Happy Monday March 25th - Coffee's hot!

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
Good Morning All!
Open your eyes and pour in the juice!
The coffee's hot and ready for morning imbibations.....
Grab the mug next to the jug and give the handle a tug!

Cold here on the ranch this morning. 38F's IS cold to us NC'ers ya know.
I expect to remain in this seat until the temps rise a bit more before I crank up Mr. Tractor. No point rushing into things...
The moon is big and bright this morning and the sky is clear. Good for meditations.

Dinner was a lot of fun last night and now my friend will be bacheloring as am I.
His wife is going out of town so I guess we'll commiserate over our current building projects.
He's building an additional room (sun porch) on his house along with a 35' deck. Lovely so far- what great talent!

So git on with yer day and Y'all have a wonduhfill day!

Good morning, everyone. TGIM said no one, ever. Thanks for the coffee, Nick.

Strange weather, today. Starting off clear and 56. Headed to 63 for the high, but the strange part begins around mid-day with a wind advisory. Pfffffttttttt. From noon, until tomorrow morning, sustained winds will be 20-30 MPH, with gusts to 50. Pfffttt…..Sounds like Wooler weather.

Yesterday was mowing and weed whacking day, as the gardener had the day off. Today is laundry day. The maid called in sick.

Gotta run. The dog ain’t gonna feed himself. The dog minder didn’t show up, either. Good help is hard to find.

Morning all and thanks for the coffee Nick,

A chilly one here this morning at -4, but should see +6 later on. Good for making maple syrup. You want that up and down sap flows that happen with warm days and cold nights.

Still lots of road closures here, washed out roads, shoulders and frozen messes where the road lakes are. Remnants of Saturday's storm that locally switched from snow to rain. Travel a few hours West of here and they got over a foot of snow. A few thousand lost power.


Here's how it should look.


Hope everyone has an excellent Monday!
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the bean juice Nick. It's tasty and even better with good company.



Yowza @Obo! That's some serious washing-out.

It's 33°F, clear, and calm in Rockville- the vapor from the neighbor's furnace is drifting lazily out the top of the flue, rather than being blown horizontally as it has for the past few days. We'll get to a high of maybe 56 later on, with sun expected all day.

More hanging out today, and a bit of shop time is probable. I threw in the sponge yesterday on the thought of making the sewing center drawers from the leftover plywood, and bought a selection of 1/2" oak and clear pine "project wood" boards from the big box home improvement store yesterday. One piece has already been consumed in testing and practice but the results look promising. After re-re-re-reading the setup instructions for my dovetail / box joint router jig I finally found my mistake. Once corrected things came together nicely and produced an acceptable result. I'll practice again just to be sure, then it'll be time to go into production mode.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Nick.

It's sunny and 29, going to 43, later.

Yesterday was a lazy day, except for a walk.
We watched a bit of racing on the TV and went to dinner at our local Chinese place.

Today, I'll head to the gym, maybe walk, and do whatever else needs doing.

Enjoy the day,
Morning, folks. Thanks, Nick. Folders not yet flowing at The CattHouse.

Extra baking day here as Danni had to redo a project: Challah. (It’s an Eastern European Jewish thing. ) Also made meringue cookies for her Easter Sunday church group. (I don't celebrate religious holidays but I do consume the goodies. :D)

Some work on the VW yesterday and a couple parts ordered. It needs a name.

STerling restart today. Weather doesn't seem like it, but it's spring. 51 to 64 with 75% chance. Uh, maybe it really is spring, flowers are up and grass is growing.

As always, CAREFUL ON THE ROAD!!!!
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Thx for a poetic coffee startup Mr Nick!

Last fine day for a while it seems.
Started the day with washing my daughters Volvo. Badly needed, inside too…..
There’s a walk and some cooking on the list.

Have a good one!

From yesterdays walk….IMG_3134.jpeg
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Nick!
Brrr, I’m missing that Florida weather this morning!
We’re headed out (as soon as it warms a bit) to cut the ornamental Japanese Ewes from the front of the house, they’re overgrown and some are almost as high as the house. I’m thinking to cut them off about at about 4’, that will let them fill back in.

Currently 28F todays high is 54 with an ESE blow to keep the hired hand nice & cool while he works!
You all know him, he works without breaks & food, very little pay, ignores pain, insects & bad weather.
He enjoys a little praise & doesn’t like criticism at all! He also enjoys a spirited ride on his motorcycle!
Enjoy your Monday!
Thanks Nick, cloudy and windy today, wind advisory and rain later tonight with nicer weather after tonight, through Easter.

