The struggle is real.

I just hope Keith hasn't injured himself dodging cars on his coffee quest, or at least didn't spill any. But no good deed goes unpunished.

Kaiser had a grand time chasing the flirt pole yesterday, I haven't built a new one yet and he's destroyed the original lure I had on it. GSD jaws and teeth can do some real damage on toys, especially when they are only made of fabric.

Oh, you don't know what a flirt pole is? (I didn't either, until I got this dog.) It's just a stick or pole, and a lure or something to chase, tied to it with string or rope. You spin in circles, centrifugal force throws the lure out in a long arc, and the canine tries to grab it. It's good for dogs with a strong prey drive. Like Shepherds. Good to burn off his excess energy.

We haven't used it in some time, because I haven't affixed his new toy yet. I got a hard rubber one this time, hoping it will last longer. He's been enjoying chasing his ChuckIt ball, because he can run a long way for it. Same principle... try to wear him out. He chews those too, on the run back to me. It's fun watching him run and jump, as he's so strong and athletic.

Time to skedaddle, should be a warm sunny day but rain overnight, and maybe tomorrow... I haven't started my car in over a week.

For all you retirees, do what you want. For all us wage slaves, we'll do what we have to.
Thanks for the coffee, @Obo and @Ray. At least one of you has learned how touchy some people can be if there's no mention, or appearance of coffee.

The struggle is real.

I just hope Keith hasn't injured himself dodging cars on his coffee quest, or at least didn't spill any. But no good deed goes unpunished.

Kaiser had a grand time chasing the flirt pole yesterday, I haven't built a new one yet and he's destroyed the original lure I had on it. GSD jaws and teeth can do some real damage on toys, especially when they are only made of fabric.

Oh, you don't know what a flirt pole is? (I didn't either, until I got this dog.) It's just a stick or pole, and a lure or something to chase, tied to it with string or rope. You spin in circles, centrifugal force throws the lure out in a long arc, and the canine tries to grab it. It's good for dogs with a strong prey drive. Like Shepherds. Good to burn off his excess energy.

We haven't used it in some time, because I haven't affixed his new toy yet. I got a hard rubber one this time, hoping it will last longer. He's been enjoying chasing his ChuckIt ball, because he can run a long way for it. Same principle... try to wear him out. He chews those too, on the run back to me. It's fun watching him run and jump, as he's so strong and athletic.

Time to skedaddle, should be a warm sunny day but rain overnight, and maybe tomorrow... I haven't started my car in over a week.

For all you retirees, do what you want. For all us wage slaves, we'll do what we have to.
The first time, but not the last, I experienced "I can see the restaurant but how the hell can I get to it" was in Homestead, Florida many years ago. Then I realised no one walked anywhere in Florida, why the hell would ya.
It's dangerous out there, it was also the first and last time I was called a "gringo".
good morning all. thanks to who ever got the coffee going. 53F on the dog walk. what can I say, it's another nice morning with clear skies, bright moon and some stars. yesterdays dog training went well. today is gym time and after that take a nap. I'm going to start to try getting some down time in the afternoons for an hour or so to see if it helps for the rest of the afternoon and evenings. we should see 89F for the high. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning all!
Thanks Ray for the half assed start!
A huge thank you to Keith & OBO for their valiant effort to get us caffeinated!

You are much better and safer to drive anywhere in Florida! Even then you aren’t guaranteed to arrive!

We had a lovely restful Sunday!
More beautiful summer like weather planned for today!
Gotta run!
Morning Ray & All from breezy, but clear, sunny skies in Southern Utah!

Currently it is 55F, heading for 70F. The winds are already active, blowing form the SW @ 9 to 15mph. Later they'll get up to 18 to 29mph.

Since Ray skipped the coffee, he must have gotten a Pepsi. I'm sure there is enough here for everyone here. We do keep a good supply of them. ;)

The 2004 is stripped of it's tupperware, once again. I'll be re-wiring off my main harness that I have running to the front of the bike from my Bluesea fuse block in the rear.

Chris and I went outside yesterday to figure out where the two trees will be planted. The first one was a no brainer, but of course she wants the second one, right where my gravel pile is. so that means I get to move the gravel pile, before they come with the trees. o_O

Eggs, bacon, toast & OJ for the morning, Pepsi to come later!

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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Where's the dang coffee....!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh fault up too late......
Thanks anyway.

Overcast and a bit cool today. Maybe some frost tomorrow morning. Come on summer.....
No plans for my monsaturday. Need to set the last 6 fence posts on the south slope. The rest of the fence is done. No need to rush to finish, cause then there is just something else that will need doin.

Stay caffeinated out there,
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