Article [13] ST1300 - Screen Mod

Mar 15, 2005
Earby, Lancs, UK
Hi guys,

I've read loads of different threads on here about all the different screens available, and also some of the mods that have been done to improve the air flow and buffeting situation.

My first decision on this subject was that I was going to have a go at improving the stock screen first, and depending on the result, it would possibly steer me in the direction of which size and shape of screen would be best for me, as around 90% of my riding is done with a pillion and it is SWMBO who has the most issues with the standard set-up.

The first alteration I did was to alter the angle of the screen by removing it and its mounting brackets and replacing it with only the top bolt which holds the bracket to the mechanism in place, thus altering the angle greatly, and also allowing more air under and behind the screen. This did actually work and improved things quite a lot, and I felt I was going in the right direction, although it was a bit flimsy and untidy.

After another couple of weeks of thought, I decided on my next coarse of action. This was to make some spacer plates to place between the angled bracket that bolts to the screen, and the sliding bracket. I made these out of some flat 1 1/2" aluminium stock. The screen is now around 1" further out from the bike, and 2 of the holes have been elongated so I can also alter the angle also.

The result of this has been very posotive for both myself and the Wife, with greatly reduced buffeting, to the point that after a 150 run out last Saturday in temps of around 6 deg C, and having the screen in a number of different positions, I asked her what her feelings were to which she replied "I didn't really take any notice" from which we agreed that normally she would get of the bike complaining, so no news must be good news.

My next step will probably be to make some more brackets which look a little neeter from a fabrication point of veiw, and see how I go with it over the rest of the winter.

Heres a few pics to give you a better idea of what I'm on about.



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Clever idea. I like it. I may give it a try just to see if I can feel the difference.

Any chance you could post a template of the bracket?

Nicley done! Gotta template? Could be useful. I've turned my stock brackets upside down and inside out with decent resluts. Maybe I'll try this.

Tom de
Nice job.

The bottom line is to get air behind the windshield to weaken the low pressure area behind the shield. That low pressure area causes the backpressure and turbulence. The stock bottom vent is a very resistive port and not nearly effective enough. This modification, cutting the bottom vent larger, or adding vents all can accomplish the same thing. Name your poison.
Sorry chaps, I aint got a template, but the hole centres are 3 1/16" x what ever you want to extend the screen outwards by, mine at the moment are 1". Use a 5/16" drill to give you a bit of movement on the holes and its trial and error from then on. The hole centres need to be fairly close to the edge of the plate, say 5/16" again, as there isn't that much room on the steel brackets.

Also spacing them away by 1" gives you room and the option of re-fitting the plastic covers with a bit of persuation.

I don;'t have a 1300 to measure, but I can whip out a couple of sets using Stu's measurments and send them to you guys if you'd like.

Just let me know if the 1" extension is enough or if you'd rather have something else. I could even mill some slots rather drill holes to allow for some adjustment.

I'll powdercoat them black while I'm at it.

Be interesting to see how well it works out.

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Seems like we hang out in the same spots Eric. I assume you still have the ST1100? Hope to see you at some STOC events this year.
number9 said:
Seems like we hang out in the same spots Eric. I assume you still have the ST1100? Hope to see you at some STOC events this year.


I had forgotten that you also had an ST.

Yup, still have the ST1100, but I am thinking of getting a 1300 this year. I want to start making some parts for them now so I'll have them perfected when I go to put them on my bike:D

I just found this site a few days ago, so just started to post a bit. Might have to do a STOC ride next summer.

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Any possibility you can just lay one out on white paper or something that contrasts and snap a photo of it? That way if I know one measurement I can blow it up with photoshop and from that make a cardboard template.

I realize it's work and if they are already on the bike then I understand if it's too much of a pain.


stuey said:
Sorry chaps, I aint got a template, but the hole centres are 3 1/16" x what ever you want to extend the screen outwards by, mine at the moment are 1". Use a 5/16" drill to give you a bit of movement on the holes and its trial and error from then on. The hole centres need to be fairly close to the edge of the plate, say 5/16" again, as there isn't that much room on the steel brackets.

Also spacing them away by 1" gives you room and the option of re-fitting the plastic covers with a bit of persuation.

If you leave it with me chaps, when we get back from our ride out today, I'll take one off and take some better photos for you all.

I've also been thinking about moving on one step further than these plates, and will try and knock something up later this week, so will keep you posted.

Great work Stu

I think the solution is more to do with the angle of the screen than just pushing it out further. Why not try leaving the top fixing in place and just add a simple bracket to the bottom. Varying the length of the bracket will allow for different angles. This will push out the bottom of the screen and allow more airflow up inside.

Redeye said:
Great work Stu

I think the solution is more to do with the angle of the screen than just pushing it out further. Why not try leaving the top fixing in place and just add a simple bracket to the bottom. Varying the length of the bracket will allow for different angles. This will push out the bottom of the screen and allow more airflow up inside.


I was thinking of a combination of both aproaches, using 2 pairs of brackets (flat plates) like the one you've added, one pair for the bottom being longer than the top pair.

How about an adjustable setup?
A few more holes in the top plate and a bracket like in the other post .....


Full of ideas, just don't have skills or facilities to carry them out. Plus I'm dangerous around tools :eek:
Ok chaps, here is a pic of one of the plates. Its sitting on metric 10mm graph paper.



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And here are a few pics of my next set, which will have to wait until next weekend before I can get out and test.
As you can see from the photos (or at least i hope you can) the top plate is shorter than the bottom one. The hole centres on the top plate are 1 1/2", and the bottom are 2 1/4".
The screen can now be moved from 1/2" to 1 1/2" further out from the bike and also the angle can be increased or decreased by quite a few degress (nothing to measure this with i'm afraid) and should give plenty of scope to get a good base setting so I can make a more permanent arrangement.



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Hey Stu,

Thanks for the pics. I may try just the solid plate and see where they gets me. I really appreciate the effort. Keep us up to date on the new mod.

I actually like the 1 piece mod. Looks like I might give it a try. The 2 piece mod, I have worries about. I don't think I would wanna be the one behind the shield in the test drive of that one. I really think that the force that the wind puts on the front of the shield is gonna be great enough to just pivot the shield around. Maybe even with catastropic force. The mod really needs to be a 1 piece design.
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