Sunday, March 17th coffee and chat


Oct 22, 2019
East Coast Canada
'03 ST1300A
Happy Sunday all. I've been tossing for a bit and thought "Who really need's a pot of French roast anyways?" Then quickly thought "Well, YOU do!", so here you go.


I've also found some Canadian back bacon (baked in the oven with a touch of brown sugar drizzle) and some homemade mini egg bakes. They are just eggs, a touch of butter, black pepper, chives and milk, whisked to a delightful level of froth, then poured into mini muffin pans and thrown in the oven with the bacon to rise and become delicately delicious. Thin toast with butter and optional "just raspberry" & "just apple" preserves round out the meal. If you wanted pure maple syrup there's still some left of last years cache around. (My brother in law's family has a sugar bush up Woodstock way.)

Weather here is a rainy +3C, but it's still dark out other than the streetlights glow. It's supposed to stay cloudy all day, remain about the same temps but cease the rain.

That's about all from the land of Obo that's interesting, which is kind of low on the exciting scale. No tractors, no jumpy up and down things, no walks by the water, skiing, moving dirt now that there's motorcycle space, no Crown secret squirrel stuff, no shooting at the range, no funny comics.... just a quiet sort of peacefulness that I guess I should be grateful for.

Hope everyone has the darned best Sunday they can have!

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Good Morning Wakeys!
Man, that's some treat this morning @Obo - thank you. *gulp* oh, yeah.

Weather here on the Piedmont looks to be fair. I might get outside today and work on the heat pump.
I'm installing a soft start - that item purportedly extends the life of the compressor and reduces electrical usage.
Wow, but does it make sugar-drizzled bacon? I think not!

This evening is dinner with some friends celebrating green beer and corned beef.
I guess I'll force myself to have fun... ;)

Meantime I'm drawing up some plans for flower beds and other things around the house with my pal, Mr. Tractor.

Y'all have a wonduh filled day!

And speaking of Electric Mayhem (and no, my power is OK, thanks for asking) who here knows all of the names of the Muppet band members?


And for 500 bonus points, did you know they were created after REAL musicians??

For an extra 1000 points, and free coffee club coffee for life, do you know which real musicians?

Don't worry if you don't know, I'll post the answer below as a spoiler so you still have time to guess.

Free coffee will still be available for all as a constipation err consolation prize.

Ta me duck, there's a lot going on in left side paradise.
I'll leave the breakfast for others, I'm already indulged. I usually am.
There'll be no tractorin, jumpin or cookin here either. But there may be some walkin. Pffffffftttttt.
Oh there may be some cleanin too. That's a big Pffffffftttttt.
Yesterdays switch from Ionisation to Optical smoke detection was as described, an "Easy switch due to compatible bases", well I never. After the battery set up procedure was followed the mains took over and we are now optically protected. Pffffffftttttt. The only reason they were changed was the old ones were date stamped for April 24, First world problems.
Av a gud un and remember, check your dates.
:think1:, a few eggs wouldn't hurt, and bacon is basically health food.....go on then me o'd mucka.

where is the Northumberland resident?

Up since about 0530hrs local, already 1030hrs now...
About 13°C, partially cloudy with rays of sun piercing, a slight breeze, flowers are blooming, the first insects buzzing around...
Had some piece and quiet time between 0530 and 0730... slurped two cups Cappriccio in total serenity...
Cause ze GF has the grand-kid for a sleepover, and the ways today's young are bought up are kind of a challenge for an "old fella on the porch" like me... ;)
Possible that the 5 year old girl kinda hates me, after all I seem to be the only grownup know to her who actually says the word "no!"...
a total surprising, new experience for that brat.. ;)
You should see the first astonished, quickly changing to "Weltschmerz" look she gives when I simply deny that things like stepping on the open dishwasher door to reach up on the counter is a good idea... :crackup:
Someone said "no!" what a drama... apparently she never gets that at her home, or any "rules" for that matter... hard not to laugh at her reactions though... :biggrin:

So the "family breakfast" was unruly as expected... the kid has bumblebees in her arse, can't sit still, can't make up her mind on what to eat, what to drink, always want to be in the center of everyone's attention... herding cats seems like a breeze to that... :cool:
Thankfully my GF and and are in full sync on what she can and what she cannot do around here... which eases things tremendously... obviously providing another new lesson for the kid: she can't drive a wedge between the grownups in charge... hmm, how come, how to circumvent that...

