Tuesday March 26th coffee


Oct 22, 2019
East Coast Canada
'03 ST1300A
It's Tuesday, which means it's coffee time.

French roast is in the pot, along with all the fixins. Help yourself.

Weather here is -2 headed to +8. Cloudy as can be, but that's to be expected with all the rain that's supposed to start mid morning.

Hope everyone's having a great day so far, and if not, that the coffee kicks it into gear!



Good morning everyone

There's a giant pot o' hot brewing, with enough already through the grounds to begin serving. It's French roast, Mrs. Fun's preferred brand, which amazingly still comes in steel cans when you buy a big enough container online.

It's 33°F and clear in Rockville with an expected high of 57 and mostly sunny conditions all day. Pleasant enough, and just about within seasonal norms.

Yesterday my BIL wanted to see the cherry blossoms, so we drove through one of the neighborhoods that's thick with them before heading down to the tidal basin to see the national display. I was quite surprised to see that the trees were still heavily-laden with flowers, after the rainy day we had Saturday.

No explanation needed, I hope.



Today we'll probably head out to the Udvar-Hazy Center at Dulles Airport and go through the Smithsonian Air and Space Annex, before I drop him at the other airport for his return home.

Update on my CR-V: apparently the A/C control unit had failed and needed replacing. That's what I was billed for, at any rate, and I was told that there's a service bulletin about it from Honda. How the failure of the A/C control can cause all the other monitoring systems to throw false alerts is beyond me, unless the failure somehow fries the CPU that controls all of that. It's delicate electronics- who really knows how they do what they do or how they're integrated? I did notice, the day of the failure, a strange new buzzing from the engine compartment under a narrow range of load and acceleration conditions, and that's now gone so they must've done something but whether the two are actually related and not merely coincidentally correlated will remain an enduring mystery.

Overnight, a container ship has crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge , which carries I-695 across the mouth of Baltimore Harbor, causing it to collapse. That's going to make a real mess, and will snarl traffic around Baltimore for at least months to come.

I'll bet the captain, and perhaps the navigator, lose their mariner's tickets over that little "oopsie".

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them. And remember: don't run your giant ships into bridge supports.
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Good morning. Thanks for the coffee, to whomever made it first, Obo or Keith. Ahhhh….thats better. The first sip, says it all.

Rain. 56/66. More rain. And then, maybe a bit more rain. Now, it’s gone. Wait! It’s back. More rain! Who was the little curly haired girl that sang, “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow”? I hope she’s right about the prediction.

@ibike2havefun Keith, it looks like you’ll have traffic nightmares for a couple of years, at least. At least 6 months for the blame game, 6 months weather delay, 6 months to spread the profits from the steel contract, and finally 6 months to actually build the bridge. Safe travels. Pfffttttt. Just don’t head east Any time soon.


Teddy says, “Hi Y’all”
Good morning. Thanks for the coffee, to whomever made it first, Obo or Keith. Ahhhh….thats better. The first sip, says it all.

Rain. 56/66. More rain. And then, maybe a bit more rain. Now, it’s gone. Wait! It’s back. More rain! Who was the little curly haired girl that sang, “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow”? I hope she’s right about the prediction.

@ibike2havefun Keith, it looks like you’ll have traffic nightmares for a couple of years, at least. At least 6 months for the blame game, 6 months weather delay, 6 months to spread the profits from the steel contract, and finally 6 months to actually build the bridge. Safe travels. Pfffttttt. Just don’t head east Any time soon.


Teddy says, “Hi Y’all”

Happily for me, I only very rarely travel across that bridge. As long as I can avoid going back up to Lansdale PA for a while I also have no reason to travel I-95/I-895 north through the Ft. McHenry or Harbor Tunnels so all should be well enough.

Hi Teddy! Who's a good boy, then?

Overnight, a container ship has crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge , which carries I-695 across the mouth of Baltimore Harbor, causing it to collapse.

