Saturday April 13th Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Where are they? I better offer up the second pot of French Roast for all wasters, losers, waifs and strays who pop in. And Pattster.
The weather, well we didnt need Jupiter afterall, the good lord has prevailed and the sun is once more upon us. Alleluia. It will slowly reverse back into Autumn by tonight but we'll take what we can get. The grass was dry enough to cut yesterday and I may get my broad bean seed in today. Praise be. Just to explain:
In Metamorphoses, Jupiter dried things out with a simple wave of his trident and gradually the flood waters receded. Prayers then to whichever god can deliver us from this dismal version of spring. A proper dry spell to scatter my seeds, is all I ask.
Apparently we've just come through the wettest 18 months of weather ever recorded in GB. Pffffffftttttt.
I was wondering why I had moss in my undercrackers. At least I think it's moss.
So let's crack on, let's enjoy and revel in Spring when it glimpses its earthly wonders.
Av a gud un and remember, 3 million is a lot of rats.
My back hurts, pffffffftttttt.
Good Morning All!
Thanks Ray for the astronomical/Ovidical interpretation - whew! It reminds me of certain gov't bureaucrats.
And for the coffee as well - ah! *Sluuuurp*

Speaking of plants - I moved some yesterday to ovoid overcrowding (but there weren't 3 million fortunately).
Also I dug some exploratory holes to locate and mark water and septic in the back bed - don't wanna relocate those things.
Dig a little - move a rock, dig a little more - move a bigger rock - and so it went. Ibuprofen works wonders.
I'm nearly to the point of returning to the nursery for new green things.

@Nashcat what part of TX are you in now, John?
It looks like a nice down home place in the pic.

Hmmm, I wonder what today will bring. Y'all have a windyfull day!

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Ray. Here's hoping you don't sprout any more moss from places it ought not be sprouting. It's been much the same here for the past week: wet wet wet, with some wind to accompany it. Reservoirs and rivers are fully loaded and brim full, and we have an "ongoing wind advisory" in effect, which I'm guessing is unrelated to either Congress or the diplomatic activities currently taking place. And no, I didn't have beans for dinner yesterday, thanks for asking.

It's currently 51°F and cloudy, with some breeze rustling the leaves in Rockville. We expect mostly sunny with a high around 63; the wind will cause me to choose a relatively sheltered route if I venture out on my bicycle. Before I do, if I do, I'll start applying clearcoat tot he base of the sewing center. Yesterday I took a deep breath, made a guess, and mounted the sewing machine lift where I think it should be. We'll find out some day whether I guessed right.

This evening we'll host some well-traveled people and tap their brains for ideas on where to go for our "bucket list" trip next year.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning ,thanks for the coffee . Today off to umpire school and then cook 100 lbs of bacon for our community breakfast tomorrow morning . It is still cloudy here but not raining at the moment . 6 inches of rain yesterday and my yard is very soupy ,but will drain quickly . Take care and have a great day eh!
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Ray, it is Ray isn’t it???
It’s difficult to tell with all that moss everywhere!!
Be careful with those rats!

Wet, wet & more wet here as well, but it’s supposed to be dryer starting today!

There is a trip to landfill in today’s agenda, the yard is showing promise of returning to normal, too bad that I can’t work like I have in the past!
The bin is pretty much as full as we dare make it.
It’s only a single axle truck that hauls this 14 yard bin, so I have tried to keep the load at a reasonable weight!
It’s being picked up Monday, then I can remove a few trees, then get into the back of the yard and load a lot of old wood etc.
Enjoy your Saturday!
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee, Ray!

It isn't raining right now, and there were some blue gaps in the clouds a few minutes ago. I thought "could it be?" But nay, 'tis but a tease. The cloud cover is quickly solidifying once again and the rain will resume to reflect the forecast of "showers all day." There's quite a stiff breeze blowing, so there's a bit of a windchill this morning. It's 7°C/45°F with a feels-like of 3°C/37°F, going to a high of 10°C/50°F with a windchill of 7°C/45°F.

Must grit my teeth and make a trip or two to the old apartment today/tomorrow to do a final clean-up so I can get the keys back to the ogre and be done with it. A wipe and a prayer is about all he's going to get - he doesn't deserve the consideration. Anyhoo, I just want to get it over and done with so I can focus on getting the remaining boxes unpacked and things set up in my new place.

Everyone have a great day, stay dry, stay safe, go safely, and keep that moss under control. Remember the old saying about rolling stones?

Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

I thought everyone over there had sphagnum in their moors, for pete's sake.

Here it's surprisingly sunny. It was down pouring most of yesterday and through the night, accompanied by high winds. I know as I was up from 1:30-4:30.... but this morning it's gloriously sunny and 8C. By noon it should pop up to 14C but it's supposed to cloud back over and rain heavily for at least 12 hours.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Ray.

It's cloudy and 48, going to 49.
Today, it'll be cloudy and windy, with 15-25mph forecast. Higher gusts are possible, as is a rain shower mid-day.

Yesterday, I got news that my aunt in CA had passed away on Tuesday.:( She's the one who I visited, when I was in CA. She was also my mom's best friend growing up. She was married to my uncle Rich and raised her family in NJ. After my uncle Rich passed, she married my other uncle Bill, who had lost our aunt Francis a few years before, and moved to CA. They're planning a service for her in CA, and another in NJ in early June, before she's buried with uncle Rich.

The VA also called to let me know that I'm eligable for VA medical. I'll find out more next week.
Hopefully, they'll pay for my coming hearing aids...

Today's plan is up to Brenda.
I'll try to get out and pick up any downed branches in the yard, and maybe scrape a bit of the front porch. The ceiling needs scraping and new paint
I'm off the hook for the mower belt. I ordered an offical Craftsman belt, yesterday, and it should arrive around Tuesday.

Have a great day,
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Ray. 56F on the dog walk with some stars and a few clouds to see. yesterday I test ran the A/C and after checking things over I switched the t-stat over to cool. there still might be a cool day in the forecast but not many. will have to see what is on the list today. I do have a auto close door hinge on the door from the house to the garage to replace. it's code that the door close and latch by itself. right now you must pull it closed. so that's a trip to Lowe's. we should see a high of 85F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Morning Ray & All from sunny, but :wind1: , Southern Utah!

Currently, besides the wind, it is 52F, heading for 70F. The winds @ 9mph, will continue and later from the S, get up to 21 to 31mph.

@steve3b3 , sorry to hear about your aunt! :pray1: for you and her family.

I got out yesterday and laid a few more blocks, but I was fighting the wind the whole time, and I'm not going out today to do the same! :well1:

Chris had ordered some strawberries, so this morning we had to get up EARLY, to go get them. Now we are both so tired, I doubt if anything will be done today! o_O

Lazyman's breakfast, and a Pepsi (or two) will be in my future!

Anyone :bl13: ( @Nashcat ), have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Wow, so much going on today!

I had 2 orange-house-burger places to fix upt' North last night, seems the new kid is not working out. More than a 2hr ride (not drive) to the further one, only to arrive and find a power cord wasn't plugged into a kitchen monitor. Some things never change, but that's easy money.

Easy except it got down to 40 flipping fahrenheits on the way home (I shaved my beard TOO soon!!), where I landed at 0330 this morning, and slept till 1030. Thank goodness for the budget to have bought the Warm n Safe jacket and gloves! Also bumped up the heated grips and heated seat on the GSA, and was reminded of the comfort of cruise control. And yes, I know 40 doesn't come close to placing me on the PaulCB coldest ride list, which is done for the year anyway.

I'm sorry for your loss, Steve, as we accumulate solar revolution anniversaries it becomes more frequent.

Patty, are you SURE the new tenant can't drop a piano or a steel safe on that dumazz' head? I still think he's worth that small effort, it could be so rewarding.

We're all looking forward to Keith's project coming to completion, I'm betting it will be functional, appreciated, and nice-looking.

And all you stone movers (you know who you are), don't they make tractors for that? I don't have stones to relocate, only dead trees, but there's a chainsaw in my garage for that.

Another cup of the FR would be nice, thanks Ray, and I'll make another pot if anyone needs more like me. I bet you'll see some sunshine and a calmer breeze before Halloween. The moss is up to you.

I'll have to finish up my sheetrock repair, shouldn't take too long, and also install my BDCW Pillion Plate I found on ADVrider Flea Market. An inmate ordered for his GS Rallye but it doesn't fit his bike... but it fits my GSA! Four bolts to remove, four longer bolts to replace them, and I'm your uncle (or something like that). Oh, and the passenger seat goes away, of course, but I only carry things and one German Shepherd, but not passengers.

I started late and then I went long, so if y'all don't get to this post I'll understand.

Summer's coming!
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