Are you KIDDING ME? I did what? I DROPPED WHAT?

Bob, don’t feel bad. Dumped mine in a advanced riders course with ten other riders watching!!! Now that was embarrassing!!!

Yeah, I was in an advance course a few years back and was doing about 25mph, so it wasn't a drop, but a self infected accident! I feel the pain! :eek:4:
Very Glad you weren't injured.
I've dumped my ST1300 twice, once in a gas station under stressful circumstances and another time while very fatigued. The gas station one people rushed to help, the other one I was so shocked the adrenaline helped. On my ST1100 I've done it one and a half times. once in driveway where my neighbors helped pick it up and half in the garage where is half fell on my leg but I was able to work it up before a complete fall over. Man those bikes are heavy. Im impressed you had that many miles without! Especially riding daily, thats really the big difference.
And I had plenty of people at the gas station to witness it!

And of course, not ONE person would come over and help me, so I picked it up myself.

Several years ago when my wife was first learning to ride she had a couple of tipovers at intersections. I would get off my bike to help and people would drive around, honk horns and otherwise just be jerks. Not once did someone stop to help or even ask if we were okay. I don't get it.

Now on the other side of the coin, at ArkanSTOC she tipped over and there were hoards of folks that came over to help. Thanks guys.
I dropped my Tiger three times and every time someone came to help me. Happy for it as I could not right that bike on my own whereas I can right STella by myself.

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Nobody helped so that must mean no one really saw it happen. (I didn't see anything.)
To be clear I'm not saying I have never dropped a bike. I have 3 times with my wife on the back..A BMW R1200R in Germany, A V65 Sabre while making a U turn in a parking lot and an XS 650 going down a rutted dirt hill to a camp site. Each time she was able to step off while I had to ride them down lol. I also nearly dropped my CB 1100 in the driveway when I backed it out of the garage and forgot to put the sidestand down and I leaned it over and began to turn away and it started coming over. Luckily I caught it before it laid down and was able to get it back up by myself.

I think dropping them is more frustrating than anything else.
I think dropping them is more frustrating than anything else.

Especially when it could have been prevented by just checking to make sure the sidestand is down! :eek:4:

Thanks for all the encouragement folks! :hat3:

Now if I can keep from repeating this for another 12 years! :rofl1:
Yep, I dropped mine at a four way stop, guess my front wheel was in a rut slightly turned, gave it some gas and bam! Down she went. I was redder than my bike. So embarrassed I just muscled it up and suffered the sore muscles the next day. Lesson learned!
Yup - dropping a big beautiful bike (any bike in fact) is a bummer.

A couple of years ago, I tried a u-turn on a narrow road and my front wheel went a few inches onto the shoulder of the road - which turn out to be relatively soft sand. I was only moving at a walking pace but the bike absolutely stopped and slowly went down on the right side. I got my leg out before any harm occurred - and there was no visible damage to the bike.

I tried to lift her up but the front wheel just kept sliding sideways in the sand. There were three guys sitting on a farmhouse porch watching and they came over and asked if I needed a hand (yup - I sure did) and so the four of us lifted her up and pushed her back onto the pavement.

When I first got my ST1300, someone on this forum said that “when one of these big gals decides to lie down and have a snooze - you'll be hard-pressed to prevent it.â€

They were dead right.
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My first four drops were all solo events, with nobody around to see or help. But they were easy to put back on the wheels.

The last two were more memorable. I dropped it at a gas station where I'd pulled in to make an adjustment to my rig- not at the pumps island. A Harley rider was at the pumps and we struck up a conversation, over a distance of 40 or 50 feet. I decided to reduce the span and started toward him. BAM! Down I went. The other fellow IMMEDIATELY stopped pumping, came over, and uprighted Brutus all on his own, and from the "off" side. He then stayed around chatting until I got the bike started again, to make sure I was okay and good to go. A very decent chap,

The last time was in rural Indiana, where I'd taken a detour to avoid a small but nasty-looking thunderstorm cell. Once I was safely out from under it, I stopped to snap a photo. The shoulder was very soft gravel, and... you got it- as I was duck-walking to get pointed back down the road, the front wheel dropped into the soft stuff and down we went.


