Ete tu Brutus...

May 12, 2020
Muskoka, On Canada
Hello fellow STers. I'm here to confess my sins.
I bought blue.
I have purchased a 2007 FJR 1300.
And I'm not sorry.
I loved my ST1100, but this new bike is like going from a camel to a horse. Both get the job done, but one is more comfortable, beautiful (IMO)and faster.
I have only had occasion to ride the new bike once or twice so far, but I am smitten.
I may be a "traitor " Kiltman, but I must say, it works for me so far.
I'll be looking forward to riding with you all this coming season and I'll see you out there somewhere on the road. Cheers.


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It's a Sport Tourer and this is Sport Tourer Owners . com... what's the problem...

Enjoy your ride. Try not to test out your 'skidlid'.

Random thought. My ST was fast enough for me. How many of us think it's not fast enough? Better q - how many of us use our bikes to their full potential?
shame on you knocking camels little did you know . just google it
Camels and horses both are among the top 10 fastest animals on the planet.
Humans have an impression that camels are dorky, little animals that walk slowly and don’t compete in races. However, this is an entirely false notion. Speed is a strong suit of theirs. Read on to know how fast they can run.
Camels can run as fast as 64km per hour. They have tremendous endurance! Probably the best of all animals at a constant speed. This is why they even compete with horses in a race.
For quite a long time now, camel racing has been a multimillion-dollar industry, especially in Arab countries, where camel races are held to commemorate special occasions. This shows that camels can run really fast
I'll stick to my camel thank you, :headbang: :thumb: :thumb: :rofl1:

Enjoy your ride. Try not to test out your 'skidlid'.

Random thought. My ST was fast enough for me. How many of us think it's not fast enough? Better q - how many of us use our bikes to their full potential?

Well... :biggrin: There's a reason Chevy makes Vette's as well as Spark's. If the Vette is to powerful and you can't drive it to your full potential, get the Spark. :rofl1:

These are your choices to be made, not by others.
Enjoy your ride. Try not to test out your 'skidlid'.

Random thought. My ST was fast enough for me. How many of us think it's not fast enough? Better q - how many of us use our bikes to their full potential?
Ay up me duck.
Yes, interesting random thought.
I read something in a previous life about these modern type bikes with interweb thingymabob connectivity. I think it was Posh Ducati's of some description. The data that was accessible to owners showed they were basically big girls who rarely used much of their bikes potential performance.
I on the other hand, a true dinosaur of a chap use about all of mine, all the blummin time. But of course I cannot produce the data to prove it, or otherwise.
No we are not going to label you a traitor because we all know that we didn't chose to leave Honda. Honda chose to leave us. When the day comes I'll have to move on too.
Wow. Lots of comments from ya'll. It's amazing how much can said while I'm on a 6hr test ride. Lol
First of all, have you ever ridden a camel, not the most pleasant thing to ride. A Vincent is fast too, but you wouldn't want to ride it for 500 miles a day crossing a continent.(well maybe one a Vincent ) Camels will get the job done, but ....
Secondly, I don't think Honda has abandoned us. Just following the money. Everyone now it seems wants to be Borman and McGregor. Although these adventure bikes rarely, if ever, leave the pavement. I had a 500TT and that was a pig in the bush compared to my 250iT. I can't imagine slugging a 1200cc bike through a bush trail or even in mud or sand. I've ridden my 1100 down a snowmobile trail once and that was enough adventure riding for me. ( can confirm Kiltman?)
Honda still makes amazing motorcycles. I rode a F6B at a Mosport track day once and it did an amazing job of keeping up with the crotch rockets.
And finally, if your using 90 percent of your litre bike on the road, you are on the road to purgatory, where you will be judged on the foolishness of riding race speeds on public roads by a much higher power than us. Even a head on with smart car at warp speed is bad, You know our favorite roads are also havens for the slow moving scenic tour types. Here at least, we have idiots stopped just around the blind corner in the middle of the road taking pictures of a moose or squirrel or something else they don't have in the city. Also, speaking of moose...
Track days are the only place to get 100%
Not to say I haven't fractured a speed limit or three
Don't get me wrong, I do like to ride fast...just not at 100% amongst mere mortals.
Congrats on your FJR! Having owned both a 2006 FJR and currently a 2006 ST, I now fully understand what the dealer said to me. . . . . "If you want SPEED AND HANDLING buy the FJR,
but, on the other hand, if you want
Don't get me wrong, the ST is no slouch, but, the FJR is more sport than touring. I do love the low end grunt of the ST. I love both of these bikes the same, but for different reasons. Enjoy! Jevers
Congrats on your FJR! Having owned both a 2006 FJR and currently a 2006 ST, I now fully understand what the dealer said to me. . . . . "If you want SPEED AND HANDLING buy the FJR,
but, on the other hand, if you want
Don't get me wrong, the ST is no slouch, but, the FJR is more sport than touring. I do love the low end grunt of the ST. I love both of these bikes the same, but for different reasons. Enjoy! Jevers
That's what I've been saying. Thank you. Both are amazing in their own way.
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