And here's real-time footage of the incident, along with the news story about it in USA Today.
Thanks for the coffees, gents. We had full-on winds all night long, woke me up twice, and full-on rain most of the day today, to lull me to sleep. But I must resist. High near 70.
When first I woke and turned on Iheart radio, the Baltimore Bridge crash was what I heard. It's being called a Mass Catastrophe Event, how quaint and sanitized is that?
Yeah, someone's gonna lose their license over this one.
Wonder how long it would take to open a car ferry business? Likely until the bridge is fully repaired, I would guess.
I know it's early, and I'm still on my first cup, so I should proffer cleverness with caution.
Oh, here's one, but it needs a slight edit...

I know family comes first, but shouldn’t that mean after breakfast?
-- Jeff Lindsay

Change the word "breakfast" to "coffee", and Jeff will be closer to the truth.
If you wash today, don't be washed away.
Good morning all, and thanks for the mugful and refill, Obo and Keith!

We have a mix of sun and clouds this morning, but the clouds are getting thicker and the rain will roll in sometime late this afternoon or evening. Yep, It's going to be a soggy move.
0°C/32°F with a feels-like of -6°C/21°F now, going to a high of 13°C/55°F. It'll be even warmer tomorrow, they say. Wet, though.

@ibike2havefun: I read about the bridge collision - what a mess, and what a tragedy, given that there were vehicles crossing it at the time. I suppose the only merciful part of it is that it happened in the wee hours of the morning, when traffic was light. Imagine if it had happened at rush hour! :( Condolences to all affected.

Gotta run - it's down to the crunch now. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, guys.

I saw the news about the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse when I turned on the news, this morning. Those poor workers and drivers...:(

I'm up at Loon Mtn today, using my last day pass.
It's partly sunny and 30, going to the mid-40s.

Enjoy your day,
Bad news for all those on the bridge . Raining a monsoon here for the last hour and no sign of a let up . On the road today to take a friend to the hospital a hour away for ankle checkup after he fell off his roof ,bad break but so far no surgery scheduled . Have a great day everyone and stay safe eh !
Morning all! 5C with some sun, some rain, some 12C to come.

I read about the bridge collapse this morning, horrific for those poor drivers on the bridge. Someone's gonna get a paddlin..... Thoughts and condolences to the families.

Edit: sounds like the ship may have lost power prior to the collision

I see the surgeon today who did the surgery on my knee for the second check up. Hopefully all will go well and I'll get a gold star and lollipop. Other than that, who knows what the day will hold? Other than the dogs demanding breakfast of course, that's a constant.

Hope everyone has a great day!
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Obo. just watched the bridge collapse. what a mess. 42F on the dog walk with a bright moon and a few clouds here and there. the moon light made for a nice walk. will have to see what is on the to do list for the day. right now the list is sleeping. 63F for the high. enjoy the day.

stay safe
Good morning all!
Thanks for the double start @Obo & Keith!

It is a very sad day, thinking of those who lost their lives in such an accident! Having that bridge collapse must have been a terrible way to go for those people! We hear of so many things happening these days, that I believe we are getting calloused to the loss of lives!

Rainy & wet here in Woodstock, currently 42F with a high of 46 and a unruly SSE blow!
Morning all....
Thanks Obo, you da man.

Sunny and cool this morning. Rain later.
No plans today, spent too much money yesterday in the big city. Part of that was to buy goodies for this week.
The wife has put with me being married to her for 26 years come Thursday. So we bought copious quantities of seafood and steaks and other goodnesses. Celebrate for days with how much stuff we hauled home. Next week we join the gym........ o_O :rofl1:

Hope everyone enjoys their Satuesday.
The wife has put with me being married to her for 26 years come Thursday. So we bought copious quantities of seafood and steaks and other goodnesses. Celebrate for days with how much stuff we hauled home.

Peaches, oysters... do you do everything in excess?

Early congrats on 26 years. Guess she's a fan of wayward homely strays?
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