Tuesdays Caff, April 2nd

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
I love Autumnal months, let's have some French Roast and chin wag about it.
It started with a frost and appears to get worse, pffffffftttttt.
The rain has left the fields and roads in a mess, but it is Autumn afterall. Er'Indoors is away to Berwick-upon-the-Tweed for some'at healthy and I'm not. My exercise so far has involved getting the top off an old Danish Oil tin and applying said oil to kitchen chopping boards. Which I'm informed are too nice to chop on. Pffffffftttttt.
I wonder if it comes from Denmark? Enquiring minds need to know.
The rest of the day will probably bob along in a disorganised fashion until my supervisor returns.
Av a gud un and remember, Danish Oil tops don't relent too easily.
Upt and smelling lovely. Pffffffftttttt.
Good morning everyone

Since I'm up anyhow I've brewed a pot of Black Rifle Basic Black for all to enjoy. @Sadlsor will, I am sure, mind his manners and leave at least a little for the other kids but he'll go for (and is welcome to) multiple helpings.

It's a wet early morning here in Rockville, picking up where Monday left off and continuing thus for pretty much the entire day. It's not raining at this precise moment but it has done and will do so again starting around 0700 and lasting at least until this time tomorrow. It's 49°F now, could rise to all of 53. Another beautiful April day here in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S.

I have no idea why I'm awake- I discreetly stopped my caffeine intake around 0900 yesterday so that's not the cause, this time- but as I am I've put the time to good use by applying a second coat of polyurethane to the fronts and bottoms of the drawers of the sewing machine cabinet. I never did get around to assembling any of them yesterday but that's just as well: it's way easier to keep the finish neat and tidy if you put it on before glue-up.

This is my first foray into the world of poly finishes and may well be my last. It stinks (and my shop's not especially well ventilated), takes forever to dry between coats, and never really hardens. I much prefer my old standby of a stain underlying several coats of water-based satin finish clear coat. So much so, in fact, that I may change my plan of doing polyurethane on the main body and top of the cabinet and revert to what I prefer.

The other reason for doing so is more aesthetic than anything else: we don't have any, and don't generally go in for, shiny glossy furnishings. Satin finish would be much more in keeping with the rest of our decor. There: I've talked myself out of polyurethane. Well done, me.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them. Just don't cover them in a polyurethane finish.
Thanks Ray. I've put on a pot as well; when @Mellow wakes up they'll probably be consolidated. [EDIT: he'd already done it by the time I finished this post... nothing gets by our admin, does it?]

Av a gud un and remember, Danish Oil tops don't relent too easily.

No they sure don't. I generally resort to my channel lock pliers to open cans of the stuff I've had sitting around for a while.

I've also found that the stuff will set up in the can if the lid's not put back on really firmly, and when that happens you have a can of waste. There's no recovering it, that I know of.

I really like oil finishes for wood, and Danish oil in particular. Stateside we have the "Watco" brand, among others, and I've used it many times. Comes in a variety of tints as well as "natural" (un-tinted).
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Thanks Ray. I've put on a pot as well; when @Mellow wakes up they'll probably be consolidated. [EDIT: he'd already done it by the time I finished this post... nothing gets by our admin, does it?]

No they sure don't. I generally resort to my channel lock pliers to open cans of the stuff I've had sitting around for a while.

I've also found that the stuff will set up in the can if the lid's not put back on really firmly , and when that happens you have a can of waste. There's no recovering it, that I know of.

I really like oil finishes for wood, and Danish oil in particular. Stateside we have the "Watco" brand, among others, and I've used it many times. Comes in a variety of tints as well as "natural" (un-tinted).
It's a natural finish on nice old maple boards. They must be twenty years old at least. Thanks for the tip on tight tops. I use Danish Oil on the light oak furniture around the place too. I'll check the top
Good Morning Tuesday and the rest of youse guys!
@Mellow that sounds like a lotta work before work! Kudos for your discipline!
It kinda reminds me of a guy I knew who worked in the Battery in NYC:
He'd get up at 3, drive to the bus stop, take the bus to the train, take the train to the City, then take a cab to the office. (ohhhh!)
The coffee's great this morning - thanks for the brewing!
I'll step right up to the pot(s).