Anyway, they took off for some granny - grand-kid quality time at an adventure park, the bread-maker beeped, so I'm about to claw that car-battery sized scolding hot lump out the Teflon coated bucket... oven-mittens on standby... wish me luck...

have a good one!
Thx Mr Obo!
I love those long and healthy breakfasts.

Flight with the old bat was delayed, of coarse it was, I got home in the middle of the night.

Mrs Stu is on the mend today, so I think I’ll go for a walk, and take a proper dadirri.
But first more coffee, should be illegal to be hungover when you’ve had nought to drink but Pepsi…pffft!

Have a good one!

From the nearly summer archives (may 5th)
Morning all! Such much food and activity! Dark and 9C right now at 3:45 am. The glorious weather will continue later with sun and 16C later.

Got the dogs out yesterday to the off leash for the first time since my surgery in January. It was beautiful weather and everyone had a great time. Amazing what a little time outside in a pastoral setting will do for your soul. In fact, there may be a repeat later today....

But first, a nap!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good morning, everyone. Thanks for coffee and breakfast, Obo.

Still dark, and 52. Expecting a cloudy 59 for the high. More work on the garage project today. The ceiling and walls are finished, except for a couple of trim pieces. Next, is deciding where to store everything.

Here’s a teaser picture of one corner.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Obo.

It's raining and 43 in MA this morning, but the rain will stop by afternoon and the temp will rise to 55.

We did some shopping, yesterday, but I never got out for a walk.
The potential contractor came over, and we discussed the project. They'll get back with a proposal in a week or two.
Brenda and I were having a "discussion" about the kitchen design, since the potential contractor is going to take another swipe at the problem in their proposal. She thinks that I'm rigidly set on the HD design and cabinets. My take is that replacing the cabinets and appliances where they were, or the new design are acceptable. I'm open to tweaks and am willing to see what they propose, but don't want analysis-paralysis. Using their proposed cabinet people also seems redundant, even at a slightly lower cost. It will eventually get sorted out...

Today, I'll do some work in the basement, and Brenda will cook our St Patrick's day corned beef and cabbage dinner.

Enjoy the day,
Thanks for the morning coffee Ray, I mean Keith, I mean @Obo.
Yes, you're correct, this is my first cup. What are those egg things again? I may have to try one.
Finally got a big thing off my to do list yesterday, took Roz to a far- flung furniture store so she could look at more sofas. Been dreading it for a good while, even though I knew it wood have to happen eventually.
I should be glad, maybe, that she wants my input, but it's not my jam. Just get what you want, okay? I mean, that's what I do with motorcycles, the only difference is that I'll sit on a sofa, but she won't sit on a motorcycle.
At least it's done, but we should have gone today because it's gonna rain all day, and I could have ridden yesterday.
Yesterday morning's men's breakfast was good, filled with all kinds of manly foods like scrambled eggs, grits, bacon and sausage, and lots of coffee. And no salads.
Back to church now for the video switching, not much else going on except the cold rain. Warm sun to follow, but I don't know when.
Be careful in the mud, if you've got it.
I might get outside today and work on the heat pump.
I'm installing a soft start - that item purportedly extends the life of the compressor and reduces electrical usage.
Still got fix-speed units there?!
Over here all digital-Inverter, silently humming along, LRA's are a thing of the past..
Sure, top o' the mornin' and fiddle dee dee potaytoes to the lot o' yez. Go raibh mile maith agat for the coffee and yummy breakfast, Obo! If anyone's interested, that means "A thousand thank yous" in Irish and is pronounced "go rave meela ma-h-a gut." The "t" in "gut" is followed by a very soft "sh" sound, but there isn't really any way of transcribing that.

Here's another bit of trivia for you, and you read it here first, folks: Montreal's is the longest-running St. Patrick's Day Parade in North America. Only one thing has ever interrupted it, and that was the pandemic. It has been held in rain, sleet, blizzards and bitter cold, and this 192nd version is no exception; it will take place as scheduled today. However, I suspect there will be a number of soggy, very grumpy leprechauns on hand and the Irish dancers might catch a bit of a chill up on that float. I, sensible lass that I am, will stay warm and home.

Yep, it's a soggy one. Contrary to many previous St. Paddy's days, it isn't bitterly cold...however, it is chilly enough to get you shivering if you're standing around. Rain pretty much all day, with temps ranging from 4°C/39°F (feels like 0°C/32°F) to 8°C/46°F (feels like 5°C/41°F).

I knew Keith Moon was the inspiration for Animal, but I'd forgotten who the rest of them were. Cool!

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely. And don't bother looking for the pot of's been rained out.

