Who's REALLY in charge...?

I think the guy is all wet. Remember when being able to drive a 'crash box' (non synchro transmission for you young whippersnappers) was considered the mark of a 'man'? Power steering, auto trans, seat belts were all contentious when introduced - and by contentious, I mean by guys who had learned to drive without these. The black box monitoring by insurance companies is already here...if you consent to being 'followed' the company reduces your insurance premium. I KNOW some folks here have taken advantage of this - well, more correctly, I've read in at least one or two posts that the authors like the reduced premiums. How many of us (STO.com members) have said they want ABS? How many like the DCT's Honda puts on some bikes? The new technologies discussed in the article will be introduced slowly on high end (expensive) bikes and they will win over some riders.

By the time many of the technologies discussed in the article are mature, many of us will no longer be riding and the younger riders who are growing up with cars having lane assist, adaptive cruise, adaptive braking, etc. will see nothing wrong with putting those gadgets on bikes. The only factor that I see that might slow adoption of these technologies might be cost, but that will come down. It is also likely that these changes will take place on electric bikes.

My opinion only.
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