Yesterday I worked on some drainage outside, completing the installation of a 4" corrugated pipe about 50' long.
Previously Mr. Tractor assisted me in removing 5 stumps and associated roots. Ecch, what a mess.
Progress is slow harvesting rocks, believe me!

I think I'll set back and enjoy some coffee.

Y'all have a wonderfilled day!

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Ray and Keith.

It's 41 and partly cloudy here in MA this morning, going to 47 as the rain begins this afternoon.
This will be a 3 day storm, apparently, with snow and wind predicted.
The word "Northeaster" has been thrown around.
I'm *SO* glad I put my snowblower and shovels into storage...
I think we're far enough south of the main storm, that we won't see much snow, though

I'm up early, worrying about the kitchen project, again.
We met with another company to discuss their proposal, and I'm not convinced that I like it.
Scope creep was a thing when I was working, and I think I see that here.
The price keeps going up, as well, and convincing Brenda that the budget isn't unlimited is another issue...
She chose this company, and it's the first one that she's met with. I wish she was available for the other 4.

Today, I'll hit the gym, and walk off my frustration, before the rain/snow.
I'll thread the new belt in the mower deck, and think about bringing the snowblower back out of the enclosed trailer, just in case.
Since today is First Tuesday, I'll meet with former coworkers for beers and dinner.

Have a great day,
Good morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray and Keith, I'll just elbow my way in to see if there is any left! Ahhhhhhh, liquid life to the rescue.
Being a bit north of Steve ( @steve3b3 ) the weather here is 31 but forecast to go to 50 under cloudy skies. The real fun starts tomorrow as the snow moves in again. By the time Friday rolls around I could have anywhere between 6 and 18 inches of the white stuff. "They" are saying this batch could be heavier than the last so there could be more power outages.
Be safe, be careful and watch out for falling trees!
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Keith, Ray and for the Mellow blend.

-3C here and clear, headed to +6. Nice to not see the rain, but a bit warmer would be good too. Not complaining, just wishing.

We're supposed to get Steve & Scott's snow Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

That's about all I've got, other than useless nonsense.

Hope everyone has an excellent day!

Yes, Keith and Ray, we have Beyond Black here for sharing and drinking, as well. Thanks both for your contributions to the daily requirement.

Yesterday, naturally, never rained after a brief misting as we drove to work. The drizzle was not in the forecast, and I never even had to turn on the windshield wipers, but I had no way of knowing. But today will be different supposedly, with big water warnings... sometimes ya just don't know till it happens.

Our garbage company hasn't emptied our trash or recycling in 3 pickup days now, meaning almost 2 weeks. Roz is highly perturbed, and keeps asking me why... but I have no insight. I suggested she call Amwaste, but it seems she's not THAT perturbed. Pfffttt.

Poly can be a mess to work with, but can look nice when done properly. I can't recall the last time I used it, probably when I refinished our mahogany front door... it takes a beating in the afternoon sun, and weather's quickly. Reminding me I'm overdue by a couple years, it needs redoing.

I can't dawdle, because I have a 9am meeting with a client today.

However, an email I received has a few quotes from children's books that most of us have read. I read most on the list, but it's been so many decades since then, that I didn't remember a single quote.

I'll share this forgotten one...
Would you like an adventure now … or would you like to have your tea first?
J.M. Barrie, “Peter Pan”
Good morning, all, and thank you muchly for the coffee, Ray and Keith!

It's foggy, overcast and gloomy here this morning, but the afternoon's supposed to be mainly sunny. 0°C/32°F with a windchill of-5°C/23°F right now, going to 9°C/48°F later on.

Yep, I got yer April blizzard right here. Looks like we'll be getting more snow and ick from the impending storm than Scott and Steve, and Atlantic Canada will get even more than we will (sorry, Obo!). I'm just happy...nay, ecstatic, really...that I won't have to clear off/shovel out my car for the first time in 23 years. I kid you not.

Right. Gotta snarf down a bit of breakfast, then get meself to the periodontist (hopefully it's just a follow-up and he doesn't have to open me up again), then run a couple of errands including grocery shopping, then try to hook up my new work computer (which was delivered yesterday) in preparation for my first day of work tomorrow. Lots going on.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

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