TGIF April 26th.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
I've been hanging around for hours waiting for a coffee, looks like it's my turn.
The French Roast is ready, help ya'selves. I decided to wait for the Bara Brith to come out of the oven. It smells good.
Well, yesterday turned out winterumnal, take your pick, 35 to 40, snow, sleet, hail, rain, winds, pffffffftttttt.
I love global warming me.
Today, same. Perhaps this is how ice ages start? Global warming my arris.
Av a gud un and remember, is it always "Supreme"?
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray. Guess I forgot to set the auto timer on the percolator last night so you'd have a hot 'n ready cup. Sorry about that.

-3 and sunny this morning, headed to 9 and partly cloudy. Looks like tomorrow will be ok-ish to pickup the new Wing. It'll be about -1C and snake up to 13C by evening dinner.

Off work again today. It's almost like being retired, except I'm still sub-par.

Today's random sentence got lost as I hit "generate" a 2nd time, so the first one is lost forever. Here's the new one: "She always speaks to him in a loud voice. "

That doesn't sound random at all. That sounds like most of my married life.

Hope everyone has an excellent day and remembers if you're being spoke to loud, your hearing aid may be turned up too high.

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Good Morning All!
Thanks for the coffee, Ray and whatever you pulled out of the oven!
A cool 52 here in the Piedmont as I finish my "Blackbeard's Delight" coffitation.

Where's Keith @ibike2havefun today?
He's a-bikin' somewheres in Virginny I'm guessin'

Mr Tractor had his boom removed yesterday for some hydraulic and bushing work.
That ought to make him happy! He'll be back together later.
No tellin' what's gonna happen here on the ranch today.

Meantime the hyperbole channel's tracking bigfoot or something.

Y'all have a winderfill day!

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Ray. I've heard of B'nai Brith, and of Bahai. Is Bara Brith some sort of fusion between them? And if you don't keep it in the oven long enough does it count as a half-baked religion? Inquiring minds want to know.

It's 44°F and partly cloudy here in...
Where's Keith @ibike2havefun today?
He's a-bikin' somewheres in Virginny I'm guessin'

... Burkeville VA. The high will be around 64, with partial sun and no threat of rain.

About 61 miles after I leave here I should be on the south bank of the James River in Richmond. That's likely to take 7 hours give or take, so I'll leave here between 0800 and 0900 hours. If it's to be closer to 0800 I'd best get to it.

Pics from yesterday.




Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, me hardies, and thanks awfully for the coffee and delectable Bara Brith, Ray!

To solve the mystery for those who don't know, Bara Brith is a Welsh tea bread made with dried fruit soaked in tea. It is absolutely delicious. I haven't made it in yonks - must whip up a loaf one of these days. Recipes vary, but here's an example, just to give you an idea:
bara brith welsh cake - Search (

Montreal awoke to a beautiful, sunny morning, and it looks like it will stay beautiful and sunny all day. It is currently 4°C/39°F and it will be 13°C/55°F later - no windchill. I'll take it.

OK, we have a Friday newsletter to edit/translate/revise, so better get my thinking cap on (no, not the tall, pointy one with a big "D" on it :well1:). Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning all!
Thanks for the awesome start Ray!
I’ll have a double helping of the Bara Brith!

“Me Dear Mother” made such delights! She was always baking treats! She also made numerous jams & jellies from available fruit & berries!