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good morning all. thanks for the coffee Obo. 41F on the dog walk with few clouds and a lot of stars to enjoy. Mr. Moon was some where but I couldn't find him. we will do dog training up in Coolidge this morning, in fact we will be headed out in 30 minutes. nothing planed for when we get home, well maybe a nap. the high should see 65F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the morning coffee Ray, I mean Keith, I mean @Obo.

Heh heh heh. Thanks for the coffee and breakfast @Obo, it'll go right well with the assorted leftovers from yesterday's banquets here at the House o' Fun. But beverage-wise I'm going to have having had a couple mimosas. They aren't green but they're alcoholic so they're still appropriate for Worldwide Kiss-Me-I'm-Irish Day, yes?

Well, I got Dr. John anyways...

And I had Janis too. Wouldn't have ever figured Zoot, nor probably either Keith Moon nor John Lennon for the others.

Here’s a teaser picture of one corner.

Looking good, John.

It's a cloudy 54°F in Rockville, following a spectacular spring day in the DC area yesterday. (More on that in a moment...) It's suppose to clear off and be mostly sunny by early afternoon, reaching a high around 64 with tree pollen counts in the zillion-plus per cubic micron of air range.

The Charlottesville niece and her husband will head back south this afternoon, but the Chicago-area nephew and his mother (Mrs. Fun's locally-based sister) will remain until midday tomorrow.

Yesterday was a day of low and high drama. The fun began when we all piled onto the Metro, headed for our "donut tour" in DC. Shortly after the Metro car doors slammed shut I checked the projected arrival time at our destination and discovered... we'd never make it in time, due to track closures for maintenance and the resulting shuttle-bus delays. Uber XL came to our rescue, depositing us where we needed to be just seconds after our planned arrival. Whew! First crisis averted.

We enjoyed the walking tour, picking up various and sundry bits of historical fact along the way. It was a simply marvelous day to be outdoors: bright sun in a cloudless sky, dry clear air, not a lot of wind. There were of course scads of other people out and milling about but it was all good, and we indulged in four or five donut stops featuring, on average, four to five varieties per stop (the guide cut the donuts into bite-size morsels at each place, so nobody had to try to eat a dozen entire donuts... phew!).

The Embassy of Mexico combines an historic building (oldest remaining residence in DC, I think) with more modern infrastructure built around it.

The Renwick Gallery, once a private art collection, is now part of the Smithsonian and inhabits this classic pile:

Blair House, across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House, is used to host visiting dignitaries. The Irish flag is out because both leaders from Ireland are in town for St. Patrick's Day. Presumably they're in separate rooms, if not on separate floors.

Some of DC's older buildings are quite attractive.

This historic church is now surrounded, and dwarfed, by modern neighbors crowding in on three sides.

This was NOT one of the stops on our tour.

This ultra-modern upscale retail/office/residential area is all in on the Cherry Blossom happenings.

The National Association of Realtors are in this building, which from this angle reminds me inescapably of an Art Deco drawing of the prow of an ocean liner.

Following the tour proper we worked our way over to the National Memorial to Japanese American Patriotism During World War II, the memorial to which all of Mrs. Fun's family has a direct connection (her parents were incarcerated along with 125,000 other U.S. citizens of Japanese descent- including over 60,000 children- despite a complete lack of evidence that any of them were anything other than loyal Americans or a threat to national security).

Mrs. Fun points out features of the Memorial to her sister and niece.

The NPS finally fixed the water circulation system so it was operating yesterday. It really adds to the place.

And of course, cherry blossoms!



After visiting the Memorial we walked over to Union Station to catch the Metro back home. At the first stop Mrs. Fun did a search and realized she'd lost her phone. Oh nooooooo!

She jumped out at the next station to go look for it but none of the rest of us thought fast enough to accompany her, meaning there was no way to contact her later when a family of kind strangers (God bless them!) from Kansas City KS called my phone to tell me they had hers and arrange a pickup meeting to hand it back. All went smoothly, and I had possession within a half hour. Final crisis ended, successfully.

Mrs. Fun, the rest of the group, and I all arrived at home within seconds of one another despite the three separate travel itineraries. I made pizza, we ate ourselves into food comas as we collectively let off the day's built-up stress, and we all went to bed.

The coffee I had at the start of the donut tour came back to haunt me, in the form of wide-awake wakefulness around 0100 hours this morning, so I got up and set about mounting the top of the sewing machine cabinet to the base. There will be photos later today but you've already plowed through enough for now.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
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