Free offline or old cell phone GPS apps


Oct 22, 2019
East Coast Canada
'03 ST1300A
For anyone looking for a GPS app to run on a cell phone, but not use any data I've run across 2 worth looking at. They will also run on an old non active phone as long as it has a built in GPS.

Currently running them on iphones, one newer iphone11 and one on an old iphone SE, but both apps run on IOS and Android.

For both you have to download the maps from wifi or data but can run them in no data, offline or airplane modes.

The 2 apps are OsmAnd Maps & HERE WEGo

Both are free, but offer paid options. OsmAnd Maps allows you to download 10 maps for free. Maps for North America are by province or state.

So, if you are looking for a backup GPS option, a free basic GPS or want to convert an old cell phone over for use as a GPS then check these out.

Happy travels!
I run Osmand+ on a Kyocera Duroforce Pro as a backup, and to compare with my Garmin 595. I bought the full version (IIRC about $10) Phone has a glove-friendly touch screen and is weather resistant.
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