How to update Garmin maps (For the Macintosh User)


Feb 19, 2006
After constantly having to re-learn the counter-intuitive, and failing process of installing maps to my Mac and Zumo every time there's a map update, I decided to write my step-by-step down.

I figured I'd share it here since map updates on the Mac are not only confusing, but the "simple" methods and applications offered by Garmin don't allow you to install to an SD, which, is the only place you can install them.

The attached summary is the only way I've been able to successfully update maps on my Mac and Zumo every time. It's a tedious process, but it's stable, and it works every time.

If some of you have had success in other ways, or find something I've overlooked, please let me know.

View attachment HowToUpdateGarminMaps.pdf

Thank you for doing this! Every time I get an update I have to try to remember which hoops I have to jump through. This will save much wailing and gnashing of teeth in the furture! :bow1:
Put me in the wailing and gnashing corner too, Bill. My continual frustration had me avoiding map updates entirely. I'm shocked at how awful the process is, and how little clear instruction there is on the internet.
Thanks for putting this together, Erik. I was just getting ready to update my maps. After more than 4 years I've noticed more than a few road changes, but hadn't gotten around to the update. And now with another big trip right around the corner, I've got to wrestle through it but was dreading it big time. Especially with everything i've read about how confusing it is. Thanks for the help!
Thanks for putting this together, Erik. I was just getting ready to update my maps. After more than 4 years I've noticed more than a few road changes, but hadn't gotten around to the update. And now with another big trip right around the corner, I've got to wrestle through it but was dreading it big time. Especially with everything i've read about how confusing it is. Thanks for the help!

There are many rally purists who refuse to update their maps, and tend to stick with the data set from 2009 or earlier.

The reason for this is that the company filling the map data for Garmin, or Garmin themselves, have begun to add more information pertaining to businesses, restaurants, entertainment, etc. This has come at the expense, they believe, of pulling smaller towns and roads off the map to make up for space.

I haven't been able to verify this myself, but I've regularly kept up with the map updates on my Zumo, and can attest that every update has resulted in poorer routing, IMO. YMMV.

Thanks for taking the time and posting. I think that all the customers do a lot of R & D for Garmin.

I also connect the computer to my router with a hard wire and turn of the sleep function for both the computer and screen.

There are many rally purists who refuse to update their maps, and tend to stick with the data set from 2009 or earlier.

The reason for this is that the company filling the map data for Garmin, or Garmin themselves, have begun to add more information pertaining to businesses, restaurants, entertainment, etc. This has come at the expense, they believe, of pulling smaller towns and roads off the map to make up for space.

I haven't been able to verify this myself, but I've regularly kept up with the map updates on my Zumo, and can attest that every update has resulted in poorer routing, IMO. YMMV.

That is why I run reduced mapsets like what you did in your directions. I only load the areas that I need in order to conserve space. This way I can have more than one mapset on a GPS at a time and switch as needed by going into the settings menu on the Garmin.

Another thing to check when you are done is your routes. I won't say this is always an issue but in the past I have had issues with routes that were created with older mapsets and then used on newer ones. So after an update try and load your routes on your Garmin. If they won't work you will have to go back into mapsource or basecamp and recompile them using the new mapset as pointed out. You don't want to get caught on the road wanting to use a favorite route only to find that it won't load because you upgraded your device. It is kind of hit and miss if this is an issue or not so just be aware of it and test them before your trip.
What is the minimum SD card capacity for just the U.S.?

I use an 8G SD card, which is oodles of space. It's also the maximum that Garmin will officially support in the Zumo 550, but many report success with larger cards. To answer your question... I'm betting you could fit the entire US on a 4G card with room to spare, but with prices on 8G so low, you may as well just order one of those instead, and leave yourself plenty of space for other stuff like MP3 files, waypoints, photos, etc.

can I please make a donation to your favorite charity...(like you maybe) ?

My favorite charity is me, and I prefer my payment in units of pie. We'll assume a slice of pie has an exchange rate of $2 per slice, but I consider a proper slice of pie to be a quarter of the entire pie. Therefore, if you would ordinarily make a $8 donation, that would be an entire pie. A $4 donation would be a half-a-pie.
I use an 8G SD card, which is oodles of space. It's also the maximum that Garmin will officially support in the Zumo 550, but many report success with larger cards. To answer your question... I'm betting you could fit the entire US on a 4G card with room to spare, but with prices on 8G so low, you may as well just order one of those instead, and leave yourself plenty of space for other stuff like MP3 files, waypoints, photos, etc.
I have a 16GB card with no issues in my 550 but it is way overkill. Keep in mind that you can only have up to 1000 MP3s. I have been considering going back down to a 8GB card and use the 16 in other applications as there is so much wasted space.
My favorite charity is me, and I prefer my payment in units of pie. We'll assume a slice of pie has an exchange rate of $2 per slice, but I consider a proper slice of pie to be a quarter of the entire pie. Therefore, if you would ordinarily make a $8 donation, that would be an entire pie. A $4 donation would be a half-a-pie.

Pie or in your case a MAP sensor might be nice. ;)
When i went to up load my life time update the tech at garmin must of felt sorry for me and took over my computer and did it from his end.

This, of course, is easier than anything I can come up with!

I have a feeling that the Garmin techs are up to their ears in requests for assistance with this, which further causes me to scratch my head and wonder why Garmin can't seem to simplify the process as time goes by. Garmin's techs, incidentally, have always been first rate when I've talked to them.
wow, all of this talk is making me want to stick with my old map and a quick glance up at the north star. Just think how much more money I'd have for pie on the trip!! :pie1:
I got 'em installed.......what a long, drawn-out affair. Sheesh!! Thanks a million EASt---would have been a nightmare without your tutorial.
I got 'em installed.......what a long, drawn-out affair. Sheesh!! Thanks a million EASt---would have been a nightmare without your tutorial.

Awesome! It worked! Thanks for the feedback! Great job.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wanted to add that I used a 4gig card with about 150 songs on it. It held all of North America and the songs. I checked my routes and favorites and could not find any changes or problems. Also switched Basecamp to the new maps. All seems to work as it should. Thanks again EASt.
Wanted to add that I used a 4gig card with about 150 songs on it. It held all of North America and the songs. I checked my routes and favorites and could not find any changes or problems. Also switched Basecamp to the new maps. All seems to work as it should. Thanks again EASt.

When I had the route issue it wouldn't even load it. Like I said it doesn't happen all the time but it has happened. If I recall it was when I went from the really old maps to the newer ones. 2009 or older to 2011. Maybe it was too much of a jump or the roads were updated with changes that screwed it up so it didn't line up anymore.
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