Article [13] ST1300 - Affordable Lower Cowl Replacement it turns out...with the cuts in budgets..The City of Fillmore had to cut my Motor position and I continued to store the Motor at my house. The City of Thousand Oaks needed to replace 2 Motor Officers that were rolled out. I was asked if I wanted to come over there to work. They needed to replace a BMW that had miled out (85,000) so I brokered a deal with both cities to let me still ride the Honda. A lucky break on my part and a deal for both cities. I am now working for the contract city of Thousand Oaks. I was told the Honda would have to last me 3 years...what a laugh...I said it's a Honda it'll last as long as I need it to.
Before you jump to the wrong conclusion...If the City were to replace the lower cowling they would have to use original equipment...since I replaced the cowling myself I spent $60.00 for my personal satisfaction..
Glad to see an ST1300 staying in service, congrats!!!
We will see what happens in 3 years. I was told the Honda needs to last that long..which I laughed at ...after all its a Honda...I am hoping they "City of Thousand Oaks" will buy another one...I only like the BMW during our cone training...for day to day ..I really like the ST so we will see what happens in the future...
On a separate note...If any of youall see me around on the ST..don't be scared to waive HI...I will return the waive...If you want to see what mods I have done..I wil occsionally take a break at "The Oaks Cigar Store"...stop in and hang out..burn one..I may be there after awile in the later afternoon..
Hello Guys,
I just did this Mod on my 2009 ST1300P. I went over a curb behind a BMW during training and cracked the left lower cowl. I was told.."nobody will notice, so we "the City" won't pay $250.00 to replace it" .. I told my SGT "I would notice" and took care of the problem myself. It worked great.
On that picture it looks like you have something that has moved your key switch up to handlebar hight, is that right? If so closer pic's please.
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