Thursday 28 March coffee and weather


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
Good morning everyone

The French roast is hot and ready for you. For those not up at this ridiculous hour, I'm confident a fresher pot will be produced in a few hours.

It's a rainy 47°F at this hour here in Rockville with "scattered light rain showers" (as opposed to "scattered light showers", which could be interpreted as meaning periods of illumination spread around) in the forecast until around 1400 hours. The high will be just 52, so definitely still March-ish. Sunup- not that we'll really notice- is expected to occur at 0658, sunset at 1929 hours.

Before I head out this evening for dinner with friends, it'll be more workshop time, moving gradually along the road of progress (I hope) toward the finish line.

Time to go refill my coffee cup.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good Morning Keith and *ahhhhh* great caffinization this morning.
Thanks for getting the ball rolling... I think your brain is on overdrive with the sewing machine project.
Not that I wouldn't know that feeling :D

Guess what - yep - still raining. I've shifted my focus toward some sort of ark to keep Mr Tractor safe.
Heck, I got a few things done in the shop yesterday so feeling kinda good!
There's always something to do here on the ranch.

I'm looking at plate compactors now for the patio project and others.
I don't picture myself doing the jig to compress and smooth out the ground.
Never do anything a machine can do better - and without causing body pain!

Y'all have a wunnafill day!

Mornin’ y’all. Thanks for the early coffee, Keith.

38/63 with plenty of sun. Some yard work today, then some more hauling off of some junk stuff in the garage. Anybody want a 70 year old accordion? Didn’t think so. I’m gonna just polka it down in a dumpster.

Morning all and thanks for the coffee Keith.

If March over yet? Why not? I'm over it.

Heavy rainfall and the associated warnings continue here. Had a lull to light rain as I came into work. Temps are 8C and supposed to stay there all day. At least it feels warm-ish vs a cold rain.

On today's other forecast there will be a dry sense of humor with scattered sarcasm, spells of profanity, patches of exhaustion and a 100% chance of saying "what the f@#$ is wrong with people?"

I don't care if you lick windows, run into walls or occasionally pee yourself; you hang in there sunshine, you're friggin' special!

Hope you all have a great day.

Thx Mr Fun!
Today is a public holiday over here.
We have this tradition of cookin komle, and we’re having guests.
A walk later.
8˚c/46f, rain, calm.
Have a good one!

Oh, almost forgot; pffffft! (aaaaaah, that’s better…..)

From yesterdays walk
Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee start, Keith.

It's raining and 48, going to 50 with even more rain.

Yesterday's plan came to fruition and my snowblower made it into the enclosed trailer.
I also pulled the belt on my mower deck, so I can replace it.

Today, I've got an appointment for an MRI of my brain, and I may get to the gym at some point.
That's all...

Enjoy the day,
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Keith!
When I’m up at that hour, I’m usually headed to relieve my bladder or driving, in the first one, all I want is to get back asleep! I’m not wanting to stay awake just to compose a message! And most of you lot seem to do quite well at it!

Currently 28F headed to 46 with a cruel WNW to keep everyone bundled up.

I’m being left unsupervised for a while this morning, I’ll try to stay safe.

@steve3b3 I hope they don’t find anything wrong when you have your MRI.

I hope Patty’s move is going well…

Do I smell coffee?
Gotta go!
Yeah, it's Springing around the South. We aren't scheduled for rain until next Tuesday, highs near 70 today, near 80 for the Easter weekend.

I need to get my cup, and here I am posting already. That's a lot more risky than riding motorcycles, at least for me.

Before I forget, Tommy the attorney who works in the office building next to ours came to see me with a friend... Tommy sees Kaiser getting in and out of the trailer quite often. His friend Brad had a gorgeous, medium-sized jet black dog which at first I thought was a very young GSD. The dog, named Aidah, was actually a 10mo old Malinois. We all chatted bikes and dogs and trailers for about 15 minutes, all the while Aidah sat beside Brad the whole time. No fidgeting, no whining... just perfectly trained to sit perfectly still until released.

Once they left, I realized I hadn't taken a picture. Dang. Brad has obviously spent a LOT of time working with her.

Thanks for the coffee Keith. See? I knew I wood get in trouble typing before coffee. I shall have to rectify that right now.
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Keith. 43F on the dog walk with a bright moon and some stars to view. clouds took the night off. yesterdays gym and doctors visit went well. today a nurse from my health care provider is going to stop by for a free wellness check. they want to make it a yearly thing. we will see how it goes. 79F for the high with some clouds moving in. enjoy the day

stay safe
Morning all & of course Keith!
Out of town visiting with my elderly mom up in Maybrook, NY for two weeks. Drove up this past Saturday in some wet weather not making the drive much fun. Although the 14hr trip rarely is fun. Currently 45F and overcast with some rain expected but looking forward to a sunny Fri/Sat/Sun.
Have great day everyone!

Morning all....
Thanks Keith for the goodnesses.

Up and atom this morning. A fun day in the big city is planned on this overcast and slightly gloomy day.
And good news.......the ski hill got 6 " of new snow. Tomorrow may be another ski day...Yahoo!

@steve3b3 , have them print a pic of the noggin for us. Is there a little man inside running the little levers? Hope all is well.

Go have a Saturday,
Morning all! 6C and cloudy here with 10C and rain on the way.

I'll head off to Costco in a bit to get provisions for this weekend. Likely a stop at the grocery store as well as we don't need Costco sized portions of some things or Costco won't have others. Then cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. Oh joy. Good think I like the guests who are coming.

Steve, I hope all goes well with the MRI and they find nothing out of place or that shouldn't be there.

I hope everyone has a great day!
Morning Keith & All, from overcast and :wind1: , Southern Utah!

Currently, it is 46F, and heading for 58F, the winds are out of the SW @ 21 to 29mph. More storms coming in this weekend.

My son, Bobby, and his daughter and exchange student (from Sicily) made it down last night. We'll be heading over to ZION NP, as soon as they get back from their Coffee Run. (since we don't have any here!)

Chris made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and I washed them down with OJ. Pepsi to come later!

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Good afternoon, peeps, and thanks for the start, Keith!
I am finally in my new place and it's lovely. It'll be even lovelier once I've gotten rid of all these infernal boxes! The move went very well, and the rain gods even gave me a break - it rained first thing in the morning but had stopped by the time the movers got there. 9°C/48°F and cloudy today.
Well, back to unpacking. Everyone have a good one, stay safe and go safely!

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