Had a good ride around the Tuscaloosa countryside yesterday, on the GSA. Haven't had a recreational ride in too long a while, just going to work and doing errands... but at least it's riding.

In 1824, Thomas Jefferson deemed coffee the world’s “favorite beverage.” It had been a long journey for the humble coffee bean and its associated drink, but it had finally reached a point of almost universal acceptance.

The powers of a man’s mind are directly proportioned to the quantity of coffee he drinks.
Sir James Mackintosh

With that quote in mind, and I've only had one cup of coffee, I shall not be able to improve upon that thought at the moment. Good day.
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee, Nick!

It's another gorgeous, sunny day in Montreal; cold this morning, much milder this afternoon, much like in Obo's neighbourhood. -3°C/27°F (windchill -7°C/19°F) now, 8°C/46°F with very little wind later. It will warm up steadily over the next few days, but it looks like I'll be moving in the rain. Oh, well, it's better than a snowstorm!

Gotta fly. Everyone have a great day, stay safe, go safely. Later, gators.

Morning alll! It's 7C and cloudy right now. We'll add some rain and 10C later.

Those are some wild pics Obo, I hope that's the end of the devastation for a while even with the additional rain coming.

Went clothes shopping yesterday and it was as I feared. The expansion around my middle has resulted in jumping a couple sizes up. I bought the bare minimum to get by with and resolved to start working in earnest on the reduction scheme. Course, I had to have dessert last night while I mulled over the finer details. This may be somewhat trickier than first thought..... In keeping with the appearance theme, I have to go get a haircut this morning to trim my shaggy locks. I've let them grow long, likely more out of procrastination than anything, and they need to be hacked back prior to starting the new job. Figure I'll show up fresh faced for the first couple of weeks and then when settled in let it all go back to the wild :D.

Hope everyone has a great day!
good morning all. thanks Nick for the coffee. 41F on the dog walk. cloudy with a big moon hiding behind them. the clouds would part here and there to let the moon show itself. so all in all it was a good walk. we went to Coolidge yesterday morning for dog training and I was a jacket short. wife said take your jacket. I said my sweatshirt will be fine. again she was right and I was wrong. I had to go sit in the car at times to get out of the wind. make that mistake again? I think not. today is gym time this morning than we will see how the day plays out. enjoy the day

stay safe
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Nick,

A chilly one here this morning at -4, but should see +6 later on. Good for making maple syrup. You want that up and down sap flows that happen with warm days and cold nights.

Still lots of road closures here, washed out roads, shoulders and frozen messes where the road lakes are. Remnants of Saturday's storm that locally switched from snow to rain. Travel a few hours West of here and they got over a foot of snow. A few thousand lost power.


Here's how it should look.


Hope everyone has an excellent Monday!

My bad! That’s a lot of devastation @Obo !
Surprised there wasn’t a vehicle it it as most wouldn’t take time to see how bad it actually is before meandering through!

Old lazy bones is on his third truckload of tree parts to landfill! Miss Judy even helped with one load!
The bin arrived about 8:30, so there’s that to fill with treasures!
Enjoy your Monday!
Morning Nick & All from mixed clouds and Sun, in Southern Utah!

Currently it is 35F, heading for a high of 48F, with still more threats of snow/rain. The winds are blowing from the north @ 5 mph. Later we could see them from the NNW @ 9 to 13mph.

We got hit several times yesterday with snow and rain, some of the snow is still sticking around, but with the Sun keep popping out, that will be gone soon. But it means it's too muddy to go out and try to continue my front wall today, maybe for the rest of the week. :well1:

Hey @nicksacco, I responded to your question about my French drains.

Fried eggs, bacon, toast & OJ for the morning start. Pepsi to come later!

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
My bad! That’s a lot of devastation @Obo !
Surprised there wasn’t a vehicle it it as most wouldn’t take time to see how bad it actually is before meandering through!

Old lazy bones is on his third truckload of tree parts to landfill! Miss Judy even helped with one load!
The bin arrived about 8:30, so there’s that to fill with treasures!
Enjoy your Monday!

That job is finished & tidied up!
I’ll take a wee breather & start on the bin later.
So I had to drive 5 hours to find that stuff you call snow last weekend at Convict lake.
We had to snow shoe up a thousand vertical feet to get to the top of the ridge.
So that about 200 folks could spread out and demonstrate Snow and Ice rescue skills for the MRA recert.



fun time was had by all, one member per team got to be lowered down the hill...
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