North America "WILD CARD" TAG


Dec 31, 2008
Orcutt, CA
04 ST1300
I've had a good time playing TAG this past year. Sometimes though, the distances required to get and then move a TAG make it impossible to play. I'm sure that there are others who would like to play, but can't unless the TAG just happens to be in their back yard.

So, I've shamelessly "borrowed" an idea from another forum and propose a new TAG game. Instead of riding to a specific location, we'll ride to a specific theme.

For instance, I might ride to a winery and take a picture of my bike. In order to move the TAG, another rider may ride to any winery in North America and take a picture of his/her bike, then ride to a new location, take a picture, post up and create a new theme.

Most all of the California tags are to far for me to get in a day. So this one would give me a chance to play tag. I love it!!! Post a tag!!!
Okay then! Instead of limiting it to North America, I think it should be global .. that will make it even more interesting. I'll start a new thread: "Global Wild Card Theme TAG"

Same basic TAG rules will apply. The order that the photos were taken is not important as long as both photos were taken after the most current TAG is posted.

You can post the grab before you post the new TAG, but the TAG is still available to be moved until you post the new location.

Be descriptive as to what exactly the new theme is, and what you expect a rider to photograph in order to grab the TAG. Wide latitude should be given in most cases so the TAG theme keeps moving.

Be mindful that posting a theme that is unique to your area could cause the TAG to stall.

The TAG theme could easily change several times a day.
I tried a variation of this last year.. where 2 or 3 things in the pic had to be in the previous pic.. it didn't last long..

But, could be I just didn't present it well enough.. give it a shot.
"...the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc..."

Colon, Michigan, is the Magic Capital of the World! The theme here is art. That should open it up to easy interpretation.

Good luck!


  • Abbotts_Magic_Co.jpg
    56.5 KB · Views: 135
I tried a variation of this last year.. where 2 or 3 things in the pic had to be in the previous pic.. it didn't last long..

But, could be I just didn't present it well enough.. give it a shot.

Alas...can the thread just be deleted?
Some games take off more than others.. this one is still out there just in case.
First I've seen of of it. I live a sheltered life though. So, one could grab a tag in reference to an art of some sort, and then post another of a different theme I assume? Help me here, I'm dense at times. Does it have to be a magic store?
ADV has a North American wild card game that moves pretty quickly. I think it's a good example of how this should be played.
When my bike is back up and running, I'll try to get this game going again.
It can be anything related to art. Doesn't have to be magic specifically. So a monument of sort would work.
I see bicycles parked downtown and they're all decorated in themes; that would be art.
I just reread your post. You got it. Just doesn't have to be magic.
Playing this in another forum and enjoying it. Never saw it here. This should double the fun. The Tag is for art, we'll work on it.
Looks like the first tag just mentions art as the theme. In the interest of getting the game moving let's go with art only. Magic not required.

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Excellent! The game STalled out for a long time. Would be fun to get it up and going good!

Peace and All Good
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