Monday April 8th Caff.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
The pots on, the French Roast is ready and the Apple and Plum turnover is errrrr, turned over. Greek Yoghurt too. Help ya'selves.
Isn't it nice when the 8th follows the 9th, just so we can enjoy another day of Autumn. Pffffffftttttt.
It may stay dry, it may not, the rest is Autumnal.
Yesterday passed nicely enough and today will be full of some'ats but not before more coffee.
The day will certainly involve delivering cake to neighbours, we've been baking nuts all weekend. Not nuts, but baking in a nutty way, nutty as in crackers, but we didn't bake them either. Glad to have cleared that up.
Av a gud un and remember, you're welcome. Meh.
Good Morning Ray and ALL!
Thanks for the caffination and turnovers.
How many times does a turnover require turning to be considered a proper turnover anyway?
*chomp* mmmmmm

Yesterday morning, I said to my wife that I would rest and do just a few chores.
Then I finally finished moving rocks, fixing the creek spillway with Mr Tractor, tending to the water softener, and redoing some outside electrical wiring at around 4pm.
I love days when I do nothing.

Today I'm not sure yet. Maybe nothing, maybe something. It's a crap shoot.
@Nashcat I think you're on to something for Keith. Brilliant!

Y'all have a winderfull day!

Thx Ray for the nutty start!
9˚c/48f, sunny and windy.

Cooking, picking up Peter from kindergarten, choir practice, it’s a full day.

Have a good one!

Snoop (the cat) just brought us dinner…….rat-au-vin

and this one is for our tractor addicts
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

For those of you looking up today to see the big pupil (or whatever portion you may see) if you bought solar viewing glasses online, take care. It seems many of the ones sold were shams, and not rated for looking at the sun. If in doubt, remember to close one eye so you'll only end up half blind. It won't fix any stupid you've got going on, but at least you'll partially see.

Cool -4C here this morning but headed to a loverly 16C by eclipse time. I'm curious to see if it gets much colder for those few minutes when it goes almost dark. Supposed to be sunny and clear all day, so viewing should be prime in our totality zone. Glad I won't be out on the roads as they are forecasting it to be nuts just after is wraps up.

Hope you all have a great day!

G'morning, all, and thanks for the coffee, baked goodies and nuttiness, Ray!

Looks like it's going to be a beautiful, clear sunny, warm day - perfect for all the eclipse watchers. Sadly, I won't be one of them, as I'll be working, and I don't have the proper eyewear anyway. My windows will probably go strangely dark, though. We're at 3°C/37°F now, and we'll get all the way up to 16°C/61°F this afternoon.

I'm off to have a professional business photo taken for my work bio this evening. Hope they can make me look less tired than I feel.
Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely!

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee and turnover, Ray.

It's sunny and 37 in MA this morning, going to 64 with mostly sunny skies, later.
Should be good for watching the eclipse, later.
I've just got to find the glasses that I put away, after the last one.

Brenda and I just hung out around the house, yesterday, enjoying her day off.
She's back to work, today, and I'll proceed to my normal happenings, such as walk and gym.
Once I find my eclipse glasses, I'll step outside a little after 2:00pm to take a look at the partial eclipse. The news says we should have about 92% darkness.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning, all. Thanks for coffee and turnovers, Ray.

It’s 57, after a rainy night. High of 71, with more clouds and rain. I probably won’t get much done today. The darkness from the eclipse will probably trigger going to bed. Then, I’ll wake up and think it’s Tuesday. Pfffttt. It’s still Saturday to me.

Thanks for the coffee, Ray.
I have no business posting, as I stayed up late and woke up late. Need to move fast.
Got the grass cut, the weeds eaten, and clippings blown.
I did get the old intercom system box out of the wall, and started cutting out the sheetrock I will be replacing, and I think I may have done something else but can't remember.
Rain is forecast today, I thought it would wait until tomorrow, but it sure is nice riding weather at the moment. 59 now, going to near 80. But rain?
Catch y'all later.
Good morning all!
Tis a fine morning here, thanks for the start Ray!
I believe the bible says:
“Let he without sin cast the first stone!”
I for one, shall not fault Keith! He’s done a fine job!

I’m off to landfill shortly with a load of 6X6’s that were the supports for the old arbor. Hoping to have the bin picked up Wednesday. Miss Judy was pretty sore again last night, poor woman just won’t quit!
It now looks like we’ve made some headway out back!
James spent years hauling anything and everything into the place.
We still hope to have it on the market this year…
Enjoy your Monday! & the eclipse, too!
good morning all. thanks for the FR and turnovers Ray. 46F on the dog walk with clouds as far as the eye could see. they should move out mid morning. got the garage cleaned up from the radiator change out. I'm one 14mm 3/8 drive socket short. hope I didn't leave in under the hood somewhere. all my 10mm's are counted fore. today the landscapers are coming at 7:30 this morning to do spring clean up of the yard. I have gym this morning so I might not see the landscapers finish but wife will be here to approve that they are done. enjoy the day and eclipse if you can.

stay safe
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