My favourite to this day is Goose Berry jam!
Much to my delight, I found a friend has numerous Goose Berry bushes, , he even helps to create the jam with generous helpings of coffee & conversation!
Another beautiful day here in Woodstock, it is near the freezing mark, but according to the weather guesses the last of such nasties for now!
Enjoy your Friday!
I’m hungry!
good morning all. thank you Ray for the coffee. 51F on the dog walk with a repeat of yesterday. big bright moon. no clouds and some washed out stars. all in all a nice walk. got things to do today. go to the grocery store in ten minutes then head off to gym class and do a Dr. appointment at 1:15. that's a lot of stuff to do for an old retired guy. I like to keep it in small bit's over the week if I can. enjoy the day. our high should see 81F.

stay safe
Patty's been here and gone, so we know I'm late again. I really enjoy the Snooze button, and use it often.
Even Keith is on the road, and I reckon the Georgia team is stirring, and hopefully checking their chains and tire pressures in preparation for another round of twisting.
Pfffttt. Another missed opportunity, it's becoming a nasty pattern.
But I thank you for the coffee, Ray, thanks for keeping it around at this late hour.
I'm getting behinder, gotta get moving.
Weather is great, weekend even better with temps in the 80s... delicious.
Morning all! 9C and rain here right now, 12C and maybe some scattered sightings of the sun later today.

The pup goes in this morning to get neutered so I can't take him for a walk this morning (he'll eat sticks) or feed him. He is decidedly unimpressed by this state of affairs and is sulking with the occasional hopeful glance every time I move. I'm working from home this morning so that I can be on call to go get him when he's done. I expect it won't be till late in the day but wanted to be close just in case.

We celebrated my father in law's birthday last night quietly, the big do is Saturday night when our daughter can join us, but in the interim we wanted to mark the occasion on the actual day. Thai food and carrot cake cupcakes. An odd but nevertheless delicious mix.

Hope everyone has a great day and gets the carrot, not the stick!
Being a bit of a rambling man in your posts, I've been waiting on you posting about the passing of Dickey Betts, last member of the Allman Brother's Band.
Almost the last, except the drummer Jaimoe (Jai Johanny Johson) is actually the last surviving member of the original band.

I posted on ADVrider, as there is an ongoing guitar thread there. Trust me, I didn't miss it, my talk radio station(-s) all covered Dickey's passing.

He followed in Gregg's footsteps with all the substance abuse, only Dickey never had a liver transplant.

Most know that 2 of the founders, first bassist Barry Oakley, then older brother Duane Allman, died in motorcycle crashes within about a year of each other, and within a few blocks as well.

They were in their 20s, and I would not be surprised if they were stoned at the time. I don't know, obviously, but that was their lifestyle, known by all who knew anything about them.

No less a tragedy, either way.
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Good morning and thanks for the coffee start, Ray.

It's 53 and sunny here in Loudon, NH this morning, going to about 58,later.

The first track day of the season started well enough, then we had a few visitors to the turn.
Low-side and mechanical failures.
We're in the turn till 6:00, and then attend a worker meeting, after.

Have a great day,
Morning Ray & All from a dreary day in Southern Utah!

Currently it is 43F, heading for 48F, with rain, off & on pretty much the whole day. The winds are already blowing from the SSW @ 9 to17mph.

Chris made it back from her Quilt Retreat this morning.

So, I broke the news to her about the two pine trees I bought on Tuesday. I really wasn't sure how she would react, but when I told her that the trees I bought were Blue Spruce, named "Fat Albert", she about jump out of her skin! o_O She told me that when her and Pam (her friend that went to the Quilt Retreat with her) as they were coming home this morning, she told Pam that she wanted a Fat Albert tree. When I told her that's what I bought, she couldn't believe it!


I, Bob Hampton, did something RIGHT!

That's correct, mark your calendars! :rofl1:

With the rain, I can't do anything outside anyway, so I'll pull the tupperware off the 2004 and see what the leak is all about. I'm thinking it's coming from the "Tee" going to the radiator. Easy fix if it is! :) And before putting all the tupperware back on, I'll hook up the FARKLEs I took off the 2010, before selling it to Brett.

Speaking of Brett, he's already wanting to FARKLE the 2010, starting with a saddle and I told him about the MCL front saddle mount to make the front of the saddle higher. And also the peg lowering kits that MCL used to make.

Boiled eggs, bacon, toast and OJ to wash it down with. I'm on my first Pepsi, already!

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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