I could not get it back up on my own- I was in the ditch and couldn't get a good angle from the low side- but within three minutes no fewer than five carloads of strangers had stopped to help. In seconds everything was restored to order, and within a few more seconds I was once again all alone. Hardly even had a chance to say "Thank You" to all my mystery benefactors.
I had my 1100 for 14+ years and never dropped it. Then did it twice in one season. Slippery pea gravel at a gas station and then wet grass the 2nd time a few months later. A PITA both times, but I survived to ride again.
Hey Bob - hows your back-rib repair/recuperation coming along?

My advice - if you feel better (and I know that we all hope you do) - give it another few days so that you don't re-injure it.

Hey Bob - hows your back-rib repair/recuperation coming along?

My advice - if you feel better (and I know that we all hope you do) - give it another few days so that you don't re-injure it.


Thanks Pete!

It's not healing anywhere near what I think it should be! :eek:4:

Somethings take time, but trust me, I won't be riding anywhere soon before it heals. It just hurts way too much to try. Just sitting on the saddle and leaning on the bars are enough to send me through the ceiling!
That's a crazy stat Bob.. heck, I think I've dropped everything I own more times than that...
Not to brag - but I am kind of with Bob - I've only dropped a bike once before my ST1300 tip-over - and it was intentional. In about 1979, I was coming back into Kingston, ON late one night after being out of town for a week and found two interesting things:

- a street that previously been smoothly paved had been totally dug-up while I was away - and was now covered with very loose gravel;

- the streetlights were totally out on that stretch of road.

I was tooling along on my 1975 Yamaha XS650B and suddenly, I was on loose gravel in the dark - and then some stupid git pulled out of a sidestreet right in front of me - and then he STOPPED. I laid the bike down on the left side and pushed it away as we slid along in the gravel. All I could think was "I hope that old Yamaha goes right through his door and bursts into flames".

Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately) the bike stopped about an inch from the car and I stopped about a foot from the bike. I was lying there sort of dazed and I heard the power window go down and a woman said "Is he alright?" The man (driving) said "I don't know and I don't want to wait for the cops after all the beer I had at the party" - and then the window went up and the front wheels sprayed gravel all over me and the bike as that...person....took off and left me lying alone in middle of the dark street.

In 1979, there were only two large front wheel drive cars sold in North America: the Olds Toronado and the Cadillac Eldorado - and neither were common sights in a small Ontario city. So, I spent the next few weeks looking for one of those cars and the...person driving it. Fortunately for that driver, I never found it. Anyhow, I picked myself up, dusted myself off and got going again with just a little road-rash on me and my bike to show for the encounter.
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In the 46+ years I've been riding, and before the ST1300s came along I have dropped a couple of bikes...

My very first was riding my '71 50cc in a parking lot at work during the first rain of the season (and first rain for me on a bike) I was doing about 10mph when I hit an oil spot and the bike and I slid a ways.

Second drop wasn't really a drop, I was on my '72 250 Yamaha, playing around in a old parking lot (had plenty of gravel), hit the rear brake @ about 5mph and the rear tire broke free and I laid it down gently.

My third drop was around 1984, when I was parking my '83 650 Nighthawk. Put the side stand down, walked away only to hear a crash behind me. It bent my handlebars and some other minor damage, but after that I pretty much put it on the centerstand.

So, overall, I think I've done pretty good about, not dropping bikes! :D
Well, I've joined the ST1300 drop club, in the garage, almost taking out the Electra Glide in the process. More like 36 miles then 360000, I had just returned from the first ride around the country block, after I had received it from CA via HaulBikes. Such a happy followed quickly by such an oh crap moment as I tried to lay it down SLOWLY on the crash bars, resulting in a very knee cap shaped dent on the top of the tank. Oh well, that and the HD make two. And though grateful they were both in the garage, there's a special kinda humility with that comes along with having to take the dive there.
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